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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. She was, and as soon as she was identified they questioned the husband
  2. And how were they suppose to know who her former husband was? When the body was first identified as being from South East Asia they made appeals to embassies, but nothing came up. They didn't know until the family came forward in 2019 to say their daughter was missing and they did DNA tests. Then they contacted the husband. It is really easy to look this case up and see the timeline of the investigation
  3. Sure, they just sat around for 4 years and did nothing, does that make you feel better?
  4. Oh look https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/jul/13/police-seek-to-identify-woman-found-dead-in-yorkshire-dales-in-2014
  5. It is not difficult https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Lamduan_Armitage
  6. They have already done phase 3 trials, and of course they are ongoing, they will always monitor and study what the vaccines are doing in the real world, that is how all vaccine development works https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/human-regulatory/overview/public-health-threats/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/treatments-vaccines/vaccines-covid-19/covid-19-vaccines-development-evaluation-approval-monitoring
  7. Well if you lot keep on being so cliched, I guess it will keep on being used... what do we call you, 'triggered'?
  8. And again, you just show how you don't understand things, well done.
  9. Again, I mean do I have to keep repeating this - V A R I A N T S - well know about and why there is now a bivariant booster. I know, your feels, vaccines bad and all that rubbish, but vaccines have saved countless lives and stopped healthcare systems from being overrun. Because the data clearly shows that if you are vaccinated, even if you get Omicron you have a really good chance of beating it with no major health issues. Sorry, facts don't care about your feels
  10. again, variants and how many shots have they taken? And the data shows otherwise, i have linked to some.
  11. Absolute rubbish - covid vaccines are very safe. Any myocarditis that does occur, and it is extremely rare, is the mild kind that you recover from, unlike covid which can give you serious myocarditis - you do know there are two types, right? There is a ton of safety data and they are still being monitored, to say they are not is just a flat out lie. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056135 https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/human-regulatory/overview/public-health-threats/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/treatments-vaccines/vaccines-covid-19/safety-covid-19-vaccines
  12. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-deaths-by-vaccination
  13. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2796235?guestAccessKey=b5fa1eb3-0d40-4ef4-bdce-0bd40db52d45&utm_source=silverchair&utm_campaign=jama_network&utm_content=covid_weekly_highlights&utm_medium=email
  14. So a graph is everything? Again, variants - if you have new variants coming in, a variant that is more infectious than the last one, then it is likely everyone has a chance of getting it, vaccinated or not (again, the original vaccine was against another variant)., To restate that very clear fact, if most of the population is vaccinated against the first variant, guess who is going to be most represented in infections of the new variant? Again, vaccines massively reduce the chances of getting serious health complications or death. You don't get the whole picture from a graph, and you clearly don't understand how vaccines work.
  15. Not heard of variants? If most of your population is vaccinated against a variant and another variant comes a long (Omicron for example) then people are going to get infected with the new one, as most are vaccinated against Delta. What anti-vaxers do is then jump to the idiotic conclusion that "the more you vaccinate, the higher the risk of infection". Why do you think the bivariant booster was developed? Also, even if you do get covid, the vaccines dramatically reduce the risks of you developing serious illness from the infection - that is how vaccines work. Take the polio vaccine, you can still get infected after taking it, but you are very well protected from developing serious illness and paralysis.
  16. tell you what, why don't you tell her that, I am sure she will be pleased
  17. Try reading the actual article, would help - but here you are laughing at this woman for getting scammed, you must feel good
  18. Try thinking it through, do you think rich or well-off people are gonna go for a basic cheap Oppo phone?
  19. Takes a special level of scumbag to rip-off people who clearly don't have a lot of money. Nothing funny about that at all
  20. Mine has them, plus a warning system in the bedroom that will play a recorded voice that you must evacuate the building if there is a fire. And no, it not a brand new condo.
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