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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. It is the Daily Mail, so wouldn't trust the source. But have to say, I have met HA members a few times, when working in bars in the West, and they have been a-holes every time. Started fights with people for no reason, gave the bar staff hassle and just behaved like overgrown children.
  2. It's a mute question as the Ministry of Education's own guidelines and rules say teachers can't hit students.
  3. Fascists lying? Well I never And anyone who uses the word 'woke' in a serious context should just be laughed at
  4. Heard of his 'brilliant' scheme to introduce satellite Internet? Cos, that's where he wants to put a sh#t ton of satellites into low orbit around the Earth - and don't forget his rocket ship travel service... the guy is a genius, I mean who could have thought we could relieve traffic congestion by building tunnels one car wide underground - it's almost like a metro system but with less capacity - pure genius!
  5. Sounds like the AseanNow forum police are already on the case, they'll soon crack it!
  6. Just wait till that moron Elon Musk starts trying to shove as many satellites as he can around the Earth
  7. She trains at the gym I go to. Nice woman and she trains, and diets hard.
  8. Sure, who needs evidence when you have stories and "you know people" - let's be honest, you are too scared to actually come out with any hardcore anti-vax nonsense, so you have been weaseling your words. Oh, and where are we going to hear this? A FB post or YouTube?
  9. only in very rare cases and you do know there are two type of myocarditis, right? And that mRNA causes the mild kind (in very rare cases) which you can fully recover from. The myocarditis association reported on this and did a study on it - they conclude that the risk of heart problem from the virus outweighs any risk from the vaccine - so get vaccinated. And you keep making claims with no evidence - just hearsay and anecdotal evidence. Are you talking about people who get frequent and unnecessary booster shots? You know the doesn't invalidate vaccines - it just means don't misuse them. That is the same for any drug or medical procedure. Sounds like you are grasping at straws.
  10. Citation needed for that one - I looked and there was only 4 cases and all not serious. And how do you know the media are not reporting? Citation for the 9400 cases and compensation. And the doctor said 'maybe' - well it must be the vaccine then
  11. Planning to go to Chaengwattana to renew my Non-B on Monday - do you have to make an appointment, or can you just turn up?
  12. Who took the jam out of your doughnut? He had connections to the airport, so why can't they remember and honor him?
  13. How are you sure it was the vaccine and you think they just blindly go, 'Hey, let's hope for the best and see how it goes' when rolling out new vaccines?
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