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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. What is it with people moaning about stuff like this? It is almost like you don't understand how vaccines and viruses work.
  2. What is it with people moaning about stuff like this? It is almost like you don't understand how vaccines and viruses work.
  3. And cue the grumpy old men moaning that someone has something positive to say about an area of Bangkok... how dare they!
  4. How are they leeching when all data shows that immigrants provide a net benefit to the economy? If you are a citizen of the country or resident there and working then you get healthcare, what is wrong with that? Do all Muslims stage demos? Do they all throw acid? And how is the UK doing at the moment without immigrant workers?
  5. Only times I have had them not wanting to use a meter was late at night in tourist hotspots, every other time they use them.
  6. What if it is an old van that doesn't allow for opening from the inside? Vans that carry students should have this feature, plus seatbelts, plus proper seating etc, etc., but yeah, we know TIT
  7. Some people or all people wasn't the point though was it? Think it through, it ain't that hard
  8. I wonder why some people are so full of themselves that they post derogatory comments about people positing that they helped out?
  9. Sure, is that why all the MAGA candidates speak like right wing lunatics, and hang out with the far-right - Marjorie Taylor Greene for a start.
  10. haha talking about pedantic, so she got a new car, but it wasn't a "new" car, right..... and it wasn't luck, it was called not rolling over and taking it up the a.$$, which it what you seem to want her to do
  11. It means some families here will buy a bike to get around cos they can't afford a car... that is the real world
  12. What they were riding on would be the equivalent of the family car, it is for a lot of poor or working class people in Thailand. And do you know they weren't wearing helmets?
  13. What? You mean not having a sane policy of social care in a society isn't good government?
  14. still dying on that hill I see - and you do know that they did get her a new car, right?
  15. not up to the insurers though is it, the dealership is liable. Don't know why this is so hard for you to understand - they f^cked her car, they should pay for it.
  16. They should if it a) wasn't your fault b) it devalues the car c) it causes structural issues Strange hill to die on, championing the corporate company, go figure
  17. The car looks wrecked - I would be demanding a new one - but I guess some people roll over and take it up the...
  18. Low IQ time again in here - she didn't wreck the car, the dealership did, so she has every right to ask for a new car - they have basically <deleted> it
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