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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. If he is found to be at fault, the cops will make him pay - but the Brit will have to go to the cop shop to negotiate a deal on compensation. That is what happened to me when a car hit me when I was riding. I spent an hour at the station, with the cop dealing with the case, insurance company and the dude that hit me. He ended up paying for a new bike (the bike was a total wreck) and money towards hospital costs.
  2. Let's see the evidence that these were caused by vaccines then, can't be that difficult if you have already come to that conclusion
  3. Other than the fact that you can go and look up these clinical trials, how they were conducted and all the results - and again, that has already ben answered, usually they take time cos of the amount of people doing them and resources given... I don't know why that very basic concept is so difficult for you to grasp.
  4. come on then, give us the number for these unlucky ones
  5. Citation for that lot then - cos if you talking about that new documentary made by a dude who attends white nationalist conferences, then.....
  6. Ask the experts, and you do know they were able to do these vaccines quicker because they pooled resources and prioritized more? It is well documented how it was developed and the trials done.
  7. There are hardly any dangers to these vaccines - these cases are incredibly rare and as stated most are just self-reported, they are not coming up in studies. These vaccines are not dangerous
  8. If you look at the cases of paralysis after a vaccine, and they are incredibly rare, they are: Guillain-Barré syndrome - this is a rare one that is associated with a virus infection. There has been some talk of this being an extremely rare case with Johnson & Johnson vaccines - but these were not used in Thailand Bells Palsy - affects the face, so it wasn't this. Also, recent studies have shown little or no link between mRNA vaccines and Bells Palsy. Transverse myelitis - there have been a few case reports of this after vaccination - all of them were older people. And all of them were related to adenovirus vector vaccines not mRNA and were only reported on VAERS, so self-reported, not in clinical trials. Neuralgic amyotrophy - same as above, only on VAERS and not found in any trials
  9. your implication not mine
  10. The AseanNow expert epidemiologists will come swooping in soon to give us the "real" story
  11. You can't take bikes on the airport link trains, just folding bikes Only way is to either ride there or book at taxi. A good route is down the side of the highway from Rama 9 road, that follows the airport link line. Then near Soi Wat Lan Boon station you can go through the houses to Lad Krabang Road - then the cycle lane is not far from there. You can get on to that side road by the highway from Phattanakarn soi 53
  12. I never knew so many expert virologists and epidemiologists were on this forum
  13. you might not, but immune compromised people certainly do. And that still doesn't make it scaremongering by reporting on what is happening with the virus
  14. No, that is not what happened, you read a headline and ran with an incorrect theory. The research is not gain-of-function research, meaning it did not amplify the virus strain or make it more dangerous. In fact, this research made the virus replicate less dangerous. What they did was standard research to look at the function of the genes and proteins - they did not make a new virus, or mutate it into something more dangerous. I suggest you search for the article that covers this - NEIDL Researchers Refute UK Article about COVID Strain
  15. how is it fear mongering?
  16. Why wasn't the whole process of legalizing and selling marijuana planned and implemented properly and not just rushed into with no thought.... oh wait
  17. It wasn't Paypal who chose to do this - and Bitcoin is sh^t
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