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  1. I use to have a stra6tegy same as your alt1..but usually forgotten..but today Im back on that . Pink
  2. Batteries are getting charged and usually full at lunch time so i have more charge capacity. It this current time both batteries are charge at 40A or so each. Regarding more batteries i guess there is not much point to ad batteries with more than 280A as the others batteries are 280A? Pink
  3. I must use some time to check this more in details.. But look like aircons used more electric last days ( they both cleaned a week ago) It might just been extra hot last days and we used more power than we used to do. I tried to compare back same time last year but Growatt stat do not store data that long. Pink
  4. It took me not even a minute to tell wife maybe we should ad another battery, from 2 to 3.. Edit: Let me ad she was not so enthusiastic about that.. Pink
  5. Used some more air con than normally last days and Im getting some short on battery storage.. Pink
  6. Mod can close this tread. Just got totally useless replies Pink
  7. And what do you know about that? I searched Lazada, Shoppe and Global and more. Most who sell online sell small overpriced pieces so i took the step to check if some might had experience buying in some local stores or from a foam supplier. So basic research done. Thanks for very useless comment You should find something better to do Pink
  8. Thanks for your reply Offcource I checked that already and even more places. Did you see the prices? and the sizes? 30x30x5 cm 1 B75. So thats a joke. Im looking for like 10 boards 120x60x 5 or something. xpsfoamthai: XPS 60x120x2.5cm 32kg/m3 (not spreading) price 150 Baht/sheet And just for the info I mailed xpsfoamthai and asked them too to suggest where to buy. Would cost a fortune to get from China because of the volume. Did you think about that when you write your reply? Pink
  9. Im looking for some blue XPS Polystyrene Foam boards as its stronger than the EPS foam. Any idea where to buy or order?
  10. In my setup I use a ATS. I dont want to depend on inverter to handle grid power. So if by any reason i dont have solar power the ATS just switch from my solar to grid. Pink
  11. yes im on it. Any view on if it smartest to place the unit near my pc and screen and internet router ( means long usb cables to inverters) Or near inverters and long cables to screen and net) I guess 20m USB to long.. Where Solar Assistant shipping from? Pink
  12. Great..Im looking into same so i will check your updates on this. The re login several times per day to Growatt is quite annoying. So the Rasberry Pi and Solar Assistant will collect data from the inverters and then data can be loaded via IP on a pc? Pink
  13. I have follow this topic some time on another forum. I seems to be related to regional exclusive sales rights for united States and some other places where some had ordered from others than the company who have have the exclusive rights to sell those inverters. The fact that they have the possibility to harm customers in this way also open for other possible scenarios like some unhappy staff or some hacker or any who just want to harm the company and its users. Pink
  14. Ok so there was an short extension added to the org wire that's why the color confusion. After pulled the oven out and made a new test ( with grid power) and with just the org wire the main breaker home switched right away. This time the kitchen breaker not switch only the main. So the oven will be sent on service today. Thanks to everyone who contributed with help and ideas. Pink
  15. Ok I tested that as good i could. As i can see its the black who give a solid result on resistance. On the 2 others i got some low running numbers. Pink
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