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  1. yes im on it. Any view on if it smartest to place the unit near my pc and screen and internet router ( means long usb cables to inverters) Or near inverters and long cables to screen and net) I guess 20m USB to long.. Where Solar Assistant shipping from? Pink
  2. Great..Im looking into same so i will check your updates on this. The re login several times per day to Growatt is quite annoying. So the Rasberry Pi and Solar Assistant will collect data from the inverters and then data can be loaded via IP on a pc? Pink
  3. I have follow this topic some time on another forum. I seems to be related to regional exclusive sales rights for united States and some other places where some had ordered from others than the company who have have the exclusive rights to sell those inverters. The fact that they have the possibility to harm customers in this way also open for other possible scenarios like some unhappy staff or some hacker or any who just want to harm the company and its users. Pink
  4. Ok so there was an short extension added to the org wire that's why the color confusion. After pulled the oven out and made a new test ( with grid power) and with just the org wire the main breaker home switched right away. This time the kitchen breaker not switch only the main. So the oven will be sent on service today. Thanks to everyone who contributed with help and ideas. Pink
  5. Ok I tested that as good i could. As i can see its the black who give a solid result on resistance. On the 2 others i got some low running numbers. Pink
  6. Thanks for the info. I do not have anything on this. When oven was new when build home the electrician mounted it. Then its unmounted some times to take out oven for service and cleaning. Photo of the power wire attached. Oven is Teko and probably made in Spain or Germany. Pink
  7. Yes I will test some more. Currently Im checking my 3 pin socket. I mounted oven wires: Brown to Live. Black to neutral and light blue to ground (its a built in oven who come with just the wire.) Pink
  8. The breaker and main breaker switched. My oven use 2600w or so as maximum. Today I tested with 20A breaker and most strange is that it not switch when oven was in use but 20 min later, so it must be some electrical issue with the oven, so i will send the oven on service. Pink
  9. I wired my kitchen over to a breaker with a few more Amp capacity and tested today. First it looked to be a successfully test of the oven, but then 20-30 min after used the oven main breaker and new kitchen breaker switched. I tried to flop it back as i had do before but now it just switched again. Next i disabled the power socket for the oven and switched successfully power back on. So issue is my oven.. Pink
  10. Look into some 5K deye. Crossy got some at a good deal..look into his tread Pink
  11. Thanks for your info, I will try check on that. Returning it would be preferred option but the return time is already out on Lazada and the seller not even reply. Supposed to have 1 year warranty..so lets see if I get any out of that. Pink
  12. So I bought a new gas stove 2 weeks ago and now the one burner close down a few seconds after fire up. The shop do not reply on the matter and then i wondered how complicated can this be to fix? Anyone have any experience on the issue? I tried to ad a video but it failed. Pink
  13. I see my breaker for my kitchen appliances is just have a 16A breaker so I might should consider do some changes on that. Pink
  14. I have not used my oven for many months because after some time it sometimes switch the Ac breaker in my breaker box so I was planed to bring it to service. When we discuss the issue we was told: -If oven already running and the switch the breaker its because of lower power supply. If the breakers switch already when start up the oven then its issue with the oven. Any others have some experience and view on this? I have 2 x 5000w tot 10kw inverters and I usually on 1xxx watt on each inverter in usage or less. I will do some testing with different power sources and see how that is going. Pink
  15. Today its 1 years since i got my solar setup up and working. My solar production for that year is 9,435 KWH so that should be around B38.7K saved on electric bill if 1 unit is B4.1. My average bill is B1xx per month. 13% of the cost of the setup back after first 12 months. If use same rates ROI will take 7.5-8 year. Pink

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