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Posts posted by Rayk

  1. So I assume the people that defended the minimum pay being risen to 300 baht a day causing the cost of living to rise will have no problems with this. Keep putting the minimum wage up and the prices will keep increasing.

    The taxi's are incredibly cheap as it is. Costs 10 times more in Australia.

    How many taxis im Australia reget passengers? I'd bet it's somewhere around 0.
  2. It's a wonderful site if you're looking to have sex for money. I've picked up 8 hot little things in the past two weeks.

    I send this message:

    Would you be interested in having sex for money?

    Surprised at how easy it is when you offer 2000 for the night.

    Edit: just picked up another so make that 9.

    You sound like you have just found the cure for cancer or split the atom.

    Offering hos money and they flock to you? Who'da thunk it?

    Better than having a wife to spend it all or even worse, take it all.

    • Like 1
  3. It's a wonderful site if you're looking to have sex for money. I've picked up 8 hot little things in the past two weeks.

    I send this message:

    Would you be interested in having sex for money?

    Surprised at how easy it is when you offer 2000 for the night.

    Edit: just picked up another so make that 9.

    • Like 2
  4. Hi Rayk,

    We are in Bali for two months. Previously got a SETV in Kuala Lumpur for our first visit to Koh Samui last November. It was very straightforward for us but we didn't want to spend 3-4 days in KL again before travelling back to KS, although we did love it.

    As we are in Bali we thought we would try and get them here. Time will tell if we are succesfulbiggrin.png

    To be safe ensure you have those inside leg measurements for your whole family. Good luck, I'm sure it will all work out. Keep us posted and thanks for the update.

    • Like 1
  5. Wow...

    I'm not sure how I feel about this agreement.

    1. Fact 1: A man works 30 years. Pays his taxes. Moves his money from the US to Thailand to avoid having to pay double tax. Example. His income tax from his salary is taxed. What little money he saves each month grows. Now the U.S. wants to tax his savings????

    This is double taxation. His savings should not be taxed.

    2. Now Thailand signs this agreement..Mainly to sacrifice all the small fish expats. Those who are happy. With their wife and children. Who is most likily collecting Social Security. So as to increase U.S. imports of pineapple juice.

    3. If I was ultra rich, Thailand isn't the place to deposit ill gain money.

    The U.S. is after the low middle class..Those escaping the U.S. corruption machine that is designed to tax the dead.....

    What do we do now?

    Sorry fella, I sympathize but tax law is tax law. You can bleat, moan, shout, scream and do whatever you want but it's there, it isn't going away. So if you have been avoiding the taxation system then the net is closing in I'm afraid. It's the same for everyone, so you can't really claim it's not fair, right?

    Show me where it says personal income tax is a law.

  6. There is no written law that states that Americans have to pay personal income tax. There are former IRS officials that have went on record stating they themselves could not find any written law and even the former head of the IRS dodged the question and simply stated that Americans understand it was their duty to pay personal income tax. There is a difference between a persons duty and a country's law.

    People think that their taxes go to pay for schools, false, paid for with property taxes. People think their income taxes pay for roads, false, paid for by the fuel tax. And the list goes on and on and on. The personal income tax is the biggest scam of all time.

    Here is a list of taxes Americans pay.

    #1 Air Transportation Taxes (just look at how much you were charged the last time you flew)

    #2 Biodiesel Fuel Taxes

    #3 Building Permit Taxes#4 Business Registration Fees#5 Capital Gains Taxes#6 Cigarette Taxes#7 Court Fines (indirect taxes)#8 Disposal Fees#9 Dog License Taxes#10 Drivers License Fees (another form of taxation)#11 Employer Health Insurance Mandate Tax#12 Employer Medicare Taxes#13 Employer Social Security Taxes#14 Environmental Fees#15 Estate Taxes#16 Excise Taxes On Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans#17 Federal Corporate Taxes#18 Federal Income Taxes#19 Federal Unemployment Taxes#20 Fishing License Taxes#21 Flush Taxes (yes, this actually exists in some areas)#22 Food And Beverage License Fees#23 Franchise Business Taxes#24 Garbage Taxes#25 Gasoline Taxes#26 Gift Taxes#27 Gun Ownership Permits#28 Hazardous Material Disposal Fees#29 Highway Access Fees#30 Hotel Taxes (these are becoming quite large in some areas)#31 Hunting License Taxes#32 Import Taxes#33 Individual Health Insurance Mandate Taxes#34 Inheritance Taxes#35 Insect Control Hazardous Materials Licenses#36 Inspection Fees#37 Insurance Premium Taxes#38 Interstate User Diesel Fuel Taxes#39 Inventory Taxes#40 IRA Early Withdrawal Taxes#41 IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)#42 IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)#43 Library Taxes#44 License Plate Fees#45 Liquor Taxes#46 Local Corporate Taxes#47 Local Income Taxes#48 Local School Taxes#49 Local Unemployment Taxes#50 Luxury Taxes#51 Marriage License Taxes#52 Medicare Taxes#53 Medicare Tax Surcharge On High Earning Americans Under Obamacare#54 Obamacare Individual Mandate Excise Tax (if you don’t buy “qualifying” health insurance under Obamacare you will have to pay an additional tax)#55 Obamacare Surtax On Investment Income (a new 3.8% surtax on investment income)#56 Parking Meters#57 Passport Fees#58 Professional Licenses And Fees (another form of taxation)#59 Property Taxes#60 Real Estate Taxes#61 Recreational Vehicle Taxes#62 Registration Fees For New Businesses#63 Toll Booth Taxes#64 Sales Taxes#65 Self-Employment Taxes#66 Sewer & Water Taxes#67 School Taxes#68 Septic Permit Taxes#69 Service Charge Taxes#70 Social Security Taxes#71 Special Assessments For Road Repairs Or Construction#72 Sports Stadium Taxes#73 State Corporate Taxes#74 State Income Taxes#75 State Park Entrance Fees#76 State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA)#77 Tanning Taxes (a new Obamacare tax on tanning services)#78 Telephone 911 Service Taxes#79 Telephone Federal Excise Taxes#80 Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Taxes#81 Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Taxes#82 Telephone State And Local Taxes#83 Telephone Universal Access Taxes#84 The Alternative Minimum Tax#85 Tire Recycling Fees#86 Tire Taxes#87 Tolls (another form of taxation)#88 Traffic Fines (indirect taxation)#89 Use Taxes (Out of state purchases, etc.)#90 Utility Taxes#91 Vehicle Registration Taxes#92 Waste Management Taxes#93 Water Rights Fees#94 Watercraft Registration & Licensing Fees#95 Well Permit Fees#96 Workers Compensation Taxes#97 Zoning Permit Fees

    I guess they need to pay for the wars somehow.

  7. it is what it is.

    I find it useful, you may not.

    Please do explain its usefulness. Does it make you breakfast in the morning?

    How about bringing you your slippers?

    Does it do you taxes?

    Maybe it cuddles you when you're sad.

    Or is it that you can watch your friends post ridiculous photos of their food or even worse themselves.

    Yes, very useful.

    Open your eyes mon ami....

    Few weeks back I was thinking about a friend I had half a century back....Looked on FB for his name...Nothing. Searched FB surnames for anyone in the area he may still be....Found a lady in that area with the same name.

    Sent a message...."Is this guy your family".....She replied..."Yes it is my dad"..

    Wow.....Her dad, my old friend, he does not have an iPhone or PC, so she went to his house and showed him my stuff on her iPhone.....It was my chum, we now talk when she visits.........Brilliant.....thumbsup.gif

    I could do the exact same thing utilizing about a million other sites on the internet in about the same amount of time.

  8. it is what it is.

    I find it useful, you may not.

    Please do explain its usefulness. Does it make you breakfast in the morning?

    How about bringing you your slippers?

    Does it do you taxes?

    Maybe it cuddles you when you're sad.

    Or is it that you can watch your friends post ridiculous photos of their food or even worse themselves.

    Yes, very useful.

  9. Well, I just need to get out by 8th, get back in, and get my Ed visa because living here I want to learn the language.

    But, can you be more specific what that means "record of entries" and what that count does for border runs, visas, etc?

    See, I am 45 and on a pension. Too young for retirement visa. Too sick to always go to school. I am in a mucky area of visa regulations just trying to get my next 5 years so I can then get a retirement visa.

    What if I go to USA and get a new passport, a multi-entry visa from Thai consolate, and come back? Am I then essentially a new person in the Thai immigration computers?

    They combine you old and new passport history that is in their data base. It is all entries, departures and etc.

    Getting a new passport in the states would make no difference.

    Getting a multiple entry tourist visa would be a good idea though.

    Would he qualify for a METV from the US even though he is not employed?

    And does he have the funds in a US bank to meet that requirement?

    Just asking.

  10. That is completely wrong, you cannot get an extension twice on a tourist visa as is the part stating that on a visa exempt entry Americans get 30 days by air and 15 days by land. Americans get 30 days whether by air or land.

    The American embassy should know better and be ashamed by posting false information to its own citizens

    If you're American I highly recommend you contact them in regards to their error.

  11. Question i have is if you don't have a business or Thai wife and have been using ED and tourist visas, I can only assume you have been supporting yourself for the past 3+ years by working in Thailand illegally.

    Question i have is if you don't have a business or Thai wife and have been using ED and tourist visa, I can only assume you have been supporting yourself for the past 3+ years by working in Thailand illegally.

    Maybe he's got a large amount of spare cash sitting in his bank account. Not everyone is a pennyless deadbeat you know.

    If he had a large amount of spare cash sitting in his bank account as you say he would be using the Elite visa and saving himself all the hassles of border runs and trips to immigration. So i doubt very much that is the case.

    What is your problem? Are you jealous of others lifestyle? I have been here a few years not working (and on an ED Visa before marriage) without working. Maybe some of us just have more money than you (or are better at managing it). I would never in a million years spend $15,000 of my money on a scam as crazy as an "Elite Visa". I would rather go to immigration every week then surrenduring that amount of cash for such nonsense!

    Did i say I have a problem? Did i state that I am jealous of his lifestyle? Am I not entitled to my opinion? It appears you are and whether you like it or not, so am I.

    Rayk, do you plan stopping your off topic garbage at some point? How OP supports himself is none of your business, you are rude to felloe TV user, and you keep spamming off topic. How you get away with over several posts is a mystery to me.

    I have made 4 posts, 2 of which have everything to do with the topic considering the Thai Embassy in Cambodia is pretty much questioning the authenticity of this gentleman being a tourist.

    And the other two posts were in response to statements directed at me by other members which I firmly believe I have every right to respond.

    If anyone is off topic it's you as your post has nothing to do with the said topic.

    Did you not see in one of my posts where I state I don't care how he makes his living in Thailand.

    Look up the definition of spamming before you accuse me of doing so.


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