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Posts posted by Rayk

  1. Question i have is if you don't have a business or Thai wife and have been using ED and tourist visas, I can only assume you have been supporting yourself for the past 3+ years by working in Thailand illegally.

    Question i have is if you don't have a business or Thai wife and have been using ED and tourist visa, I can only assume you have been supporting yourself for the past 3+ years by working in Thailand illegally.

    Maybe he's got a large amount of spare cash sitting in his bank account. Not everyone is a pennyless deadbeat you know.

    If he had a large amount of spare cash sitting in his bank account as you say he would be using the Elite visa and saving himself all the hassles of border runs and trips to immigration. So i doubt very much that is the case.

    What is your problem? Are you jealous of others lifestyle? I have been here a few years not working (and on an ED Visa before marriage) without working. Maybe some of us just have more money than you (or are better at managing it). I would never in a million years spend $15,000 of my money on a scam as crazy as an "Elite Visa". I would rather go to immigration every week then surrenduring that amount of cash for such nonsense!

    Did i say I have a problem? Did i state that I am jealous of his lifestyle? Am I not entitled to my opinion? It appears you are and whether you like it or not, so am I.

  2. Jsixpack,

    Er, have I done the powder test on myself yet ? Not sure what you mean but I have copped plenty of powder in the eyes. No biggie, just wash it out with all the readily available water flying around.

    Most people are not trying to injure others, it is a water fight.

    Bubba nearly had an accident, but didn't !

    I didn't realize that water play was against the law. I find that a bit surprising actually as I have seen police get sprayed (severely)

    I doubt the girl in the photo actually came off and went to hospital. The Thais are very skillful riders. I NEVER spray people on motorbikes. Nor do I spray people after 5pm nor do I spray people that ask me not to. I have been sprayed at night after changing into dry clothes, I could have cried, but chose to laugh instead.

    Repeat this 10 times. Pattaya has very affordable waterproof taxis. I use them when I am drinking alcohol. I get scared on taxi motorbikes.

    There are farangs wanting to call off the water play and there are farangs who hate it even in small villages. Read some of the posts.

    A lot of ordinary Thais make plenty out off selling food, drinks etc to the masses. Have you ever really been to songkran in Pattaya? The streets are line with all sorts of sellers. They are not the elites that you claim. All along sukhumvit, theprasit, tai, klang and nua and everywhere in between. Hundreds or thousands of them.

    Nobody sprays the food carts because that would be disrespectful and cost people money. I am sure more money will get spent on Songkran Tuesday than a normal Tuesday when all these Thais are stuck at work.

    As I said I have experienced both being in the thick of it getting saturated and powdered and using the car and staying completely dry, and also in the back of a pick up with Thais.

    Traveling at 90kms an hour during songkran is dangerous and stupid! Bad boy Bubba. Lucky to go over 20kms, more like 5.

    I agree with those high powered tubes being banned, and they were last year. Hardly saw any compared to previous years.

    I am not claiming to be an educated, rational or reasonable farang.

    What may seem idiotic to you may seem like fun to the locals.

    Farangs complaining about songkran to me is like a gate crasher showing up to a party UNINVITED and then complaining about the food and the music being to loud and then turning it down.

    At the end of the day, this is Thailand, the Thais can do what they want with their Thai water. If the Thais ban water play then I won't do it either.

    You won't change you opinion, and neither will I. I agree to disagree with you.

    Sawadee Bpee mai tai krap.

    'The Thais are very skillful riders.' Seriously? You must know a rare breed.

    ' I NEVER spray people on motorbikes. Nor ... do I spray people that ask me not to.' You might not, but plenty do. I've had some moronic westerner, in the past, spray my then toddler with a high-powered gun, then seem surprised when I got annoyed.

    'Nobody sprays the food carts because that would be disrespectful and cost people money.' The Thais (and numerous water-spraying westerners) concerned about being respectful during Songkran? You're joking, yet again.

    Spraying a toddler with a high powered gun is moronic. Farangness, most Thais wouldn't do that.

    And I do think the Thais are a lot more talented than the average farang in Thailand on a motorbike, probably because many of them grew up on them.

    And are you telling me the Thais deliberately spray water on the food carts? It doesn't happen. Another songkran Thai visa myth.

    I think Songkran really gets up the thaibashers because the Thais are having so much fun, in their country, with their water. There is nothing worse than seein someone you hate enjoying life.

    Simple, the whining foreigners who hate Thai customs should be immediately deported.

    And the idiotic foreigners who don't know the real Thai custom in regards to Songkran should immediately be deported

  3. Thanks for the advice. Maybe I'll try Savannakhet.

    For the record I'm not working illegally in Thailand and I've been supporting myself through my business, which is not based there.

    Just because your business is not based in Thailand does not mean you are not working illegally. Are you yourself doing work at your business within the borders of Thailand. If the answer is yes than in essence you are working illegally.

    Not that i really care if you are.

    • Like 2
  4. Question i have is if you don't have a business or Thai wife and have been using ED and tourist visa, I can only assume you have been supporting yourself for the past 3+ years by working in Thailand illegally.

    Maybe he's got a large amount of spare cash sitting in his bank account. Not everyone is a pennyless deadbeat you know.

    If he had a large amount of spare cash sitting in his bank account as you say he would be using the Elite visa and saving himself all the hassles of border runs and trips to immigration. So i doubt very much that is the case.
  5. A visa cannot be transferred. Immigration will only transfer your entry/permit to stay stamp to your new passport.

    After you get you new passport you wait until you need to leave the country and show both passports. They will transfer your entry stamp to the new passport and stamp you out of the country in it.

    A damaged passport is not returned to the holder of the passport. Only an expired passport is returned.

    He will need to get a letter from his embassy requesting that immigration transfer his current permission of stay into his new passport. The embassy will photocopy his entire passport and give him the photocopies along with the request to give to immigration.

    At least that's what they done in my case at the Canadian embassy.

    If may be different depending on the country of origin.

    There might be some embassies that would keep the damaged passport but I have never heard of one that did.

    What embassy do you know of that does.

    The Canadian embassy.

    That's what they did with my damaged passport 2 months ago

  6. A visa cannot be transferred. Immigration will only transfer your entry/permit to stay stamp to your new passport.

    After you get you new passport you wait until you need to leave the country and show both passports. They will transfer your entry stamp to the new passport and stamp you out of the country in it.

    A damaged passport is not returned to the holder of the passport. Only an expired passport is returned.

    He will need to get a letter from his embassy requesting that immigration transfer his current permission of stay into his new passport. The embassy will photocopy his entire passport and give him the photocopies along with the request to give to immigration.

    At least that's what they done in my case at the Canadian embassy.

    If may be different depending on the country of origin.

  7. We now know tourism is much more important to Thailand than having adequate water supply for the population.

    I now say to the farmers.

    Plant your rice crops.

    No, what we do now know is that the water used over a 3 day period will not affect the population's water supply. Exactly the opposite to a second rice planting.

    It's doubtful that the farmers will be taking advice from a Thaivisa poster anyway.

    Go ahead guy and believe the bs from TAT.

    What country in the world other than Thailand would allow the waste of water when they are constantly preaching of drought. Worst in 20 years I might add.

  8. Anyone wearing a helmet should be asked to remove it before entering the bank. Common sense, but not a lot of that in this country.

    The way banks are laid out here i am surprised they don't get robbed day in and day out. They would have been perfect foil for the British Blaggers in the 60's/70's with their Mk2 Jaguars and sawn off shotguns. They would have done so well that the Jag's would soon have become Aston Martin's !

    Anyone wearing a helmet should be asked to remove it before entering the bank.

    Security: Excuse me Mr. Bank robber but could I ask you to remove your helmet before entering our bank.

    Robber: Oh,I'm terribly sorry sir. No pompem

    Security: Khrap Kun Khrap

    What planet are you on?

  9. Just make a time and appointment to go there. Follow it up with a SMS about 10 minutes before you're about to meet up saying traffic is bad you will be 20 minutes late. 25 minutes after than send another saying bad taxi took you to the wrong place. Please wait and order a drink while you get a new taxi. Then 30 minutes later say sorry your mom is sick you need to pai hospital.

    I have seen this before I am not sure if its so much for the food or for the selfie at the restaurant so post for all their friends to see they are eating HiSo. Once prior to my getting married I had a TF girl want to meet me at Central World for Sushi. That was fine and the meal was not bad but the conversation revolved around her needing a new phone. An iPhone 4s (newest at the time) none the less. I shrugged it off and said you will have to save to be able to afford it. Her reply was yes unless you buy it for me!! So I said sure lets go. Went up to the apple shop and had her pick out the one she liked, she was excitedly talking to the sales guy. I excused my self with a quick " Katote krup bap numg, pourt tong mak pai hong man na " She smiled and said OK hurry na. I had quite the smirk on my face getting into the taxi going home whilst blocking her number.

    Som Nam Na

    Or you could just say 'no'

    Where's the fun in that!

  10. I can't believe that in today's day and age with all the violence being performed by children that people are still defending the fact that children should not be smacked for being bad.

    Kids today need a good kick in the arse to keep them in line otherwise it's only going to get worse.

    And I'm sure none of you were ever slapped around by your parents when you were a kid I guess because you were all so perfect.

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