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Posts posted by Rayk

  1. You bought your girlfriend a "really cool" plastic cup at Big C as a Valentine's Day gift, and she was okay with that?

    Does she have a sister?

    (I'm inquiring on behalf of a "friend".....)

    . It was just one of her presents, but no I didn't spend a lot on Valentine's Day. It's the first Valentine's Day together. I like to set the bar pretty low at first. Only room for improvement.

    And yes she has a sister.

    Good choice.

    Better than some of the people that probably bought their bargirlfriends a diamond ring, a car or better yet a house for Valentine's.

  2. A question for the experts as I am kind of new here.

    First off I am from Canada.

    I have been in Thailand for approximately a little over 2 years, first entering on a visa exempt entry after which I have had 3 double entry tourist visas prior to having to get a new passport. My new passport has only 1 visa exempt entry from Ban Laem which has already been extended at immigration by 30 days and ends on march 5th.

    I plan on getting married in the near future but am waiting on some documentation from the Canadian government and boy are they slow, so i would like to get another visa exempt.

    My question is will I be able to go and get another visa exempt entry in Poipet.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Many nice people graduate from Harvard in addition to the shysters, ratbags, crooks, cronies and corrupt. But lOok at any financial scandal and you'll see Harvard grads in the thick of it. Apart from dentistry what do they teach? Grad school in how to become rich at the expense of others? In this case the 2 were combined.

    Mark Zuckerberg attended Harvard all the while stealing the idea for Facebook from some of his colleagues. So I imagine Harvard is accustomed to having people with no morals attend their campus.

  4. How can this or any other any company justify the ridiculously priced products they sell simply because of the name. Come on $44.500 dollars for a women's bag. If anybody is a counterfeiter it's these company's charging astronomical prices for something that costs about a few hundred dollars to produce.

    What are you on about???.......

    I'm on about how you can buy a fake item that was probably produced by the same manufacturers in China for a few thousand baht but it's perfectly ok for a company to sell a product for $40000 just simply because of the brand name. What kind of technology or engineering goes into a freaking purse to try and justify such a ridiculous price. Zilc,zero,nada.

  5. Didn't the price of cigarettes just increase a few months ago by 3 baht.

    Effective immediately. So which is it 5,6,7,8,9 or 10 baht per pack.

    Seeing as the economy is in the tanks lets raise the tax on cigarettes again in order to gain some taxes so we can afford to pay for all these subsidies we are providing.

    Are you Thai?

    If not the part about "We" must mean you and the mouse in your pocket.

    "We" are just spectators.

    Unlike Europe, S. America or N. America, "We" will always be farangs/outsiders and will never be able to blend in, own property, become citizens, nor heaven forbid, ever be able to vote.

    By saying "we" i was referring to the government and not us non Thais.

  6. How can this or any other any company justify the ridiculously priced products they sell simply because of the name. Come on $44.500 dollars for a women's bag. If anybody is a counterfeiter it's these company's charging astronomical prices for something that costs about a few hundred dollars to produce.

    These companies in Thailand are forced to sell at such ridiculously high prices. They must pay customs from equal value to more than that just to import them

    Um. Those photos and prices are from a louis vuitton website in the US with US pricing.

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