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Social Media

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  1. Is this the week when the war dramatically turned in Ukraine's favour? It was certainly a decisive moment, with a coalition of Western nations confirming they were finally willing to supply modern-made main battle tanks. Germany said it would send Leopard 2 tanks and the US said it would send M1 Abrams tanks. Both the UK and Poland have already made concrete pledges, and other nations are expected to follow. Some commentators have described the move as a potential "gamechanger". But is it really enough to win the war? Ben Barry, senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (ISS), tells the BBC that Western tanks will make a difference. But the former British Army Brigadier also warns that the pledges made so far are unlikely to prove decisive. In modern warfare, tanks have been a key element for offensive operations - to punch through enemy lines and retake territory.
  2. Israeli police have arrested 42 people in connection with a deadly shooting at a synagogue in East Jerusalem on Friday. Seven people were killed, and at least three more injured, in the deadliest attack of its kind in years. Two people were also injured on Saturday in a separate attack outside the Old City. Israeli police said the gunman in Saturday's attack was a 13-year-old boy. They said he had been "neutralised", but did not give further details. The attack took place in the Silwan neighbourhood, just outside Jerusalem's Old City. The injured pair were a father and son who were in a "moderate to serious condition", police added. In response to the two attacks, authorities have positioned officers from a counter-terrorism unit "permanently" in the Jerusalem area to "promptly respond to exceptional events whenever necessary".
  3. France could agree to Volodymyr Zelensky’s demands for fighter jets to defend Ukraine’s skies, the chairman of the French defence committee said on Thursday. It came as the UK confirmed that British tanks would arrive in Ukraine in time for an expected Russian spring offensive, joining German-made Leopards being sent to Kyiv within weeks. “Everyone should feel very proud of the leadership role that we have played, one of the early nations to provide tanks to Ukraine," said Rishi Sunak, the prime minister.
  4. 9 Rebel police officers rioted in Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince on Thursday in protest at the killing of more than a dozen colleagues by criminal gangs. The rioting officers blame the government for not taking action. More than 100 demonstrators blocked streets, burned tyres, broke security cameras and damaged vehicles. Local media said several officers broke through the gates of the prime minister's residence and attempted to enter Haiti's international airport. The National Union of Haitian Police Officers says 14 men have been killed since the start of the year in various gang attacks on police stations. Seven officers were killed in shootout on Wednesday alone, according to Haiti's National Police.
  5. Nine Palestinians have been killed during an Israeli military raid in the occupied West Bank - the deadliest in years - Palestinian officials say. A woman aged 61 was reported among the dead in the flashpoint town of Jenin. The Israeli military said its troops went in to arrest Islamic Jihad "terror operatives" planning "major attacks". The Palestinian presidency accused Israel of a "massacre" and later announced it had ended co-ordination with Israel on security matters. A 10th Palestinian was meanwhile shot and killed during a confrontation with Israeli troops in the town of al-Ram, near Jerusalem, as residents protested against the Jenin raid, Palestinian officials said. Overnight, Israel said it carried out airstrikes against Palestinian militants in Gaza after two rockets were fired into Israel. No group in Gaza has claimed responsibility for the rockets, both of which were intercepted by Israeli air defence systems.
  6. Guess Im lucky as they grow like weeds here ! Everywhere and prolific ! Lovely fruit too. ????
  7. An asteroid the size of a small truck will pass by Earth tonight, making one of the closest approaches to the planet ever recorded. Asteroid 2023 BU will zoom over the southern tip of South America at about 12.27am on Friday, only 2,200 miles above the Earth’s surface. It will be well within the orbit of the planet’s satellites, Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) said.
  8. Russia is drawing up proposals to build its first production plant for suicide drones as part of a plan for a fresh offensive in Ukraine, officials have told ITV News. A site has been identified for a factory where Iranian specialists will help the Russian military to construct 'unmanned aerial vehicles', designed to paralyse Ukraine's energy infrastructure and overwhelm its air defence systems during the Spring, when newly trained troops are expected to launch a new push. Construction work could begin at the factory "within weeks" said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
  9. The production of opium increased sharply in Myanmar after falling for seven years, according to the UN. It touched nearly 795 metric tonnes in 2022, nearly double the production in 2021 - 423 metric tonnes - the year of the military coup. The UN believes this is driven by economic hardship and insecurity, along with higher global prices for the opium resin that is used to make heroin. The coup plunged much of Myanmar into a bloody civil war that still continues.
  10. Travellers face severe delays as planes, trains and cars are halted due to snowstorms and high winds, as temperatures plummet to -20C. In Japan, the deaths of up to five people are being linked to the weather and thousands are forced to sleep in train carriages or stations.
  11. The suspect, who has been arrested following the incident, was described by local media as wielding either a machete or a samurai sword as he allegedly attacked churchgoers in San Lorenzo parish in Algeciras.
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