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Social Media

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Everything posted by Social Media

  1. This is NOT what you expect when ordering at a Coffee shop !......unless you are in the Ukraine !.
  2. Just curious here but how did the water get there if it wasnt rain ? cos thats a hell of a burst pipe if it wasnt...????
  3. Just wondering how people celebrate their Christmas here in Thailand. Has it faded and become just another day ? Do you still make an effort and put up a Christmas tree and lights ? Maybe you have kids or Grand kids and keep it going for them ?
  4. That would depend who and where youre reading, the one I looked at auoted "weeks" . Just take it as is, choose to believe or not upto you, this is the pub ! ????
  5. 6 week job, then £115k yr for life ! Cant be bad.
  6. A closer look at the Kamikase drones being used......
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