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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 56 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

    How many shrimps (20%Duty from Thailand, 7% from Vietnam) or mango (8% from Thailand) do we grow in the UK ? the whole system is a ripoff. Granted some industries need to be protected but the tariff and quota systems have very little to do with jobs and more about protectionism. If we moved to WTO it would be temporary until we reached trade agreement deals. Businesses on the whole have a tendency of reacting and adapting to change given enough notice. Anyhow I said I wouldn't hijack the thread.



    And you've completely ignored the point ... if you set your tariffs at zero there is no incentive for anyone to enter into a trade deal as you have given them everything without one.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, aright said:

    More speculation and yes it's something I wouldn't want but I would honour the result of the vote unlike Remainers.

    The polls are showing very clearly that we are heading in that direction ... you won’t get the Brexit you want. And if the coalition partner is the SNP they will require a confirmatory vote ... you might get no Brexit at all. And a Corbyn Government.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Chelseafan said:

    Plenty but I'm not going to high-jack this thread but I'll give you an example. Most imported foodstuffs would potentially incur 0% on the commodity codes thus reducing cost of goods.




    And destroying a high number of businesses in the agriculture sector. In addition, if the UK tariff is set at 0% after we go on WTO terms you have to set it at this level for every country. And when you offer every country zero rates you have nothing to offer them for a trade deal. You have no negotiating position. Why would another country offer you a deal when they are accessing your market at a zero rate?

  4. 1 hour ago, aright said:

    There is nothing to address or argue about he is a one trick pony and looking at his position in the EU polls ( the YouGov study for the Times put the Tories on just 10 percent for the EU election, behind the Brexit Party on 34 percent, Labour on 16 percent, the Liberal Democrats on 15 percent and the Greens on 11 percent), a very successful one trick pony. You recognize and agree with that don't you?

    With a successful EU performance behind him and headed into a GE you may find he becomes a field full of ponies. We will have to wait and see.



    Your hero will usher in a Corbyn Government ... what sort of Brexit will that be?

  5. 14 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    If Farage delivers a Labour majority or minority government, it will be the only thing I will be grateful to him for. Imagine PMQs with him and Farage opposite each other. Even better, imagine the Tories wiped out completely emoji1.png

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

    If you are converting GBP to Baht you won’t thank Corbyn for further sinking the pound. His policies will only kill the UK economy , the Brexit disaster is the gift that keeps on giving.

  6. 13 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    Brexit is indeed a disaster because of the Tory party selecting a remainer as PM to negotiate our withdrawal knowing she had no intention of going so.


    The people have cottoned onto her duplicity and it has manifested itself in their current abysmal showing in the polls. They're now 4th or 5th with straight talking Farage deservedly well in the lead.


    What is a shame is that the Tory MPs are all so wealthy it won't really affect them when they lose 80,000 quid they get each year for betraying the electorate. That's without all their other perks and expenses fiddling.


    The Euro election is a protest vote by hard Brexiteers ... what many are failing to cotton onto is that Farage and his merry band of conmen are set to deliver a Corbyn Government (perhaps coalition) and it is they who will determine the fate of Brexit ... a soft one. Not to mention all the other issues that flow from Corbyn.

    • Confused 1
  7. 1 hour ago, yogi100 said:

    How is praising an option regarding another nations position to the EU lying?


    Farage did not even say he would like to see the UK adopt the Norwegian option to the EU and even had he done how would that be 'lying'? And how can an Englishman betray Norway?


    If I said I admire Corbyn's option on wealth distribution would I be lying. You might disagree with why I admire it but I would not be lying any more than Farage was when he commented on Norway and the EU.


    If you can't think of an actual lie he's told just say so instead of grabbing at straws.


    Nothing he's said can hold a candle to CMD and Theresa May when it comes to blatant lying over this whole Brexit episode. And they were actual Prime Ministers while Farage has never even been an MP.

    That post is desperate. He was extolling the virtues of that arrangement.

  8. 7 minutes ago, aright said:

    David Cameron also said

    "It is time for the British people to have their say. It is time to settle this European question in British politics. I say to the British people: this will be your decision." "If we left the European Union, it would be a one-way ticket, not a return" "This is your decision,the Government will implement what you decide"

    Three years later because of the Government and the Opposition party and Remainers we are still waiting for the outcome to be acted on.

    You can keep playing the blame game forever and you can find hypocrites and liars in all political parties.




    Credit to you for acknowledging that Farage is a hypocrite and a liar ... the fact that there are other people in that category is neither here nor there.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, aright said:

    Have you considered he may simply have changed his mind......we all do it from time to time. At the next election, as things stand, I wont vote for the same Party I voted for in 2017. 


    So you support a second referendum then? As people are allowed to change their mind.


    The unpalatable truth is that he and his cronies are conmen ... first rate liars and deceivers. He never changed his mind, he just needed to get enough people to vote Leave, and wanted to reassure them on the economy ... by lying. He wasn't brave enough to tell them the truth, because he might not have secured their vote.




  10. 50 minutes ago, yogi100 said:

    What lies has he told the fools and how have they fallen for them.


    It's OK calling someone a liar or a fool but it means nothing unless you can explain how he has lied and why those who have been lied to actually are fools. 


    Unless you can provide plausible proof or even evidence of said lies then you are another one making meaningless and  illogical allegations. Just because someone says something you disagree with does not mean that that someone is telling lies.

    He's on record pre-referendum praising the Norway option ... now even the idea of that is a betrayal?


    So, was he lying then, or is he lying now?




  11. 2 hours ago, elmrfudd said:



    Nigel as PM would be fantastic.  the lefty loons on TVF would have another leader to hate.


    It would be a laugh, I suppose, because then the clown would have to deliver on all his promises ... it would be fun to see him fail over and over again. There's a big difference between talking and doing ... and Farage would be exposed for the conman that he undoubtedly is.


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  12. 3 hours ago, VBF said:

    "Technically offshore" they are but all banks in IoM or Channel Islands are subject to full Exchange of Information rules.

    That includes the one I recommended. If you have no problem with HMRC knowing about the account then they still offer the services I outlined above in #10


    One is NOT advocating anything illegal or dishonest (naturally) but your requirements may include a higher level of "privacy"


    If he is a UK citizen he has to inform HMRC that he's left the UK, and to avoid the tax net he can only return for around 30 days per year for the first 3 years, and 45 days for the remainder ... as long as he does that any overseas interest, dividends and capital gains will not be subject to UK tax. I suspect the OP is okay with the disclosure rules, which are hard to avoid. Personally I'd rather be in a relatively safe jurisdiction.



    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Benroon said:

    you get a 30 year RENEWABLE lease - Fixed it for yer


    At the end of the day I look at a lot of properties and I would say somewhere north of 75% are shitholes as people, and generally westerners own the houses I look at, are slobs !! It's very rare to get a repainted house inside or out, the state of repairs, or lack of, are shocking. People move in and just run them into the ground. No wonder they don't sell.


    This is why all new quality projects sell out quickly, where I am anyway, and discounts are miserly - in any country in the world quality will always find a buyer and you will always be stuck with the shitholes that you failed to take care of !


    Is the lease renewable for free? Can the rules change?


    Bear in mind we are talking about condos. You might paint yours every year but if half the owners don't pay their maintenance the place will quickly go into disrepair, and no one will give a toss whether your condo is well maintained or not.






  14. 10 hours ago, Mike Teavee said:

    Truly Terrifying... 


    I guess it's one way to curb immigration, turn the country into a 3rd world poverty stricken place then nobody will want to live there...



    We’re looking at the unintended consequences of Brexit ... Rees Mogg thought he was getting Singapore, he’s going to end up with Venezuela. I suppose he’ll make money shorting the pound and UK stocks.

    • Haha 1
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