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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 8 minutes ago, taninthai said:

    555 pretty smart don’t think it’s ever pretty smart to rent properties your whole life ,,,his rent in Thailand is actually more then my mortgage on  my little 1 bed flat in London.

    Property doesn’t always go up, that phenomenon in places in the west is a fairly new trend, when you look over several hundred years of data ... and those stagnant times could appear again. Thailand is another ball game all together ... you get a 30 year lease? As I said some may make money, but many others end up in a depreciating asset that is difficult to sell. 

    • Confused 1
  2. It appears to happen to some foreigners who take back some ladies/ladyboy's to their hotel apartment ... drugged then robbed. And given the fact that they have no qualifications in pharmacy you might not wake up ... and you'll be written off as a suicide or drug overdose. I also read about the guy being slowly poisoned by his wife ... 


    The more interesting question ... why do you ask?


  3. Thai courts have no jurisdiction in the US, so if you are planning to live in the US then you have to focus on US law ... for that I would advise a good US family lawyer over a Thai Visa armchair lawyer. 


    Personally, I wouldn’t do it, but if I did I’d want to know how watertight pre nups are, how a court would treat the accumulation of wealth during the marriage, and what the financial implications are of adding children to the equation?


    Good luck.

  4. 11 minutes ago, AtoZ said:

    Cebu is safe. For long term stay - Cebu city isn't that great imo, but there is a lot of around, two examples


    Bantayan Island - super cheap, nice beaches, I saw quite a few (older) expats


    Bohol/Panglao - not so nice beaches, but huge expat population, supermarkets etc



    I’ve seen some videos on Dumaguete ... in Bohol I believe? I’m a bit of a mall rat and I understand that Cebu has two decent ones ... and I like to train at a decent gym ... I’m no too bothered about nightlife, and Cebu didn’t look that great in that regard. Beach is something I like, but it would be a once a week event. I prefer a decent pool.

  5. 10 minutes ago, OneEyedPie said:

    Which can be said of any relationship.  Family, friend, lover, spouse and Uncle Tom Cobley.  All relationships across the globe are roll of the dice as to success or failure.  

    ... more so when there is a different cultural and, in most cases, economic background.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Sounds awful...    and, I agree, nobody's downfall should be judged. It 'can' happen to anyone, we never know. But, I do disagree with those who imply that because it happened to them it will happen to everyone else - this idea is just flawed, intelligence seems overruled by bitterness when such comments are written...  

    ...  its all different, there is no one rule for all...


    You are right, of course, it is not everyone. But for me the Thai/Farang long-term commitment and/or marriage has too much of a "roll of the dice" feel to it. The good relationships owe a great deal to luck, rather than design. 


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  7. 1 minute ago, rodentwarrior said:

    This prediction was being bandied about when I arrived in Bangkok in 2000.  I remember the ghost towers standing empty, like concrete skeletons, as a result of the Asian Crisis of 1997.  I never bought a condo in Bangkok, prefering to rent.  But the prediction has been rolled out, and perhaps it might actually come true one day.  I did buy a condo in Cebu in 2011.  I don't honestly know if it's increased in value, I don't care.  No more rent to pay, great location, City Centre convenience.


    I'm considering Cebu for a long stay in 2020 ... would you recommend it? Do you feel safe there?



  8. 10 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    I'm lucky and have a pension, not large, but no matter how foolish I am, I'll have more money next month.

    That’s good. But many who arrive here with “love” in their heart do not, they just have a finite capital sum that can quickly disappear. I did a lot of homework before I began travelling around SE Asia and quickly realised the dangers ... unfortunately many others did not. Many TV patrons with good relationships are heavily critical of the more cynical posters, but I reckon that most of them simply got lucky ... so I try to learn from the mistakes of others.

    • Like 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Who says I even threatened once?

    Not me, I'm caring and sharing, but I never tell them they are the only one or I will love them forever.

    I've always found it's the girls that threaten to leave, in reply I usually say I've loved our time together and will be really sad to see you go. It's weakness to try and talk them into staying, in the UK that would be considered manipulative behaviour and a form of domestic violence.

    I would do exactly the same ... I’d use the reverse psychology of not wanting them to be unhappy, so wish them all the best for a good future. The key is never to let emotion or feelings get in the way ... which requires a certain hardness of the heart ... and that will keep you safe from the unscrupulous. I might take the odd small hit, but I’ll never take a devastating one from any woman. 


    There are many many guys on here with very successful relationships, that will continue to the end of their lives. But there are also many who have been left abandoned without a pot to pee in ... and most are too old to recover from it. Better to be safe than sorry.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    You're mistaken.

    Most guys on here who aren't delusional snowflakes, agree that women in general are selfish, vicious, greedy and untrustworthy.

    Some mistakenly add 'Thai' to their sentences, but I don't believe they really mean that.

    I was always 'loving, supportive, caring and sharing' until women showed me that was a mistake.

    I'm still that caring and sharing person, but I not longer let that stand in the way of letting her know she's instantly replaceable with a young and prettier version, if she wishes to leave, and no longer give her access to my assets which are kept in a different country..

    I’m all for protecting my wealth from an unscrupulous partner, so avoid marriage and keep assets overseas. But if you are constantly threatening your partner with her “easily replaceability” it doesn’t make for a great relationship? If I felt that I had to use that weapon I’d question whether I was in the right relationship.

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  11. My home town has not changed much, and neither have the people. The UK has changed though, the Brexit vote has seen to that. A subject that few people discussed or much cared about has become a new religion ... and the politics of the country is moving to either extremes, right or left. Populists who’s views would have been laughed out of town previously have suddenly become mainstream commentators. Reminds me a bit of the 1930’s. Hardship led to populism and the financial crisis has left swathes of people believing that they are no longer looked after by the mainstream political classes ... so now look to alternatives like Corbyn, Farage ... with the more extreme praying at the alter of Tommy Islam (Robinson). 


    Its a sad spectacle, and it won’t end well.

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