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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. 45 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Unfortunately I misspent my time checking up on this Pat Condell guy. Reading his sick twisted and ugly views was like looking into the mind of a man and finding a huge cesspit, a truly disgusting experience. There was one post defending Tommy Islam, I guess it's a case of one racist creep championing another.

    Pat Condell is a nasty old bigot. The one bright spot is that we can celebrate when he dies ... hopefully quite soon. Lol.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, orang37 said:

    The are two saunas in the Centara/Duangtawan Hotel fitness center in the men's changing room; I assume there are two in the women's changing room which, unfortunately, I have not been able to reconnoiter. There's also steam room and jacuzzi.


    One of the saunas is usually red-hot.


    I once went to the steam room at the Traditional Medical Center on Wualai Road; there is no warning about a red-hot pipe near the ground; I had a severe burn on the leg  from this pipe ... the room was quite crowded, so I may have moved closer to the wall than usual, but it was so steamy I couldn't see well.



    Always best policy to keep your back to the wall in these places.

  3. The first time I went to Chiang Rai I got lost at night trying to find the road to my hotel. I asked a couple of guys who were sitting outside chatting for directions and one offered to take me on his scooter. I thanked him and jumped on the back only to get a whiff of strong Whiskey ... he was three sheets to the wind. Despite that I got home safely. Seems to be the norm here.

  4. 2 hours ago, evadgib said:

    He was there to answer questions about his party in the forthcoming elections. When Marr tried to drag him elsewhere Farage quite rightly directed the interview back in the direction in which it was supposed to travel.

    Marr/The BBC looked decidedly amature. To me it was Marr's "Micheal Fish" moment.


    He's there to answer questions asked of him, when you volunteer for a TV interview you can't dictate what questions you will answer. He purposively avoided the questions because he knows that many of the "useful idiots" that follow his every word won't like the fact that he thinks privatisation of the NHS is a good idea ... that would not be a vote winner. He's got to keep the "con" going to get those votes.




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  5. 46 minutes ago, aright said:

    Strange isn't it that some people are happy to insult and sit in judgement on other people but aren't prepared to be judged themselves and opt for the cop out of being glasshouse warriors  . I certainly would never call you a iiar or insult you and wouldn't ask for proof either  so feel free to tell me without fear of any recrimination.

    "He takes his coin from the Barclay Brothers"  Common sense tells me that Corbyn, Lucas, Sturgeon, Blair etc also publish articles in that newspaper...…..are they pushing the "Telegraph Agenda"? 

    I’m happy to call him out for what he is ... a paid stooge of the Barclay Brothers, so anything he puts into print is tainted by association. 


    As someone who has been participating on TV and other social media over the years I’ve learned it’s never a smart thing to reveal too much about yourself, so I never do. And no taunting by anyone will change that. 

  6. 1 hour ago, aright said:

    "Liam has been Political Correspondent for The Financial Times (based in Parliament), written for The Economist from Moscow and, between 1999 and 2006 was Economics Correspondent at Channel 4 News – where he won a string of awards, including the Wincott Business Broadcasting award an unprecedented four times. He continues to research, write and present hard-hitting Dispatches documentaries for Channel 4 and regularly appears on flagship programmes such as BBC1’s Question Time and Any Questions on BBC, while also broadcasting frequently on LBC, Sky, CNBC and other outlets.

    Between 2007 and 2013, he was Chief Economist at Prosperity Capital Management, the world's largest Russia/CIS-focused asset manager, controlling investments worth over $4bn for a range of institutional clients from Europe, the US and the Middle East, including pension funds, insurance companies, charities and sovereign wealth funds."


    I can understand you disagreeing with him but why do you feel the need to insult him as well?


    Can you give us your educational qualifications, business experience and accomplishments that makes your opinion more valuable than his? 




    I could do ... but then I'd be told by you and others that I am a liar. And then I'd be asked to post proofs on here ... which would be incredibly foolish. 


    He takes his coin from the Barclay Brothers ... it's really that simple. He would not be allowed to publish anything that deviates from the agenda that this newspaper is pushing. Common sense tells you that. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, RuamRudy said:

    To be fair, the typically warm Scottish welcome slipped last time he ventured north of the border.


    Nigel Farage barricaded in Scottish pub and rescued by police riot van

    Surprisingly, for such a patriot, it appears that Farage doesn't even know the flag of England. For one who was instrumental in the forming of the EDL, I would have thought he knew the difference between the Union flag and the St George's Cross.


    "A shaken Mr Farage told reporters: “We have never had a reception like this anywhere in Britain before. Clearly, it’s anti-British and anti-English. They hate the Union Jack.”"

    No Nigel, they hate you, and know a snakeoil selling conman when they see one.

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