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Posts posted by AlexRich

  1. There are many reports of people picking up bargirls or freelancers who the next drug and rob them? I wonder if his valuables are still intact in the hotel room?


    He didn’t bring drugs to Thailand, so we are expected to believe that he bought them here. That’s a huge risk, one of which is the risk of being set up. I’m not buying this story at the moment












  2. Indeed, no one knew there was an issue ... and now for some it’s the issue of their lifetime. I can understand some people’s issue with immigration, whilst I don’t personally view it as a problem, but don’t believe that leaving the EU will solve the issue, as people will still be arriving. Indeed, some Indian restaurant owners voted Brexit because they thought they’d be able to get more workers from India ... it didn’t seem to dawn on them that those with an issue would have had an even greater issue with that? 


    I can’t for the life of me understand what benefit anyone will get, other than psychological, an imaginary benefit. But there will be many losers, especially the young.

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  3. 3 minutes ago, Tarteso said:

    I’m living in north Chiang Mai for 7 years. Having a land and finishing to build a house. North is a nice place but....

    Every years, in smog season I must leave CM renting a house in the east or south’ s beaches from febraury to april. My G/F works online, so no problem and I just retired so we feel good to changue the scenary, and enjoy the sea until end of Sonkrang...

    And My dog agree to run on the sand until fall exausted each day.

    That is the perfect solution, only stay in CM when it is smog free. I’d still like to stay in the north but realise I need to also spend around 5 months somewhere else.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Traubert said:

    The NHS also loses billons on clipboard carriers, crap IT systems that dont work, bend drugs deals with big pharma, staff absenteeism, needless cosmetic surgery and compensation for killing, crippling and maiming people with poor treatment.


    But it's ok, it's free, right?

    The NHS deals mostly with avoidable health issues that are a result of poor lifestyle choices ... smoking, drugs, obesity, etc. Self inflicted issues. 


    The fact that a person is treated in the UK, no questions asked, is to my mind a sign of a decent society. If someone arrives as a tourist, is knocked over by a car, I’ve no issue with the country helping that person. Not everyone has insurance and not every insurer plays fair by people ... they constantly look for opportunities to invalidate your claim. 


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  5. 1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

    You mean the devious lying self centred scum who wish to ignore their constituents.


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    I thought Brexit was all about “taking back control”, with people who we elect making the decisions in our best interest? It never seemed to cross the minds of Brexiteers that they might make decisions that they disagree with? This is what you voted for.


    And now they are blaming the Queen for not intervening? A person who is never elected by anyone? Even Juncker gets appointed by government heads who are elected. The Queen has less democratic legitimacy than even him. And so the irony is Brexiteers now want a person with no democratic legitimacy to step in and do their bidding?


    You couldn’t make it up.

    • Haha 2
  6. 7 hours ago, malagateddy said:

    Yet the russian man and his daughter did shopping..wined n dined in a restaurant etc etc
    quite a few hours passed before any adverse reaction
    To me the whole thing sucks.
    Please remember the imo.. sociopath and war criminal's lies..SADDAM HAS WMD'S
    Also remember that before the referendum re LEAVE/remain in the eu..all the b/s that cameron..osborne and their motley crew came out with.
    Massive unemployment..etc etc.
    Do you honestly believe EVERYTHING that any govt tells you???

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    You must spend a great deal of time trawling conspiracy websites and Russian propaganda. My point was a clear one, even Russians know that these guys were operatives, yet you choose to believe otherwise? 


    What I find amusing, if it weren’t so serious, is the number of people who spend half their life on the internet reading false stories from crackpots and propaganda outlets like Russia Today, and believing the stuff. Alex Jones (crackpot) had to admit in deposition that he told lies about the Sandy Hook child murders, suggesting that he was in a confused state at the time. Sadly a great number of people follow this snake oil salesman and believe his nonsense. 

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, malagateddy said:

    Then why have yhe UK msm not " tried to destroy him"..??
    Think back a few months..the msm ripped into russia re the 2 men who allegedly put some terrible rancid poison in the doorhandle of some ex kgb operator.
    Re the salsbury story..whats your take on it?
    To me..a load of b/s

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Unbelievable. You actually believe those two Russian military operatives went to Salisbury from London to see the cathedral? 


    They were interviewed on Russian TV and even the interviewer ridiculed them ... the whole of Russia knows what they are, but the penny hasn’t dropped yet with you?

  8. 4 hours ago, Kraig62 said:

    Kev has property in Spain and is not poor. Rob too, he doesn’t like people knowing he owns and has rent coming in from his house in Florida. 

    People are so gullible it’s unbelievable.

    I saw a video of his property in Spain, I think he was trying to sell it? It's not a five bedroom palace in Puerto Banus, it's a small flat in the middle of nowhere, hardly likely to generate much in revenue if rented, and a drain on his resources if it isn't rented.


    No one needs to fund Kev, it's down to individual choice. You don't need to do anything. But stop trying to portray this guy as a wealthy individual, a good chunk of what he has will be absorbed in hospital costs. 


    I understand people being indifferent, if they don't know the guy our don't watch his channel, no issue with that. But I'll never understand those that go out of there way to actively harm someone, who's in a position that few people would want to be in? Your posts say nothing about Kev, but they say everything about you.



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  9. 20 hours ago, Laddy123 said:

    95% sure this dude was getting a visa in savanaket last week. Showed another visa runner images of K.I.T and if it was not him he has a doppelganger and a half claiming to live in Chiang Mai. Even sounded like him. Same glasses even an image of him wear the  t-shirt he had on.


    Newbie, first post ... spots Kev where he shouldn't be? What could this all mean? That it's not true? Made up troll post?


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