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Everything posted by AlexRich

  1. Is that all you’ve got? You’d be better served to explain why Trump has never shown his “injury”? All I’ve heard on that question is answers like: - it’s none of your business, that’s his private medical records. - didn’t you see the blood on his ear after being shot? - a man died, tell his family it was faked. - you’re a “conspiracy theorist” … blah blah blah. All BS answers … why he never shows his cleaned up ear might be because there is no injury?
  2. Same thing was said about anyone who questioned the Kennedy assassinations - both John F and Bobby. But today few people believe the lone wolf gunman theory. The evidence doesn’t support it. There are no verified videos or photographs of Trump’s injury. No evidence he was hit by anything, bullet or shred of glass. At some point in the future we will know more. Oh, for the record, those that spout the “leftist” tropes, I’m not politically to the left. More accurate would be to say I was centre right. Just not a MAGA cult member. Trump is a con man and a liar, he always has been. Anything that happens around him should not be taken at face value. Every detail should be investigated.
  3. Proof of nothing. Did you see the Texas Chainsaw Massacre? What a bloodbath!
  4. I don’t believe it is a current photograph. As far as I know Trump has never revealed his “injury” publicly. But … I suspect that there is no damage to his ear. No bullet damage, or shard of glass. And I’m staying with that until I see evidence that proves otherwise. Given the seriousness of the event, I don’t think it is too much to ask? It would help Trump, unless of course it has no damage at all, because that would imply the event was staged.
  5. The families of the people who died, including Thomas Crooks, deserve to know the truth. And that means asking questions and following evidence. If the ear is damaged, show it. It’s not that difficult. It closes down any notion that Trump was never injured. What are they afraid of?
  6. No idea, but I’m pretty sure it was an old photograph. Trump has never revealed the damage to his ear.
  7. The problem with conspiracy theories is that some of them turn out to be true. Lee Harvey Oswald as the “lone gunman” anyone? How about the Gulf of Tonkin attack, that never happened? The whacky ones are of course easy to debunk. Like the flat earth crew. But the “Trump assassination”. Sorry, not going along with that until I see the actual damage to his ear. One day, we will. The ear will have no visible signs of injury, and will be declared fully healed. And many of you will buy into that, without question. If I were Trump, and my ear had been damaged by an assassins bullet or some shard of glass I would show it publicly … and close down any notion that the event was staged. But he doesn’t do that? And no one asks why? Oh, but someone died, that’s proof enough? You think anyone that would pull a stunt like this would care about that? Until I see proof, I’m not buying this BS.
  8. Or the families of the 300 people in Moscow who died as a result of apartment bombings by Chechen terrorists … leading Putin to start the second Chechnya war? Although, as we found out later, the bombs were planted by the FSB, on the orders of Putin. Authoritarians don’t care who dies so long as they get what they want. So until I see evidence that tells me otherwise, I’m sticking with the “staged” theory.
  9. Did I do that? Or did I just post someone else’s tweet?
  10. Of course she should resign, the whole event was a fiasco. Fake or real. Unfortunately for that lady she is the head of the Secret Service, and the buck stops with her. I’m still waiting patiently for a clean photograph of Trump’s bullet ravaged ear, but I don’t believe we will ever see it anytime soon. For the record, I don’t think even Trump is dumb enough to show it at a gold course so soon after the event.
  11. It’s pointing at the “bullet ravaged” ear?
  12. LOL … it’s a MAGA wind up … I just couldn’t wait until 1 April 2025.
  13. If this is real, I think the answer is YES. Discuss.
  14. There are voters who are fixated on Trump, and voters who would never vote for him. That doesn’t change. But there are many who don’t fall into that category, and unfortunately a frail Joe Biden was leading many to hold their nose and vote for Trump. Whilst he’s had a boost from his “fake” assassination that is quickly fading. I sense some fear in the Trump team …. He’s peaked too early.
  15. The funniest aspect of all of this is reading posts from Trump fans. They’re all pretending that Harris will be a walkover, but reading between the lines they are defecating in their pants. The whole campaign was based on berating an old man for getting old … now Donnie Diaper is the oldest person ever to challenge for the Presidency. Another factor that is evident is the number of women of all races who are getting behind Kamala. It looks like Trump peaked after the “fake” assassination, it’s all downhill from here. He’s even threatening to pull out of the next TV debate … that’s how frightened Trump is.
  16. I wouldn’t say that all were crooks, but they are certainly masters of “spin”, exaggerating positives and obfuscating negatives. Trumps ties to organised criminals, foreign and domestic, have been there most of his adult life. And he’s now taken over the GOP.
  17. Obama inherited the 2008 financial crisis, when the banks in the US and around the world received massive bailouts. Bernanke was the Fed chair, George W Bush appointed him to succeed Greenspan, whose actions led to the financial crisis. Bernanke pushed down interest rates and engaged in quantitative easing. He was on Bush’s Council of Advisors before Bush appointed him, and was considered an expert on the economics of depressions. Obama kept him in place, then nominated Yellen to succeed him. No one did anything to Trump, you just have a twisted view of history. If anything you could accuse Trump nominee Powell of helping Trump by not reducing interest rates now that inflation has fallen? I read that Trump doesn’t plan to replace him. I wonder why?
  18. Okay. Why do you presume that Trump was hit by a bullet or an even a shard of glass? Because you saw blood? No one has seen an independent medical report or a photo/video of the bullet/shard damaged ear after the “assassination”, when it has been cleaned up. Given the speculation that he faked it, that would be the first thing I would do. It shuts down those theories immediately. At this stage I’m not even buying that he was hit by anything or that he was an actual target. As for people being shot, do you honestly believe that anyone involved in something like this would care about that? That action is necessary to stop people from having any doubts.
  19. Yes, and that’s why MAGA clowns are complaining about Joe Biden standing down. Suddenly Joe Biden has more MAGA support than Trump.
  20. Powell was a Trump appointment, he replaced Janet Yellen. He didn’t give Obama or the Dems anything. If anything, by refusing to reduce interest rates he’s helping Trump.
  21. As you pointed out the Secret Service didn’t intervene. What would you do if you were Trump and you believed the people who are there to protect you are colluding to have you killed? You’d raise hell, and demand that they were replaced. You would openly criticise and condemn them. Is that what happened? It seems that Trump and his son have praised the SS? They don’t seem unhappy at all? What about the bullet injury? Has anyone seen a cleaned up after the event photo or video? Or an independent medical report? Given that many people are claiming the whole thing was staged and he used fake blood, you’d think he’d be keen to crush those rumours? Mmmm … would Donald Trump lie?
  22. Donald Trump is a criminal, and if he succeeds to the Presidency the US has a crime organisation running the country, pretending they are a Government. It never ends well for dictators, but everyone suffers along the journey.
  23. It was a joke, a mirrored video of Trump with the bandage on the wrong ear.
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