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Everything posted by Dave0206

  1. Authorities were tipped off about his arrival Omg 😲 . Who on earth could that be ?
  2. Well since its his wife I assume it's his sleeping partner unless he married only for the company but he looks too young for that
  3. His " sleeping partner " woke up and wants her 51% of the sale 🙄
  4. She probably found out when she went to sell it whilst he was out of the country. She thought she was fly but he was 2 fly.
  5. He is also being charged with forgery a job classified as protected for thais only
  6. He needs to be caught and put on a diet of fish head stew for a good while. I can understand if someone steals to feed themselves if broke but not much so for headphones
  7. Let me be the first to say I don't need to view any hotel video to ass ess the truth
  8. Doesn't it read like he has duped the girls with god knows what promises and rather than our perceived idea of only fans income going to models he is pocketing the money or am I miss reading?
  9. I really don't know why people are worried about tax cuts that very likable Steve mnuchin proved in the last trump administration how it pays for its self.
  10. The skeleton was dry so they are saying dead for 3 months but in suitcase much later is how I read it may be wrong
  11. The Cambodian kimrin will be easy to spot he will either be found in a ditch or running with a target on his back
  12. Perhaps I missed something in the article it said driver was restrained by other passengers ( of same taxi ride?) If so its still no excuse for knife attack but he could have felt threatened? We have half a story
  13. I like the bit where the police lieutenant colonel is taking an intrest personally himself in this case .couldn't be coz it looks like there is big money at play minimum $120.000
  14. I'm laughing at the "cold water" I was in a place where they have the water tank on the roof pipes running across roof straight down into toilet no one warned me to be careful of burning my nuts off with first few seconds of water makes sense it's nearly 40 degrees outside
  15. Thaksin rather than receiving advice on health should be selling whatever he takes. From a frail man on death's door who had to serve his prison sentence in hospital to this it's a miracle I tell you
  16. Well unless you kill everyone survivors who lose homes and loved ones will not be hard to convert to hamas isis or any other factions that give them a opportunity to strike back against isreal and the west who only see 1 side .Easy to place the blame 100% on hamas they played right into his hands now he and his war cabinet are indiscriminately bombing the hell out of everyone.
  17. Well as you say it's a rich country with a gdp of 500 billion so perhaps instead of extending its borders can perhaps think about another avenue for peace or build away and pay the 100.000 per rocket
  18. In the last year states has contributed nearer 20 billion the 4 billion is in a normal year that's about $60 for every man woman and child not an insignificant amount
  19. If you are waging you're bombing campaign on usa tax payers dime and you are oblivious to usa carry on collect your money direct from the likes of Ben schapiro or Alan derschovitz plenty rich isrealis who act with there mouth but not pocket stop the funding today this will be wrapped up by next week
  20. I don't quite understand the hold isreal has over the USA it has received many many billions of dollars but listens to no one .it was Netanyahu who promised get rid of saddam hussein and it will bring peace to the middle east well Bush listened and that worked out great. No one is allowed any criticism of how isreal is conducting the constant bombing or we are jew haters . Even Jewish people who say its wrong are not immune
  21. Still a lot cheaper and safer for everyone if cost of a taxi is a problem in pattaya have few less drinks money saved will pay for taxi. Stop a baht bus and have sole use for 2-300 baht if you can't afford that never mind coz you can't afford to drink full stop
  22. Yes you are right unfortunately so many good causes everyday to people who can least afford it. Off tangent slightly I bought my wife a Honda scooby about 50.000 never even occurred to me this amount would be financed other than outright but they were trying to push I looked and had to laugh at intrest unbelievable what some sign up for
  23. Horrible state of affairs when criminals can commit murder knowing there is no downside and life is cheap. There is an article from BBC after the murder of the Cambodian in bkk saying all neighbouring countries more or less allow cross border killings of the relevant government opposition without proper investigation. Now thailand is a member of un human rights Council need to see if they change?
  24. Right out of luck if he was thai he would still be eligible to be a government minister
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