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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. How you going to fit the donkey and buffallo into your Bentley?
  2. I guess no chance of Taylor Swift coming here now.
  3. Good to have a real mother that is not interested in blood money.
  4. No Chang? Okay, I am still good.
  5. Walk 2Km as warm up, then run 10Km every second morning. Aged 74.
  6. Sent my passport from Bangkok to a Pattaya agent. Sent a photo of me by email. Passport with visa was posted back to me. I did not visit Pattaya, yet alone immigration. Ben you are wrong and Lou is right.
  7. No lottery number from Barnie then.
  8. Cut off their vodka supply.
  9. And I thought I was being hard done by, when they would not allow me to use the water hose to wash my car.
  10. So sorry. Could it be something to do with the fact that in most of the cases reported by the media, the Thai police are very corrupt and I naturally assumed Big Joke was up there. Hope he does not sue me.
  11. I believe there is one close to Pattaya out by Mabprachan Lake. Here you go. http://www.absolutelivingthailand.com/service.php
  12. Think I read he was worth 300 million baht. so not so squeaky clean.
  13. You just cannot trust anyone these days. Not even serial rapists.
  14. She looks too good to claim "being very sick" is she returns.
  15. You got it. It just shows though, that truth is stranger than fiction.
  16. It was a p*ss take on the two Cameroonian guys who killed the Burmese guy recently and were initially described as Scottish.
  17. Now she is a cut above the rest.
  18. If he was dark skinned, he would be Scottish.
  19. By watching Rambo movies.
  20. At least his hair is looking good. Must have just used a fresh bottle.
  21. In the movie, The Last King of Scotland was black.
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