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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. I went last month on a Wednesday at 10.00am. There was only one person in front of me.
  2. Think you are going away for another four years mate.
  3. Went there last month. Both the misses and I signed the copy of our marriage certificate. No letter from the misses requesting visa. The misses was not with me and no request to see her.
  4. There are some nice ones in Soi 6 in Pattaya.
  5. Jesus. if this what you get for mild symptoms, I cannot imagine what the serious ones are like.
  6. At this rate, Thaksin might get compensation for the twelve hours he spent in the slammer.
  7. Do not need to move. Managed to get potatoes at Tops today.
  8. Is there innuendo there?
  9. I have a picture of my passport and visa on my phone just in case.
  10. Many years ago second road had a lane going in the opposite direction from Central road to North road.
  11. Correction: I would say no one follows my bar habits.
  12. I did not say I could not find potatoes. My original query was only about Tops not having them. As for a barstool. I have lived near the airport for over four years and never visited any bar here ever, Not my scene.
  13. No Big C near me, but will try Makro.
  14. Market here was 75 baht a kilo four years ago. (when they had them). Tops at the moment was 65 baht a kilo. Lotus is 42 baht for three small potatoes. Pattaya is certainly the best place. Maybe need to move back as the wife suggests.
  15. Is anybody else having trouble finding potatoes in Tops in Bangkok? The two places I use have had none for eleven days, which is highly unusual. I did find them in Lotus, but these come in plastic mesh bags and are very expensive in comparison to the loose ones at Tops.
  16. Again. What happened with the previous twenty.
  17. I guess they managed to come to a compromise before this announcement.
  18. Yes you are.
  19. Easy, just flash the cash. Hey, I just saved you $49.99.
  20. "However, her grandmother did not allow her to do so and told her to take the baby back to where she found her." Think grandma is a bit of a wacko.
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