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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. If he had not hit the barrier, he would probably ended up at the bottom of a deep hole.
  2. They did suggest having lenses inserted, but it was too pricey for me.
  3. I had it done when I was fifty and the results were terrific. However my eyesight started to deteriorate and I went back when I was sixty two. I was told I was too old and it was surprising that the previous LASIK surgery had lasted that long, considering my age. This was at Bangkok Pattaya hospital. I did not have to stay in hospital overnight and just needed someone to collect me and drive me home.
  4. Good that they arrested the Chinese couple and not the person whose passport they used.
  5. What financial proof was required for your non-O one year multiple entry visa?
  6. In Pattaya it was easy. Just went to the Amphur together, where we initially got married. Saw the head honcho and he asked me a couple of times if I was sure. The misses was flashing gold and I was flashing nothing. Told him yes and the divorce paper was signed and a couple of certificates were given to us. No lawyer required, so no extra expense incurred.
  7. Sometimes they might have an old CD hanging at the back and that is it.
  8. Thought the police would have used one of those prongy things that they use to catch nutters.
  9. Pity they could not have used his talents to fix some Thai web sites.
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