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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. Is this what they mean by "passing the buck." For sure, they would never pass on a BAHT.
  2. I have a package with DTAC, whereby I get 30gb high speed internet. After this is used up, it is slower, but then I get them pestering me with messages of special offers to upgrade. Used to get them in Thai, but changed the settings so now I understand what they are pestering me with.
  3. Next time they meet, they will be tooled up with machetes and ping pong bombs.
  4. Get those marijuana trees in the ground quick.
  5. Somehow I cannot imagine the 20 baht allocated for each school meal would cover the addition of marijuana. This country just gets sillier.
  6. Think she has been drinking the new marijuana infused hop drinks.
  7. But vaping is still illegal. As a non smoker I am confused.
  8. It was seven years ago. Submitted my passport at Trendy, then a week later I received a letter from the UK authorities. This letter came via DHL (why I have no idea), saying why was I requesting a second passport. I was not requesting a second passport, but renewing my second passport, I have had two since 1995 and had never been a problem. I tried to contact the lady whose name was on the letter, by calling her department, but I ended up calling other departments as I was given the run around and was informed that she did not want to talk to me (I had not communicated with her yet) One person I spoke to said the boss lady did not want to renew as I would need a couple of letters from my employer explaining why I needed two passports and what work did I do. Also at the time I was not working. They also said I should give up one of my passports. This went on for several weeks and after ten weeks my new passport arrived at Trendy. I swore then, never again.
  9. Now if only one of them gave covid to a vet, we might see some action.
  10. Yes, I have won the two and three digit prize several times. Got paid in cash by the vendor.
  11. I have two valid British passports which was allowed because of my previous work and visa requirements. At the moment I have a retirement visa, valid until December 2022. Unfortunately, the passport (A) it is in expires in August 2022. Is it possible to transfer this visa into my second passport (B) which is not new and does expire in December 2025. Also would I need to get a letter from the the embassy, as if it were a new passport, to take to immigration? Some might suggest, just renew the expiring passport, but this is now a very troublesome path to take, with the UK authorities frowning on the ownership of two UK passports and it is a road I would dread to go down, remembering my last experience. I would sure appreciate hearing from anyone that knows of a possible solution to this dilemma. Thanks.
  12. Have seen quite a few in wheelchairs. Used to be one just inside the entrance to Lotus in Pattaya.
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