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Everything posted by kidneyw

  1. I went there four weeks ago on appointment. This was my second booster, my first being Pfizer. This appointment stipulated Pfizer, but when I got there I was given the option of Moderna, which I took. There were also walk ins that day.
  2. Won 4,000 baht seven months ago. Bought a big bottle of gin and a new tyre for the car. Still hoping for another win to by a second tyre.
  3. Obviously some Iranian authorities "spat the dummy."
  4. I had my 4th, shot after four months. My daughter, who is obviously younger, did not receive any notification to come and get a 4th. so obviously age is also a factor.
  5. Get some of that medicinal marijuana down you lad.
  6. Three weeks ago I had an appointment for my 4th. jab. Previously I had two Astra Zenica and one Pfizer. This time I took Moderna.
  7. The catalogue of injuries perpetrated on this child were horrific. This woman, and I use that term loosely, is a monster.
  8. If she had sprinkled some marijuana on it, then she could have said it was "aroi mak mak."
  9. You know, I have tried using these predicted lottery numbers. Be it car crash number plates, banana trees; monitor lizard with talcum powder; cow with two heads; snakes etc. and you know what I have never won. I am sorry, I don't believe this spider knows any better.
  10. Guess the vendors will be setting up shop soon, now that the word is out.
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