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Posts posted by burman

  1. So I assume by that statement that means you have never....

    a) used counterfeit software

    wore counterfeit clothes

    c) smoked a pack of ciggys from over the border

    d) used illegal drugs of any kind

    e) copied an album for a friend

    f) downloaded music

    g) etc etc

    er ....... well , ive never fiddled the benefit / tax system.

    But you do admit to having committed a crime that has cost tax payers money.

    Now can you tell me what's the difference between yourself and the guy in the news report?

  2. Annual cost of benefit fraud: (about) £800 million

    As I stated before, it is not simply the financial cost of benefit fraud but the fact that the existence of wide spread benefit fraud causes people who work for a living (often at low wages) to question why they themselves are paying into a broken system

    Now this is an interesting point. Admittance that the welfare system is a broken system.

    Now everybody knows its a broken system and I guess that gives people choices.

    1. Pay into a broken system and lose money to it.

    2. Take from the broken system and take money from it.

    Now you GH choose number 1 and I do appreciate it frustrates you. Other people with perhaps (or maybe not) less options and willing to take a bit more risk take option 2.

    The system is broken today, and it'll be broken tomorrow and if you come back in a few years time then for sure it'll be broken then. Should you use that to your advantage or your disadvantage?

  3. I've found that people commit/support as much crime as they dare risk to get what they want in life

    its called living in a moral vacuum.

    I expect you do as well.

    sorry to disappoint , but no i dont.

    So I assume by that statement that means you have never....

    a) used counterfeit software

    :o wore counterfeit clothes

    c) smoked a pack of ciggys from over the border

    d) used illegal drugs of any kind

    e) copied an album for a friend

    f) downloaded music

    g) etc etc

    Are you telling me taxexile that you have never committed a crime?

    edit: no idea why the smiley keeps coming up whilst I put in section b, no hidden meaning anyways!

  4. Negative and racist posts have been deleted, as have the replies.

    My this thread certainly turned very ugly very fast with the usual negative generalizations being applied to a nation as a whole based on the behavior of a few.

    Keep it polite, keep it civil and keep it civilized or it will be closed.

    And here we are discussing Thai manners. Hard enough to find them on the internet sometimes. :o

    ps. Understand racist posts removed, but what are negative posts?

  5. Strange how people deal with the Thai people here. In their home country I would guess most people would say something like "Excuse me I was watching that" and ask for it to be turned back. But in Thailand everybody is either too scared to speak or running over to the woman battering her for the remote control, switching channels and screaming about her lack of manners.

    Here's a novel idea, perhaps the "Excuse me I was watching that" might work here too. :o

  6. What the problem with Chatachuk? They sell everything you need from soil to plants to fertilizers, and cheap too.

    Go up there during the week, no crowds at all and loads of plant shops are open, more than on the weekend it seems.

  7. thais? Some, but a fair few a Cambodians as well. No doubt however, that their bosses are Thai's and the coppers taking a cut are Thai's also.

    Not just Cambodians, but also people who are stateless and large numbers of people who are trafficked by gangs.

    All in all a very sorry state of affairs.

    But at least it gives the dregs of western society that are increasingly washing up on Thailand's shores someone to look down upon.

    They look down and comment on the dregs, as you look down and comment on them, as I look down and comment on you, as someone looks down and comments on me, and so on and so forth. Time to change the record Guesthouse? :o

  8. burman - Is it?

    Well yes of course it is.

    Let's not forget that at the time of the running down of the Thai - John Jones was almost certainly extremely traumatised - injured - and had a deep and personal sense that his personal privacy and property had been seriously violated.

    Yes, shock/rage/trauma, all factors that have to be taken into account. But a good lawyer will argue that he had enough presence of mind to stay at the scene and wait for the burglars to come out, before he got into his van and chased them. Unfortunately I think there is no way this guy can use self defence as an argument.

  9. So one minute you're in a life threatening situation and the next minute - you're not - and in a van involved with the same murderous individuals who a few moments before were endangering your life. What's the difference?

    At one point he was being attacked with an axe. After which he escaped the house (and the immediate danger) and waited for them to come out of the house. Then he chased them in a van and killed of them.

    There is a large difference between chasing someone in a van and getting attacked by an axe. The latter is usually more life threatening. :o

    If he had killed them in the house whilst he was getting attacked he has a great case of self defence. As it is, he has no argument for self defence. That matters a lot in a court of law.

    In the UK - if it could be proven that John Jones ran down one of the fleeing Thai buglars with an intent to kill or seriously maim - then he would almost certainly be looking at a custodial sentence.

    Yes that is correct and what I said quite a few posts earlier. Interested to see what the outcome is in Thailand with the same situation though.

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