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Posts posted by burman

  1. I assume you didn't watch the whole video

    The guy knew what he was doing, was caught red handed at the airport with 3400 tabs of X ....

    not 3 not 34 ... not 340 ... Three Thousand and four hundred hits of an illegal drug.

    He rated the death penalty in Thailand and pled guilty to get a lesser sentence (50 years?)

    Even in the US and having worked in the Chem Dependancy field I could not tell you where to connect with a major distributor that could sell 3400 hits of X at a cost that I could profit from selling in Thailand!

    Yes aware of the case, though didn't watch this video, I remember this when it happened.

    I could fly to the UK tomorrow and get hold of a few thousand ecstasy pills easy enough at low cost, and so could many people living in Manchester, London etc. It's cheaper in Europe than it is in Thailand, that's for sure.

    He saw a quick profit, a holiday and took a chance. He took that chance because he is an idiot.

    99 years though? I feel for the lad.

  2. Not the wisest thing he's ever done but he's a 19 yr old who by the looks of it fell of the right track. Easily done. Not deserving 99 years though.

    Sorry but it is not easily done, the guy was a complete moron, unfortunately he doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the box.

    Ok, I knew someone would take issue. Easily done was with regards to him falling off the right track, which led to him ending up with him getting in deep enough to smuggle some E.

    The guy is obviously not the sharpest tool in the box. But still, 99 years is far too much.

  3. So, say I wasn't the girl. Instead, say I was the guy and the woman had just beat my mother to death and threatened to cut off Mr Happy and feed him to a duck while i slept...

    I'd like it to be known now that whilst I did call the OP brave (and maybe foolish) for having a go, if indeed the woman had murdered her attacker's mother then I will admit that he definitely made a mistake. :o

  4. Yes, GH called it right from the start. I knew myself that it wouldn't be long before someone trashed his wife. Seems to be a sport amongst the thaivisa community. It ruins it for the rest of us and really brings the whole atmosphere of this board down.

    Of course 99% of them would never say the same things to someone's face. At least it separates the men from the boys.

  5. Tropical fish are still in the same location but a whole section of that has gone which is a same because some of my favourite fish shops went along with it. Any weekday seems to be fine for fish shopping.

    If you approach the market from the local JJ park then you will have no problem finding the pet section. If you go through the all the fish shops you will find the birds, though I have little interest in keeping birds and have no idea if there is any particular day that's better to find them. I would assume it's the same as the fish, any weekday will do.

  6. ^ Yes not a chance that site would be built for 10-15 K, I don't know anybody decent that works that cheap.

    As for what colours are used..... please!

    The colour scheme is important on a website. For example, a lot less members would use this site regularly if it had a red background and all text was in white.

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