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Posts posted by burman

  1. Dogs and cats are generally not endangered species, owls may very well be. Just because a Japanese guy is foolish enough to buy one, it doesn't mean you have to as well.

    Yes it may very well be illegal, since you don't even know what type of bird you have bought it is impossible to say.

    I opted for the chick in Hoping that I will let it into the wild once fully grown and ready, but Now that might be impossible because I heard they wont adapt to the wild once human care has been given.

    If you honestly feel that strongly about letting this bird have a good life then I suggest you take it along to a professional organisation which can help.

    At the very least they may be able to identify it for you and give professional advice on it's care. And if it is a protected species then they can arrange for it to go back to the wild.

  2. 2) By buying the bird – almost certainly stolen from its’ nest in the wild

    And often with the mother of the bird killed first. :o

    Try and find someone that can help you with where your bird is native to (where there is an existing population) and possibilities of returning it to the wild when its fully grown.

    There are organisations in Thailand that can help get these wild animals back where they belong. Bambina can better advise the OP better here, because I'm sure there are some unscrupulous ones.

    And a return to the wild does need to be considered at this stage. Which will also effect how you treat the bird now.

    You most definitely need to find out what species it is. As I said there is a chance you are keeping an illegal animal which may leave you open to criminal charges and resulting fines/imprisonment/deportation.

    Sorry to put a dampener on your spirits, but you do need to take some responsibility in this matter.

  3. I imagine it should be in a nest in the wild somewhere with it's mother, so it seems irresponsible enough to purchase it in the first place, let alone not knowing how to care for it all. You may even find it's illegal to keep depending on the species.

    I would say this is a specialist bird of sorts and perhaps you should also be seeking advice on specialist forums. These links should help you get all the info you need.

    Owl Pages Forum

    More Owl Links

    Owl Forum

    Falconry Forum

    I hope it does well, owls are fantastic creatures and if I lived out in the countryside would love to keep some bird of prey myself.

  4. My brother's girlfriend was in a plaster cast once and in the outskirts of Bangkok hobbling along looking for a taxi. The police picked her up, took her to a main road and hailed a taxi for her. :o

    Anyway, probably not much to do with the main OP, but a nice story to share.

  5. Yes, using tank water to wash out filters on a weekly basis & replace after 5/6 weeks.

    Forgot to mention this. When you change over for the filter sponge you get the same problem as when you wash it with tap water, they'll be no bacteria on the new filter sponge that should be cleaning your water.

    A good way to get over this problem is too cut off a large bit of the old sponge and leave it in with the new sponge for a few weeks to 'seed' it with bacteria.

    In fact as far as I remember Fluval pumps, in the centre the sponge there should be a little plastic tube. If you have nothing in this at the moment put a bit of course gravel in there (or even better some cut up plastic non toxic pipe), it will provide a home to this needed bacteria so you don't have to worry about the sponge supporting it as much. This will never need to be changed, just washed though with a bit of tank water every once in a while.

  6. The cucumber will be loved by the plec, they will end up going though a slice every other day. Chuck a new plec in there and try giving them a bit of cucumber to supplement the algae diet and see how it goes.

    You can also feed them lettuce (soak for 10 seconds in some boiling water first) and peas (treated much the same way, until soft) but I always found cucumber to be the easiest and most liked.

    Let us know how you get on with it, cheers.

  7. ... and I think you will have to learn to live with it. If you can learn to appreciate it, then even better!

    Your nice :D

    Yes, that's what I thought :D

    It's strange isn't it? It doesn't matter how innocuous the subject, there's alwayys someone out there who is determined to be obnoxious.

    I think it was pretty clear from the tone of my posts that this was a very light hearted inquiry. No need for nastiness surely? :o

    BTW Herr burman, they are toads - not frogs. If you you want to lecture me on nature appreciation, at least read the posts properly and get your facts straight. :D

    Mating seems to be over for now - just the gentle ripple of the pool, and the waterfall sloshing into the fishpond. The toads must be having an after sex smoke. :D


    Isn't it strange, I was just trying to be helpful to someone who has a pond problem and I get called obnoxious and nasty.

    Apologies for mixing up the words frogs and toads, I will try much harder to be accurate in future whilst I try to offer suggestions to your problem. :D

    Think you took my post completely the wrong way Mobi.

  8. On Chaweng Beach, you see a lot of vendors selling footballs, corn, souvenirs, etc in addition to other Thais.

    To me this is an advantage of going to Koh Phangan, no vendors trying to charge you silly money for crap every 5 minutes.

    Took my parents (in their 60s ) to both Lamai and Haad Yao last year, without a doubt Haad Yao and Koh Phangan was favourite. No broken bottles on the beach, no vendors, and overall a nicer bunch of people.

    But, the accommodation on Lamai was surprisingly much better value for money. And even Thai massages at Haad Yao were close to twice the price of massages on Lamai.

    I avoid Haad Rin every time I go there, and have always proffered the quieter areas of the island such as Haad Salad.

  9. You're fighting a losing battle. If you kill every frog then there is another million of them just round the corner to descend on your pond. If you move all the frogs out of the area they will find there way back. I believe frogs that mate annually will always come back to the same pond for breeding so you might want to expect this population to increase over the years.

    Maybe an idea is to add a natural predator of the frogs to the pond? Water snakes/turtles (?) or some such creatures, something that will not disturb the fish or yourself. It might keep the population down a bit.

    End of the day though you build a big pond in a tropical country it's gonna get filled with frogs soon enough, and I think you will have to learn to live with it. If you can learn to appreciate it, then even better!

  10. But if the customer wanted it that way, who are we (designers) to argue. We can set a plan, create the site, but ultimately, our paying customer says yeay or nay.

    Whenever I have done design work I have advised the client on certain issues concerning their design. If they want to take that advice then that's great, if they don't that's great also as long as they pay.

    At the end of the day if you can advise a client on their design and it works out better for them than they originally planned then you have provided a good service and will get repeat business.

  11. Poorly design site really, a bad colour scheme which makes the writing difficult to read, poor layout and navigation, and looks like no work has been put in to optimize it for the search engines. 100 K seems expensive for what looks like a basic job. To be totally honest were it my own I'd be looking at redesigning it soon.

  12. Lot of millionaires never finished school - so I stand by my statement!! :o

    And how many billionaires?

    Seriously Brit, the statement that a child's family poverty level isn't a factor in their future is foolish. A poor child growing up in the hills of Thailand will never have the same education/job opportunities as a rich Chinese child in this country. And you can take that example worldwide, though it's certainly less obvious in the west.

    Of course some people will always be able to make it. But more often than not other factors in their life caused by their family's poverty level will always be a barrier for them. Even if it's something so simple as the child not being able to go to school because they have to work for the family instead.

  13. Dunno can give many examples of poor people pulling themselves up and making smth of themselves. Its called drive and determination. Growing up in Poverty has nought to do with how well someone does in life or how rich they are.

    Well I disagree there, children growing up in poverty do not have the same resources at hand that richer kids have. Yes some poor kids achieve far beyond what is expected of them though drive and determination but sadly most of them will not.

  14. at the end of the day, your level of intelligence is your level of education. all your wasted potential amounts to nothing.

    You put two kids in the same school, same class, one can do the school work, one can't. Why is that? Because one kid is more intelligent than the other.

    No sorry, that is not quite it either. You cannot sum up intelligence by one fixed example or point in time.

    I was just giving a very basic example for the Realmadrid. Seriously Kat how much of you're well written post do you think he understood? :o

  15. at the end of the day, your level of intelligence is your level of education. all your wasted potential amounts to nothing.

    No, no, no, at the end of the day your intelligence level is different to your level of education.

    You put two kids in the same school, same class, one can do the school work, one can't. Why is that? Because one kid is more intelligent than the other.

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