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Everything posted by PomPolo

  1. 1 Thai Baht is approximately equal to 28 Satoshis and 100 satang so not too much dissimilar to their own currency and other currencies that the Thais have become assimilated to 🙂
  2. A satoshi is the smallest element of a bitcoin and a satang is the smallest element of a baht so they are not worlds apart at the moment 🤣
  3. Not a total waste of time there is (or there was) some nice street food places near there, it only becomes a waste of time once you try to contact it or walk into it
  4. If on the off chance you ever met her don't tell her I said that as she would probably cut my b411$ off 🤣
  5. I know because I am considerate and let my lady let me come first so she knows she has pleased me. And then I always let her get me a beer out of the fridge afterwards so she has a fuzzy feeling of letting herself know she is taking care of me. Then to give her peace after the act I give her some space for a while and go and meet my friends for a few beers. In order to be considerate and ensure I am prepared for the next round of carnal acts I will get a massage in town before I go home to ensure I will be prepared and on form for round 2. After the second coming I go to sleep and don't talk so much so she can sleep well also. She loves me.
  6. I think the death penalty in Thailand isn't far off! Lucky he got extradited and didn't get caught doing the same here I would say!
  7. Yeah just read an article on that given the amount of money, Jeez $63B in 2023, I suspect the new guy at the reigns will be doing something to attempt to combat that one (I'm from the UK so haven't got a clue) don't think the US x-pats have much to worry about just yet 🙂
  8. Of course the US is not going to like it all the money is flowing away from their banks so need to think of some way to recoup it!
  9. I think the punishment in those days for those crimes was being hanged, I am by no means suggesting that should be retrospectively applied to any of his close blood relatives but some may!
  10. @Brave-Fart you haven't kidnapped him have you and trying to detract the authorities from yourself have you. Not sure what the rules are on AN forums around speculation 🤣
  11. Nah I've already bet my last box that he'll be found alive and kicking
  12. At least he will have died happy (hopefully not - dead I mean, not happy)
  13. Hehe OK fair point don't really know enough about it being from the UK to argue about it so you win 🙂 I just like his immigration policies especially when he talks about shooting illegal immigrants in the legs! https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49901878
  14. Not really I haven't spoken to my daughter the last 10 years on her birthday she hates me, and I call my family every couple of months they don't go to the RTP - whats the problem?
  15. Oh I do apologise would common law wife make you feel more comfortable?
  16. Wow - that is brilliant as a staunch believer in controlled legal immigration this should strengthen the case it was obviously a problem even 100 years ago by the look of things, we should manage to resolve it in another 100 years 🙂 It is however going to mess up some of those tourist Jack the Ripper tours in London 🤣
  17. I think the only thing he will be floating in is soapy water with many good looking lifeguards around him
  18. He maybe just decided to play the game of hide and seek to a whole new level
  19. Anyone remember this one? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/dec/17/missing-brit-traveller-in-thailand-expresses-guilt-for-family-distress
  20. Absolutely especially on his sons birthday, what possible reason could someone want to go to Bangkok alone when they are married with a kid on their sons birthday, firstly I'm surprised his wife even let him, and even more that he wanted to go. Abandoned Mansion Bar & Restaurant on is basically opposite Soi Cowboy that is where I would start, plenty of plod down there at night and enough CCTV I'd be surprised if they didn't get a hit.
  21. OK I'll feel like a knob tomorrow if they find him like that, but I'd bet my last box of Viagra on it they won't
  22. I am sure when he gets home he will be very humble or everything will crumble for him
  23. I think I saw the same guy also he was buying a big/large box of meds caught a glimpse of his tablets they appeared to be diamond shaped and blue colour
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