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Everything posted by PomPolo

  1. A lot can happen between now and 2028 a fairly presumptive report this one.
  2. Not being happy with the ability to track everyone's computer usage on the planet I would like to know their medical health status and track everyone's location also - BG
  3. I think for the next few years the deportation to a HMP facility should be adequate for this sex offender with a bit of luck someone will take a shine to him
  4. I bet she was a bundle of fun to be with.
  5. @Elvis Presley hows your mood today? I'm feeling a bit better today all my DIY jobs sorted and the misses doesn't need any shopping 🤣
  6. Quite amazed with this one, didn't think Sakhon had got the memo, the misses and mother in law are outside now having a fire, it is freezing up here I think they see it more as a practical thing
  7. Also depends all depends what is in your lease agreement "If you have one" there are laws that do protect foreigners in situations like this, I don't know them all. But yeah bit of good advice from the posters above, if they want you gone just go there will always be somewhere else that will probably happily take you for the amount of money you are paying now. In my experience Thais can be fairly unpredictable in situations like this and can often resort to 'alternative' tactics to remove you from somewhere they don't want you to be. Voluntarily moving out is probably the path of least resistance.
  8. Yes possibly either that or someone won't be wishing as swift a recovery to "A" as we do
  9. Some people are a little bit stupid, why doesn't he just take them for a walk on a lead they are obviously a bit hyper, problem solved.
  10. Would love to have 5 minutes alone in a cell with him I'd sort out his gender issues I'd rip off anything that was working, he wouldn't be confused then. Hopefully the WOKE parade in the UK will be keeping track of this story. Spot on in the US he would definitely be heading to a male prison and his "Gender Issue" wouldn't even be acknowledged. Rot in peace you POS.
  11. Was a good joke pasting that many images into a post took me half an hour to read it hahaha
  12. I'll kick it off with a wild assumption it wasn't an accident or a suicide pact RIP "B" and wishing a good recovery for "A"
  13. They should start renting rooms there on AirBnB and just get the committing the crime bit out of the way before the luxury Hilton stay.
  14. Or the UK will do it, they love giving away free money, they pay for everything else
  15. Hahahaha like it not bad at all!!!!
  16. Fake wife hahaha - probably better than a real one IMO! 🤣 I tend to find the only good wife is an X one.
  17. The elections are happening in 47/77 provinces where there will be an alcohol ban so more than likely somewhere most of us live. If the desperation for a drink is too bad then advise to stock up before 6pm on Friday like I am going to do. No doubt there will be as usual a couple of places drinking from coffee cups if you happen to be aware of one of these!
  18. Ive got the shakes already
  19. The "Wai" should sort it (and a cut of the profits I guess) next case
  20. "British woman jailed after collecting debt from Thai millionaire" Not sure she collected one satang by the sound of things and it has all been just been a very expensive holiday so far for her, one of life's little lessons I guess.
  21. Hahahaha by far one of the funniest conversations I have had on here for a while. If I did actually still speak to her I'd probably tell her to get a tattoo on her lower back saying that now you have put it into my head 🤣
  22. Hahahaha, I will put a billboard in Dover with the x's telephone number on it, she used to be a social worker so reckon she will quite happily field the calls! You have no idea!
  23. I think even Mohamed would refuse my x-wife 🤣 however he is quite welcome to her. The French play both sides of the issue, get the cash from the UK to increase border security and probably buy them the boats to get out of France!
  24. OK then maybe just deflating the Dinghy's while they are still in shallow water to keep the lefties and socialists happy 🤪
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