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Everything posted by PomPolo

  1. Hahahaha I'm onboard with this one 555
  2. Hahaha, I usually buy a bottle of Listerine for them out of the 280baht I have left a month for fun and emergencies
  3. hahaha @Elvis Presley those happy pills are definitely working! Wish I was at the same level, I woke up this morning to the misses demanding money for shopping and do DIY tasks that I haven't got round to for a few weeks
  4. The places I have gone to have fun I am not sure 280 baht would cover it, isn't enough to buy a lady drink these days 🙂
  5. I am definitely not a conspiracy theorist but there are definitely unanswered questions. But she was never going to be allowed to have another life and date other men especially a Muslim guy given that at one point she was destined to become the Queen of England. 7 years of fake grieving by Charlie and remarrying someone he had been having an affair with while he was married to Diana anyways doesn't really sound sincere. "There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded."
  6. Hahaha yes just noticed it double posted the browser froze!
  7. And in the news the day after that happens: "Kier Starmer bans all talking and all words so not as to offend anyone, however illegal immigrants will still be allowed to talk"
  8. Fair play to the Dutch guy on this I despise low-life people who need to excersise their authority by hurting domesticated animals. Once they catch him they should give him a taste of his own medicine
  9. No they are too busy murdering people.
  10. I think it is more likely they will be after the Russians before you 😉
  11. Yes please feel free to enter the UK illegally on a dinghy then after we get you a nice house and give you some free money please invite your family over also, doesn't surprise me anymore!
  12. Or living on a prayer another Patong favourite
  13. I am fairly sure these laws already exist but doubt they will be at the top of an inebriated tourists mind at daft o clock in the morning not sure changing visa policies will stop people finding their way here people will still make it into the country they will just have a shorter amount of time to start a fight! Looked like a bunch of girls fighting anyways, my misses could probably have taken on most of them, I think I actually saw one of them beeatch slap another!
  14. I am fairly sure these laws already exist but doubt they will be at the top of an inebriated tourists mind at daft o clock in the morning not sure changing visa policies will stop people finding their way here people will still make it into the country they will just have a shorter amount of time to start a fight! Looked like a bunch of girls fighting anyways I think I actually saw one of them beeatch slap another!
  15. She obviously doesn't know a lot about Thailand what was she thinking? Doing work for someone on the other side of planet without any kind of retainer or up front payment, what did she think was going to happen when she got here? The guy would be sitting in the airport ready to give it to her! Some sympathy for her but not a huge amount doesn't sound like a very smart businesswoman.
  16. hahaha the seats go a bit back on them and I wasn't the one doing most of the work if you know what I mean "Too much information Pom" hahahaha
  17. I am glad the millions that the UK pay to the UNHRC are going to good use! The US are doing it right getting out of the pointless group, the millions are probably just being spent sending UN representatives on jollies around the world.
  18. Absolutely ridiculous, there are going to be so many words that we can't say in the future that everyone is going to be communicating in sign language
  19. In my limited experience of the forums I have noticed that a couple of times but its not generally the guys with 1k+ posts I think that is usually 'heated' banter 🙂
  20. Me neither guys and on the mark with these posts. I never had any intention of learning Thai either and consider myself a baby in the language in essence my family talk Thai around me all the time and I think that is what accelerates you more into wanting to understand what is being spoken about especially if you love the lady you are with (I think the moderator should remove this post for being too sloppy 🙂 🙂
  21. Definitely get you on that one spot, but can you think of a current politician (not sure if you live TH or UK) to take the UK through another 4 years? The last 8 have been turmoil with some ridiculous excuses for primeministers. I don't even live there so theoretically I should not give a sstt, but we will always love our home county despite how the politicians rip it apart, BJ was one of the best bets, and not just because his initials align with my nighttime activities 🙂
  22. "A former dictator of the public persecution system in the UK" @ mods please don't delete this my last post and laughing at myself will be back to annoy everyone tomorrow 🙂
  23. I nearly edited myself there I should have said "A former director of Public Persecutions" As for his Chancellor and the rest of the cabinet I don't even think I need to explain eventually people living in the UK will put it together for themselves. There was a brilliant post my another AN member the other day on a different Topic. "The problem with being a socialist you will eventually run out of everybody else's money" I am not sure Ms. (even though she is married) Reeves has got that memo in Downing street just yet.
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