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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. Ah, the problems of Thai wives....

    I would be much happier if I packed my wife off back to Issan for a few weeks, to try to encourage her to be a little more honest. Right now, my anger is primarily because I have been lied to and not been party to this problem when it first reared it's head.

    Our marriage is strong, but she really does 'try' my patience at times... (don't they all?)


    You may be right Simon, a few weeks away might do you some good. I have another question. Why did the parents of the gf return the travellers checks in story 1, but the wifes son took the checks in story 2? I mean the parents really came to your house, right? Everything else is just a story so far, right?

  2. why does everyone rave bout Giorgio's?? the pasta was overcooked and the pizza was small, the cheese tasted nasty and the olives took all night and the following morning to digest.


    This is a conumdrum I've had too. Been there twice. Both times, very poor food. I was told the ownwer is Italian, but I can't believe it. Most Italian resteraunteurs I've known, are like the French; constitutionally imcapable of putting out bad food, even if it's a low price place, which Giorgio's isn't.

  3. And there ain't nothing like a good dinning on the side of the road........... :o

    :D Personally I prefer to dine by the side of the road, bit cleaner - and safer. :D

    If you like the Blue Heffalumop chain, in Bangkok or overseas and want something similar, you would probably do best by going to one of the top hotels, the Four Seasons or the Oriental Dhara Devi. They both offer fine dining Thai experiences in a slmilar, slightly Westernised, manner to the Blue Heffa chain.

    Haven't tried the Four Seasons, but I've been to the Oriental Dhara Devi (Grand Lanna) several times. I like the lanna atmosphere of the grounds but the food is some of the worst to be found anywhere, and it sure ain't cheap. I mean it's just awful. If it cost 40 baht you'd send it back. If you take Thais with you, they'll be amusing themselves at your expense as to what a rube you are. Worse than airplane food.

    Is the Indian food as terrible as the thai food sounds?

    You may have saved me a lot of money.

    I don't know, I've never had Indian food there. I've eaten there 4 times. The first time I took myself and a grouop of others (including a Lanna princess), and the Thais could barely gag the food down. They did go on at length about what a criminal the builder is and what shame he brought his father and the suicides brought on by him not paying the contractors that built the place.

    The next two times invited--terrible. The 4th, a wedding. Nice wedding, awful food. Thais wouldn't touch it.

    PS: There's a good Indian/Arab restaurant in Anusarn Market next to that pub. Not much for atmosphere, but delicious food.

  4. And there ain't nothing like a good dinning on the side of the road........... :o

    :D Personally I prefer to dine by the side of the road, bit cleaner - and safer. :D

    If you like the Blue Heffalumop chain, in Bangkok or overseas and want something similar, you would probably do best by going to one of the top hotels, the Four Seasons or the Oriental Dhara Devi. They both offer fine dining Thai experiences in a slmilar, slightly Westernised, manner to the Blue Heffa chain.

    Haven't tried the Four Seasons, but I've been to the Oriental Dhara Devi (Grand Lanna) several times. I like the lanna atmosphere of the grounds but the food is some of the worst to be found anywhere, and it sure ain't cheap. I mean it's just awful. If it cost 40 baht you'd send it back. If you take Thais with you, they'll be amusing themselves at your expense as to what a rube you are. Worse than airplane food.

  5. I have two questions if anyone can advise It would be appreciated.

    I’ve been considering taking the plunge and buying a house. However I have read so many conflicting things about whether or not a company is still possible to have in order to buy a house?

    The other option I was considering is a 30 year lease. But, from what I understand IF I split up with my g/f in the future then I believe that I could/would be liable to pay her the rent figure specified in the lease documents. I mean the figure that you pay the land office the 1% on. Is this correct?



    Option 3 : http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=83374

  6. MrBoJangles - my wife says about the compensation that ' this is the way it is done in Thailand'. So she seems to agree that compensation has to be paid.

    She knows that I'm dead against her view, but it's all her family (and the family of the girl) versus me! Not much chance of winning the moral arguement have I? (In fact, there is no moral arguement as far as they are all concerned. The fact that this foreign guest in their village was hugely inconvenienced seems to have been quietly forgotten)



    So, what do you think of Terry's idea, and who was going to pay the girl's dowry before they decided to have your wife get it out if you?

  7. Reading today’s posts it seems Thaksin has once again fired up a lot of people. I have to think that some things were said to Thaksin over the last 3 months that have not made the media. Using some common sense and a bit of Thaksin’s profile I suspect the following was said.

    1) Do not interfere with the workings of the new government.

    2) Do not involve yourself in political maneuvering.

    The reaction to the meeting(s) Thaksin has been having with other governments is very disturbing, arrogant, and totally out of line with what he says his intent is. Much like a child who has been told no several times but still continues. Now the punishment is getting harsher as telling no has proven useless.

    What has happened here is very similar to what happens in the states in a drug bust. Everyone gets arrested even if they knew nothing about the drugs. Then let the courts decide. So in a way Thailand is helping Thaksin keep his word that he wants to get away from politics. The only politician Thaksin should be talking to is the one who represents him in parliament.

    I was trying to decide if this was just another knee jerk reaction but after carful thought it is not. From the moment Thaksin flew to the UK from the USA he has been trying to see everyone. So this was just the straw that broke the camels back. For all practical purpose he has been trying to look the part of PM to heads of state but just the private guy on camera. So now knowing the possible consequences of seeing Thaksin, it will be much more difficult for Thaksin to not do what he says he would. If he stays private then there will be no more of this. If not then this is just the beginning.

    The other thought that crossed my mind that I wish to debate is, This is all just an elaborate excuse in steps to seize Thaksin’s assets in that Thaksin has done a very good job in covering his tracks.

    I think few of us share this obsession with Thaksin Shinawatra !

    Perhaps there could be a Thaksin sub-forum where people can speculate ad nauseam about what he hasn't said to the media, and what he meant when he didn't say it, inferrences of his regressive infantile traits stemming from inadequate potty training, and other sweeping psycho-analytic assumptions about someone they haven't met, based on what he said on the telly, once.... sometime.

    This isn't really about Thaksin anymore. He's never coming back. It's about a country (Singapore) trying to buy the assets of another country (Thailand). Temasek, Shin, Thaksin are just the media to facilitate this. I imagine Thaksin was summoned to singapore to see how he would make it right for them. Well, he's not going to be able to pull it off, and he probably has more to fear from them than he has to fear from Thailand.

  8. I used to wonder about the poor upkeep, especially on land and houses for sale. Eventually it dawned on me that both you and the seller know it only cost 500 baht to have 2 guys with weed whackers clear the land of it's 2 meter high weeds. Since both of you know it, why bother?

  9. theres another way to look at it.

    you strike a deal to pay the money as long as it is payed back.

    if they dont agree to pay back the money you dont cough with the money.

    once they agree to pay you the money you are never again obliged to give them money until the debt is repayed.

    you could look apon it as a 30,000 baht insurance policy against your wifes family. :D

    fairly cheap insurance mate and you can make this situation work for you. :o

    Ooooh, the fireman from down under may be on to something here.

  10. If I refuse to pay up, you then get the ludicrous situation of my wife's family losing face because they have agreed to pay 30,000 baht and then are not able to show the money........

    Jeez, maybe I should become a monk . .


    Let them lose face. You save your money and they will think twice before offering others your money in the future.

  11. [

    Ive also worked out the gulf between me and Bill Gates is huge, he earns more, in one day than I will in a lifetime, is it OK if I steal off him?

    If you're buying your software at Pantip Plaza, you probably already are stealing from him. :o

    And that's just the point. While her intentions were not good, there is not much harm done is there. She's learnt her lesson. Have a heart.

    I'd hazard a guess and say that all of us have stolen at one time or another, even if it's in the form of buying a 100 baht DVD on Sukhumvit Road.

    Where, morally, is the difference (apart from the fact that we have much more education than the girl does, and probably don't need to steal because we could afford to pay full price)?

    I don't think anyone wants to hang this girl out. We've all made mistakes and know how to forgive. I think the sticking point for myself and others is the fact that she will be compensated for her criminality, and the OP, who didn't do anything to anyone, is being asked to foot the bill.

  12. One of the nice things about America, as opposed to Thailand is, that a family like this probably won't have a beautiful daughter that you're willing to marry and suffer these abuses.

    Huh? Are you on the droid mix there, lannarebirth?

    Not sure what that is Jet. I was just thinking what a nice lesson this was for the visiting American, and in the end it didn't cost him anything. I hope the OP is as fortunate.

  13. I don't think Singapore is going to let this situation escalate. At some point, the Lees, who have directed Singapores affairs as if it were their own business, will be getting pressure from their own citizenry for their malfeasance, misfeasance, and lack of fiduciary controls in the Temasek/Shin matter. I have no doubt there are laws on the books there that they have violated, in addition to Thailands laws. They'll want to get this nasty episode behind them as soon as possible IMO.

  14. How many billion baht have they lost at present on the Temasek deal?

    Many many many. T would not be down there to try to take the blame of himself and put it on the current BKK power folks would he? Those S folks can not be happy about the losses with the prospect of more to come. They gotta be hot.

    Yes, they're down a few baht alright. They conspired to meddle in the affairs of a soverign state and are now "seemingly" continuing. I would not be surprised if the next step was the suspension of trading in Shin shares, with the threat of nationaizing the company. Temasek/Singapore have a way out, which will still cost them some money, but they are clearly backing the wrong horse now. Continuing to do so will cost them alot more IMO. Sure they'll get their revenge in the end, but I don't think they'll let these billions get away.

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