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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. It has been my experience here, that when I'm being pitched business/farming proposals, that the expenses to be considered are usually much less than actual and returns to be made are much more than actual. Add 50% to expenses and cut 50% from returns and if it still seems like a good idea, it probably is.

  2. or, I guess I could relax, go to the beach & forget about all that is home..

    often as I follow current events, it occurs to me that if would be best for me to ignore it all!

    when following current events I am often glad that I am old w/ 1 foot in the grave! :o

    I think you've hit on the perfevt solution. I used to care about all that stuff once, but I discovered that all that stuff we're worried about this week, no one's talking about next week. I think it has to do with TV news cycles. I stopped being a junky for news and my life improved tremendously. I don't even watch TV at all anymore. Give it a try.

  3. Beerlao threads have been reopened. Contact me if you want more info on where to buy. You currently can buy it at The UN Irish Pub, Spicy, Foxy Lady, and a few bars on Loi Kroh.

    Good grief you do get about :o

    I think there may have been fewer posts when the government was overthrown.

  4. My girlfriend describes herself as yellow, and she is. Her friends do the same, and they mean her no slight. It's just plain silly how these descriptive words have taken on "racist" connotations. I used to spend time in Costa Rica, people would often use negro, nerito, blanco, flaco, gordo as descriptive terms among friends, or even strangers. They meant no ill will whatsoever. There are enough things to worry over, but I don't think this need be one.

  5. this is a great time to be buying stocks, especially blue chips and sector performers. i been picking up stocks all day.

    Never, ever invest in a mrket that does not allow short selling. Short selling acts as a natural braking mechanism for markets and supplies buyers to mark market lows. Emerging markets can be like Roach Motels, you can get in but you can't get out. They can open limit down for days on end. Doesn't mean you can't make money, even a lot of money, but it requires more attention than many other passive investments.

    Just did a quick check, I see they do allow shorting now, but it is limited to SET 50 stocks and delivery of borrowed shares must be arranged through a broker.

  6. Stock market loses Bt500 billion in value : SEC

    "Please call an ambulance, there is a bloodbath," a dealer at a domestic brokerage said.

    "Foreign players seem to be selling all maturities today, but I think it's only the first round. There is a lot of money already in the Thai markets. If they're pulling out, we're dead," he said.

    - CNN

    I'm not so sure about the specifics, but in general I applaud this move by the government. Todays market reaction shows they were correct in that there's a lot of money in Thailand here only to exploit markets. These globalist don't give a shit about the Thai economy or the Thai people. They're quick buck artists. Good riddance.

  7. Hi Guys, I'm new here so please go easy on me :o

    I have been offered a property close to Udon Thani at a very attractive price, I have a couple of questions though and I'm hoping some of you guys in the know will be able to help me.

    Here is a quote with what the seller says about the ownership of the land the house is built on.

    There are many ways which westerners can have their names on property in Thailand, trust me I looked at them all. I decided that the simplest way for me to do this was to purchase un deeded land.

    To purchase un deeded land it is as simple as agreeing a price and filling out a receipt. I have all the original receipts and photographic evidence of the sale and the money changing hands with the former owner.

    There is very little land in Thailand which is un deeded and the reason for this is because it is ex military land no longer needed and sold to the public. If ever Thailand decides to register the land i.e. title deeds then their will be more options available to you to which I will gladly help you with. If this does happen the simplest thing to do will be to have a legal paper dawn up stating that YOU own the house and a Thai national owns the land and leases it to you. The lease will contain clauses, the owner of the land can not sell the land without giving you the option to re lease it (the lease will be set and fixed at a low rate, £25 for 30 years) so every 30 years you will have to pay £25. Although you will probably never have to go to these lengths my wife would be happy to help you about this as long as you are aware that you are to pay the legal expenses and any other costs. (I would think no more than £200 from a good Thai lawyer).

    My questions are.......

    Is this a legitamate way to own land ? Or, is it possible that the land and house can be taken by the govenment or some other entity at some point in the future ?

    If it is a legitamate way to own land at the moment and the sh!t hits the fan in the future, would the leasing option be possible then or even now ?

    It also comes with

    the house registration booklet(government issue)
    does this mean the house would be 100% owned by me ? And also the land if what the seller is saying is correct ?

    Many Thanks I look forward to your responses :D


    Almost everything that is in that message you received is untrue as pertains to foreigners. Some savvy Thais do trade in undeeded land. Foreigners most certainly cannot(deeded either for that matter). I'd pass if I were you.

  8. in NZ this is called the party pills. It is current legal there but a restricted substance. Need to be 18 or older to purchase I think.

    I was contemplating bringing in a bottle but thought better about it. Hate to wind up in the Hilton for bringing in some dance pills.

    Not the sharpest tool in the box! :D:o

    Not a tool in anyones language. :D

    but you n your mates wouldnt mind some if they were legal thou eh? :D

    As I gaze at todays topics, including "More Farangs Being Targeted", it is with immeasurable gratitude that I see there are people like you willing to stand in harms way and take the fire, so that the rest of may enjoy our lives here in Thailand.

  9. get outta here if you ain't got no chicken salad input

    Well, it's a reach, but when I think of chicken salad this aways comes to mind:

    Dupea: I'd like a plain omelette, no potatoes, tomatoes instead, a cup of coffee, and wheat toast.

    Waitress: No substitutions.

    Dupea: What do you mean? You don't have any tomatoes?

    Waitress: Only what's on the menu. You can have a number two - a plain omelette. It comes with cottage fries and rolls.

    Dupea: Yeah, I know what it comes with. But it's not what I want.

    Waitress: Well, I'll come back when you make up your mind.

    Dupea: Wait a minute. I have made up my mind. I'd like a plain omelette, no potatoes on the plate, a cup of coffee, and a side order of wheat toast.

    Waitress: I'm sorry, we don't have any side orders of toast...an English muffin or a coffee roll.

    Dupea: What do you mean you don't make side orders of toast? You make sandwiches, don't you?

    Waitress: Would you like to talk to the manager?

    Dupea: ...You've got bread and a toaster of some kind?

    Waitress: I don't make the rules.

    Dupea: OK, I'll make it as easy for you as I can. I'd like an omelette, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast, no mayonnaise, no butter, no lettuce. And a cup of coffee.

    Waitress: A number two, chicken sal san, hold the butter, the lettuce and the mayonnaise. And a cup of coffee. Anything else?

    Dupea: Yeah. Now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, give me a check for the chicken salad sandwich, and you haven't broken any rules.

    Waitress: You want me to hold the chicken, huh?

    Dupea: I want you to hold it between your knees.

    Waitress: Do you see that sign, sir? Yes, you'll all have to leave. I'm not taking any more of your smartness and sarcasm.

    Dupea: You see this sign? [He sweeps all the water glasses and menus off the table]


  10. There has been and always will be a difference between UK humour and US humour. Slapstick, mime and other types of visual humour work the world over. A lot of humour depends on your mood, age and situation. My ex-wife used to enjoy a British sit-com called 'Bread' and I did not. On a trailer for one episode there was a funny one-liner and I laughed. She said 'Why are you laughing you don't like the programme?' I was laughing at a one-liner that amused me.

    American TV comedy seems to rely on canned laughter because we all know that laughter is infectious, to me that does not add anything to the programme but takes it away.

    In my opinion, the closest that US and UK humour were almost in sync - Monty Python in the UK and Rowan & Martin in the US. There will be plenty of people who will disagree with me.

    Oh dear, not even close I'm afraid but I guess you would have to be a Brit to understand that. Nevertheless I respect your opinion.

    I would say British comedy has more in common with Thai comedy than American. Both seem to think that men in dresses is high art.

  11. :o I don't know, but they do tend to freak out my youngest daughter. She is very tolerant of 'alternative' lifestyles ("Mummy, when will K+J have a baby?") but some khatoeys really are out of her acceptable things folder

    I'm pretty tolerant too, but I must say the Khatoey monks are a little hard to fathom. One wonders if the Dharma lessons are really taking hold when they fashion their simple robe like an evening gown and can't pass a reflective surface without looking at themselves. They are not only a few either.

  12. smiling... This was a great debate. I was only trying to remain anonymous, as I believe is my right. If that means putting a phony name down (which most in here agree is not even needed) then I'll do it. If I'm found positive, guess what I'm not putting that **** down on any insurance paper. To those talking about "breaking the law"....LOL...Ever crossed the road where there wasn't a crosswalk? Ever gone 1 mile over the speed limit? All of these could be construed as criminal acts and could endanger lives...yours as well as other drivers and pedestrians. I've seen it myself with 10 car pileups and vehicles stripped open like tin cans because someone decided to jaywalk. Ever cussed or raised your voice at somebody...that's a form of assault. Play high and mighty all day if you like. Even the judges break the laws...most of them probably every day in small ways. The insurance companies are the frauds and the weasels anyways (speaking generally). Thanks to all who offered suggestions and support.....

    I wasn't really defending the actions of scofflaws. My view is, it depends on the circumstances. Laws are in place to protect the many under most circumstances. Sometimes the law gets it wrong.

    Here in Chiang Mai if you were to follow the law and cross the street at a crosswalk, likely someone would run you down. You have to weigh your actions, not only in the moment, but the actions leading to that moment.

  13. 58 at the time and she was 34, hardly a "young girl".

    Is that the reason you didn't include ages?

    Edit... one more gold star, soon you will get a big gold star (when you reach ten), if you get 100 stars you get a free roundhouse kick.

    May I ask one more time:

    "You still can't see that you managed to totally contradict yourself in a single post? "

    I have read all your post in TV and that was good, ehhh let's say funny reading.

    May I ask you what you are smoking? Must be some heavy stuff!

    Take it cool Chuck!

    And be careful, father might come home and found out you have been playing with his computer again!

    I think he's playing with Van Zam's computer.


    In another thread, one of your posts was edited by the other of you. Maybe it's just a TV glitch I don't know, but it's odd, huh?

  14. What the hel_l.. I can't resist.
    BUT, then we had to confront the outside world. Her friends couldn't belive she lived with this very old guy, 36 years old, and with two children!!!

    And my friends, especially the wifes of my friends, they never accepted her. They did not even want to talk to her. They did not want to learn to know her.

    Fortunately here in Asia people don't care about these "agegaps" that much. They are accepted, as are the ladyboys, as are gay people.
    Lets make that 2 gold stars... now what were you muttering about again?

    ?????? 2 gold stars .... for what?

    You must be one of these americans with a big fokking mouth and small ears! Never listen, just shouting.

    Can not understand other peoples input, spoken or written!

    And your idol is Chuck Norris! :D :D :D

    How old are you? 16 ?

    You still can't see that you managed to totally contradict yourself in a single post?

    Three gold stars, for not being able to understand your own posts "spoken or written".

    EDIT.. Chuck norris is not an idol.. he's a GOD.

    "You still can't see that you managed to totally contradict yourself in a single post?"

    No mr Chuck Norris, please tell me!

    And "Chuck norris is not an idol.. he's a GOD."

    From Wikipedia: Chuck Norris Family

    In 1963, his first child with Holechek, a son named Mike, was born. A daughter, Dina, was born in 1964, and a second son, Eric, followed in 1965. After 30 years of marriage, Norris and Holechek divorced in 1988. He married again in 1998, this time to former model Gena O'Kelley, and she delivered twins in 2001.

    Gena O'Kelley was 24 years younger than Chuck Norris! His son was one year older than his new stepmother!


    Plus he stole my girlfriend in '92. Jing Jing.

  15. 58 at the time and she was 34, hardly a "young girl".

    Is that the reason you didn't include ages?

    Edit... one more gold star, soon you will get a big gold star (when you reach ten), if you get 100 stars you get a free roundhouse kick.

    May I ask one more time:

    "You still can't see that you managed to totally contradict yourself in a single post? "

    I have read all your post in TV and that was good, ehhh let's say funny reading.

    May I ask you what you are smoking? Must be some heavy stuff!

    Take it cool Chuck!

    And be careful, father might come home and found out you have been playing with his computer again!

    I think he's playing with Van Zam's computer.

  16. Both the defrauding an insurance company and the speeding are illegal acts, would the police prosecute the motorist for speeding to get medical aid or would they put their 'blues & twos' on and escort them?

    You may throw as many of your scenarios at me, my opinion will not change. Fraud is a criminal act - not matter how well intended it is!

    I don't disagree with that. All I'm saying is, depending on the circumstances, I might do it anyway.

  17. That's not how I view it. I understand it's against their rules. It's just that I place a higher value on a persons life than I do in maintaining arbitrary rules in all cases. If you had a dying person in your car. would you exceed the speed limit getting to the hospital, maybe run a red light if possible? Good rules till a greater need arises.

    Now, what type of argument is that? It certainly isn't a logical argument. How can you compare a 'mercy mission' with fraud?

    I was only comparing the illegality of the acts. OK, would you break into a pharmacy to get insulin for a diabetic going into shock, knowing you didn't have the means to recompense the owner? Of course we never really know what we'd do till the need arises.

  18. Don't kick a man when he's down. This is a real life dilemma for him, not a classroom debate on ethics.

    I would never kick him when he is down and would have every sympathy for him if he were to be found positive.

    He was however asking a question as to whether he could in all truth defraud an insurance company (and get away with it)

    You and I (and all other honest policy holders) would then be underwriting his criminal efforts.

    That's OK with me.

    Not OK at all.

    Why should I/you/everyone subsidize another person who knowingly rips us off? I know that it happens in many different ways but that doesn’t mean that I have to agree with it.

    However, I do agree that anonymous testing should be available but if that person then takes out medical insurance after being found positive then that is a criminal offense and should be treated as such.

    Well, you've certainly got a bettter legal argument than me, I'll grant you that. Still, I would say the ethical / moral dilemma is a grayer area. I hope the fellow tests negative, and it's much ado about nothing.

  19. What is your understanding of the First Noble Truth? It is sometimes translated as "Life is Suffering". Some people say this is a bad translation.

    The way I think of the Four Noble Truths myself is:

    "There is suffering" - but there is much more

    "There is a cause of suffering"

    "There is an end of suffering" - Good News

    "There is a path that leads to the end of suffering" - Lets go

    How do you understand it?

    My understanding is that there is unsatisfactoriness in the way we perceive and respond to our world. Not that the world is unsatisfactory, but only our reactions. Our perceptions and responses are the root of dukkha.

    Something like that.

  20. Why are there so many silver cars in Thailand ? infact why is there very few desent colours, Fortuners are a good example, Ive asked this question to some Thai friends and expected to hear it's something to do with luck or Bhuddah but was quite surprized at their answer which was they disliked the drab colours as much as I did and only realy liked the bright blue Fortuner and the nice red Triton !

    Good question, here's one group's view:


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