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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. That's OK with me.

    It's not OK with me.

    Thanks Rasseru.

    It's nice to see I'm not the only one with any personal integrity or ethics.

    Where would the world be if we all took a "it's not my problem, so I will look the other way" attitude.

    That's not how I view it. I understand it's against their rules. It's just that I place a higher value on a persons life than I do in maintaining arbitrary rules in all cases. If you had a dying person in your car. would you exceed the speed limit getting to the hospital, maybe run a red light if possible? Good rules till a greater need arises.

  2. Don't kick a man when he's down. This is a real life dilemma for him, not a classroom debate on ethics.

    I would never kick him when he is down and would have every sympathy for him if he were to be found positive.

    He was however asking a question as to whether he could in all truth defraud an insurance company (and get away with it)

    You and I (and all other honest policy holders) would then be underwriting his criminal efforts.

    That's OK with me.

  3. You'll never appreciate the benefits of an Asian woman unless you've been around the block a few times with a white chick. What's a young guy like you doing coming to Thailand to marry?

    Regarding looks, I'd have to disagree, I find Asian women look fine up until about 25/30, and then go down hill real fast....but if we're buying them, as most of the posters here like to point out, it's easy to trade one in on a newer model....especially as I don't believe in marriage. Business is business right?

    Bring on the flames!

    Mate im 24 and Ive had girlfriends for as long as I can remember. I was with the same girl from 14 to 18, being young had several other women during that time. Had a few more year or so long relationships up until 21, also living with a few of these women, Some younger most older. Id say im a good looking young lad Ive never had a problem picking up beautiful white women. My first trip to thailand consisted of picking up hot scandinavian or Australian women, didnt go near one Thai girl. It wasnt until I came here with a group of older lads all over 40 that I discovered Thai women and I say it was a treat for the Thai women to have a younger man.

    Anyway I certainly didnt come to Thailand to marry as ive spent the last 3 years being single at university and enjoying every minute of it. Also spending every long summer holiday in Thailand enjoying myself. No one in my family or friends can believe im married or have a kid coz Ive never been interested in having children or a serious relationship. I was normally getting stick of everyone for being such a scum bag to women. But i meet my wife and everything changed, you cant help the way you feel about someone and you could be dead tommorrow. Lifes to short. Plus whilst all my mates are back home in the uk in the shitty weather working trade jobs going out at the weekend and trying to pull over weight dogs with serious attitude problems, im living in a beautiful hot country working only a few hours aday and raising my son. On top of that saving a nice lump of money which i would never be able to save in the UK.

    Well Jared, that sounds about as good of a life as a person could possibly have. I wish you many many more years of the same.

  4. I'm not sure I understand. Would it be a 99 year lease that is transferred to subsequent owners with diminished term left.


    or does each subsequent owner get 99 years also?


    99 year leases used to be common place in the UK. The term does not regenerate if the land is sold. I think they've faded away these days as the law has given the leaseholders rights to buy, but that would never happen here.

    I personally doubt if the government will go for this. It wouldn't be popular, and they'd get a lot of stick from their detractors. It wouldn't be worth all the hassle to try to justify it.

    Thanks for the clarification. Certainly a nice idea, for our lifetimes at least.

  5. Must not be any Californians in this forum. Yesterdays earthquake was about the weakest I've ever experienced that could still be "felt". It was nothing but a good opportunity to remind people of actions to take during an earthquake. Stay away from windows, keep a flashlight next to your bed, go outside (wear shoes), do not stand next to building.

    Maybe it depends on where you were or what you were doing at the time.

    I lived in San Francisco for 15 years and was in the Big One of 89. That was a fair sized quake. :o

    Yeah, that one cracked my pool, 450 miles away. Anyway, I don't think most of the "Earthquake Preparedness" stuff you read applies in this region. Staying inside is a bad idea here. I've been in half a dozen quakes that did minimal damge to California constructed homes, but would have leveled my house here. I think the best thing is just to get away from anything likely to crush you, and electrical wires too.

  6. Must not be any Californians in this forum. Yesterdays earthquake was about the weakest I've ever experienced that could still be "felt". It was nothing but a good opportunity to remind people of actions to take during an earthquake. Stay away from windows, keep a flashlight next to your bed, go outside (wear shoes), do not stand next to building.

  7. I recently read "An Inconvenient Truth", very sobering read it was too. One of my American friends dismissed it as "Pinkie Propaganda". Sad statement from a native of a country that has only 5% of the worlds population yet produces 30% of the world's greenhouse gases.

    Look at the facts over the last 50 years and look at the signs today; hedgehogs not hibernating in the UK, daisies flowering in Moscow in December, birds not flying south for the winter, hurricanes, typhoons, the melting ice caps.......it goes on and on.

    We, the Human race, are only tenants on this planet and pretty soon if we don't shape up we will be evicted!

    Rant over !


    Well, I planted about 250 trees this year and I guess I'll plant a couple hundred more next year. Built some check dams and planted some "Kings" grass to inprove water retention in soil and to reduce erosion, per the King's sustainable economy plan. What did you do besides rant?

  8. C'mon man, it's a paper mill. Seems to be run by people who got some of their higher degrees from paper mills too, Check out some of these alma maters:


    What is good about Payap though, is that they do have some knock out looking girls attending there.

    Well I don't know if he is still the president of Phayap or has retired by now, but Dr. Amnuay received his PhD from a respected American university and whenever I met him he came across as a most dedicated educator.

    Phayap was always a very good 4 year college, with a lesser pedigree at attaining university status. Not being a government school, not a Royally supported university, it was not in the same class (nor could it lay claim if it was) as the big three (Thamma, Chula, and CMU) but Phayap's undergraduate program is, for better or worse, right there with the other better 4-year institutions in the Kingdom.

    I don't mean to rap Payap specifically, I'm sure it's just as good as any other third tier college in Thailand. My point is, if you're a young westerner in need of an education to establish a career (other than as an english teacher), why would you attend Payap when there are other, better choices available to you, even in Thailand.

    I was going to put up the Higher Education Commission's rankings but their site is down:


  9. Any of the European ThaiVisa members heard of Rio Hodo Community College, College of Charleston, or Alabama A&M? I'm sure there are many great univeristies in Europe that I would have to look up the name to as well.

    The International College at Payap University is in charge of the English programs of instruction at Payap University. Payap is a private univeristy founded by the Church of Christ.

    PeaceBlondie is correct, Payap does have degree producing programs that are approved by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for administration of financial aid. The VA doesn't give their stamp of approval lightly. Their website says their approval is only given to accredited institutions. Overseas universities have a very strigient process they must pass to get approved.

    I am planning on attending in August, 2007 as soon as the VA approves the course that I am requesting and my application for VA financial aid. (VEAP).

    If your in Chiang Mai, stop by the International College at Payap Univeristy and ask for more information. The head of the admissions department is a retired U.S. Navy sailor.

    C'mon man, it's a paper mill. Seems to be run by people who got some of their higher degrees from paper mills too, Check out some of these alma maters:


    What is good about Payap though, is that they do have some knock out looking girls attending there.

    In Chiang mai, CMU a far better choice academically: http://www.cmu.ac.th/glance_eng.htm


    You really don't know the definition of a papermill. The curriculum of the courses at Payap are avaliable for you to read off the internet. Papermills generally do not require you to attend but this has 4 years of instruction associated with it.

    Payap also has 4 English BA programs and 4 English MA programs where CMU only offers nursing and engineering taught in English.

    You mentioned that CMU is a far better choice academically but I have heard the same thing about Payap being far better than CMU. I guess it depends on who you want to believe. More people go to CMU because it is a cheap school to attend.

    Also, Payap has been around a lot longer than CMU.

    They are probably both good schools to attend.

    OK, maybe it's a great school, which offers a diploma that will position you to take advantage of myriad offers in fields that excite, challange and reward you. All i'm saying is, if I'm hiring, and the candidate sends me a resume with Payap on it, it goes to the bottom of the pile or in the bin.

  10. Why are Carabao concerts so notourious for fighting?

    My wife will not entertain going - and we live right across the road from Tawan Deng! Easily staggering distance!

    I've been to see them 5 times and haven't seen a fight yet, but some of the elements are definitely there. Often times your ticket price will include a bottle of whisky, and if you don't have good seats (unblocked) someone in front of you usually stands up blocking your view of the whole show. It's not a terribly sophisticated crowd, but it is enjoyable for me anyway.

  11. Hey Slated,

    Check out my alma mater. They will accept your transfer credits (but you must attend 3 years). Between your GI Bill VA benefits, California state education grants, Pell grants, you should have very little to pay. You'll graduate with a merchant marine officers license as well a BSc degree. 100% placement of graduates this year at better than average salaries. I see they're also working on a "study abroad" program. A lot different than in my day:


  12. Just got off the phone with Chulalongkorn.

    They said they do not accept any transfer credits, and I will have to start as a first semester student.

    Sorry, no thanks (I didn't spend 60k USD at a private US Uni to have the credits ALL turned down.

    I'm meeting with the dean of BKK Uni tomorrow, and still considering Payap, since BKK only has a BBA in marketing

    Hey Slated,

    Try this. Contact the school in America you attended and find out which Thai Universities THEY will accept transfer credits from. Then apply to that school. Then with a semester or so to go, return to your original university overseas for a degree from there.

    my school was 22k USD a year. Here school is only 1k USD/semester.

    I'd ratherr start my degree from the begining than enroll again in the states.

    Most schhols I'm aware of in America, require 50% of your credit hours to be from that school in order to issue a degree. What I'm saying is, see if the coursers you take here can be transferred to America for credit for your degree issued from America. Careerwise the American degree has more value. Unless you can't find comparable curriculum, you still pay Thai rates if you, catch my drift.

  13. It's just that Ad spent so many years singing songs about the abuse of power by greedy leaders and businesses, and about the erosive effects of consumerism on Thai culture, that his full frontal embrace of TRT and Chang look especially bad.

    I think you have to separate work from art. While it's true he may have written jingles for TRT, I think "full frontal embrace" isn't accurate. The last Carabao album before the coup (not counting the one with the girl) ripped Thaksin and TRT to shreds. It wasn't subtle at all, which e generally tries to be.

    As for Chang, the last 2 concerts I attended, Ad bequeathed 200,000 Baht to worthy charities (on behalf of Chang).

    Additionally the band does A WHOLE LOT of benefit concerts, including the wat fair in my village.

  14. Just got off the phone with Chulalongkorn.

    They said they do not accept any transfer credits, and I will have to start as a first semester student.

    Sorry, no thanks (I didn't spend 60k USD at a private US Uni to have the credits ALL turned down.

    I'm meeting with the dean of BKK Uni tomorrow, and still considering Payap, since BKK only has a BBA in marketing

    Hey Slated,

    Try this. Contact the school in America you attended and find out which Thai Universities THEY will accept transfer credits from. Then apply to that school. Then with a semester or so to go, return to your original university overseas for a degree from there.

  15. Pretty heavy - just now...anyone know anything?

    Yeah, I felt it. Seemed pretty small, but then I don't really notice unless it's 5.5 or bigger. Very short duration it seemed to me. Maybe 20 seconds?

  16. Any of the European ThaiVisa members heard of Rio Hodo Community College, College of Charleston, or Alabama A&M? I'm sure there are many great univeristies in Europe that I would have to look up the name to as well.

    The International College at Payap University is in charge of the English programs of instruction at Payap University. Payap is a private univeristy founded by the Church of Christ.

    PeaceBlondie is correct, Payap does have degree producing programs that are approved by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for administration of financial aid. The VA doesn't give their stamp of approval lightly. Their website says their approval is only given to accredited institutions. Overseas universities have a very strigient process they must pass to get approved.

    I am planning on attending in August, 2007 as soon as the VA approves the course that I am requesting and my application for VA financial aid. (VEAP).

    If your in Chiang Mai, stop by the International College at Payap Univeristy and ask for more information. The head of the admissions department is a retired U.S. Navy sailor.

    C'mon man, it's a paper mill. Seems to be run by people who got some of their higher degrees from paper mills too, Check out some of these alma maters:


    What is good about Payap though, is that they do have some knock out looking girls attending there.

    In Chiang mai, CMU a far better choice academically: http://www.cmu.ac.th/glance_eng.htm


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