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Posts posted by lannarebirth

  1. Like the topic says.....

    Their prices are nice, and their course lists seem up to par.....

    Will the degrees be recognized by companies or other graduate schools?


    Payap is really for Thais with money, whose children don 't have good enough test scores to get into good universities. Some of the girls there are stunners though. If you're going the International student route, I think you'd find CMU or Chula or Mahidol or Khon Kaen to offer a more valuable degree.

  2. Heard a rumor that carabao is playing in CM tonight. Anyone heard where and what time?


    I thought the sign said the 11th, but I could be wrong. They're playing at the big berr hall / concert venue that faces the klong road with the huge parking lot across from CMU vet hospital

  3. [. This unfortunately tonight has led into a family argument and i believe i am looking like a bad person for being concerened about her son.

    Probably, you are looking like a bad person, not because you are concerned about her son, but because you are creating friction in the family and more than implyiing that you are the only one concerned about her son. You've made a few steps forward and now it's time to take a big step backwards, or likely it will become the beginning of the end of your relationship. Family ties are very thick here and you are the outsider/interloper from their perspective.

  4. I have never had a relationship with a woman that lasted mere than a few weeks in my entire life back in Farang land. I have now lived in Thailand for over a year and I want to know why every one of my Thai girlfriends has not worked out for more than a couple of weeks?

    Can some one help me? :o


    Maybe you could request of your employer that they pay you twice monthly rather than once per month.

  5. Hey guys. looking for some advice. i have just moved to chang mai. have been in thailand since april. im on a 30 day visa. i have to do a border run on tues then that will be my 3 runs finished as you may all know that the immigration law has changed since the 1st oct, 3 runs and your out. anyway i have a thai girlfriend and she is having my baby. the baby is not due until june and i know i can get a year visa then. in the meantime what can i do. looking for suggestons and advice please help guys thanks.Marshall

    Simplest thing to do is marry her. Then your one year visa extensions only call for 400,00 per year income.

  6. Greetings to all,

    I am a newbie, both in Thailand (9 months) and certainly in the rice farming (not started yet).

    My partner and I are soon to be getting around 10 Rai with which to continue farming rice.

    I have NO idea about this and my partner has been out of the farming and in the factories for so long that she has forgotten costs, profits etc etc.

    Any advice, guidance etc would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to email me as well. I would appreciate some e-friend/acquaintances as my move to Thailand has NOT been without culture shock etc.

    By the way, the land in is Phai-Sali, in the Nakonsawan region and has been farmed over the years by the brother-in-law. However the Mamma has indicated that it's time my wife got her part of 'the deal'.

    On top of this, my wife has had cattle for a number of years and in her absence, working like a dog in the factories in Sriracha, many have been sold and or mysteriously died from snake bites.

    I have respectfully indicated that this is not acceptable and we should ascertain the number that actually belong to my wife, brand/tag them and take more control of the situation.

    The parents-in-law are in total agreement and seem rather p**ed off that my partner has had her cattle sold and no money has been forthcoming.

    Some people sure do know how to take and not give a ###### about family.

    Anyway, enough of my drivel and I look forward to any input.

    Cheers for now.


    If our partner and/or you don't take a "hands on" approach to the rice growing/cattle rearing, you will likely make very little money and someone may in fact send you a bill for expenses greater than the income. This is susbsistance farming where labor cost is not even calculated. If you have to have others do the work there's really no money in it. Best of luck. On the other hand, if you want to move there and make it your home, it can be a very enjoyable life. still, not much of an earner however.

  7. Here's a thought. Tell your future MIL that for providing you with a condo for free you'd like to pay the salary of the young girl to come to work for her at her home(they're probably not paying more than 3-4k/mo), together with the sister wo's already there. Let the MIL worry about how she extracts her from the auntie.

    At her age she realistically cannot be separated from her older sister, who is her lifeline in this country. She is currently, not only open to abuse by the auntie, but if there's anymen around, they'll be coming after her soon enough as well. Find a creative way to get her out of there now.

  8. I remember the first time that i came to Thailand during Songkran and i had a fantastic 4 days getting wet in Pattaya and Bangkok. Pardon the expression. I was later shocked to see in the press that hundreds of people lost their lives during that 4 day period.

    Is that really true? hundreds of people? I can imagine one or two, maybe somebody losing a contact lens and a few bloody noses, but hey hundreds dead, where can I find stories on this?

    Every year it seems 700, 800, 900 die during Somgkran from alcohol related vehicle accidents and other stupid stuff.

    Wow, that is unreal... it makes me think of something that I was talking about on another thread, it's cultural relativism really, am I trying to impose my values by thinking that such loss of life should be avoidable, that education and responsibility is part of progress, and I assume that other people should hold those same values. ?

    A bit confusing I know and of course I know that different cultures have different values, but from the point of view of a human rather than a westerner, why shouldn't I want people to have more responsibility for their own and others lives. surely that is progress.

    You can see past years Songkran fatalities here:


  9. I remember the first time that i came to Thailand during Songkran and i had a fantastic 4 days getting wet in Pattaya and Bangkok. Pardon the expression. I was later shocked to see in the press that hundreds of people lost their lives during that 4 day period.

    Is that really true? hundreds of people? I can imagine one or two, maybe somebody losing a contact lens and a few bloody noses, but hey hundreds dead, where can I find stories on this?

    Every year it seems 700, 800, 900 die during Somgkran from alcohol related vehicle accidents and other stupid stuff.

  10. Sour grapes? And I didn't even mention that America had 23 times more new patents than Britain last year. Hey, did you see this years Nobel Prize winners?

    If only... for one those patents weren't all filed by US citizens but tens of thousands of European and Indian scientists. And most of the patents are nonsensical, US drug companies all racing to patent chemical found in nature, not exactly groundbreaking.

    In the same spirit we "invented" Oxygen and DNA


    If believing that helps get you through your day, than I say, why not?

  11. Most "inventions" are merely refinements to the work of prior inventors. Like language, it's often difficult to name the primary author as it's always a work in progress. Regarding the steam engine, I think the Brits refined the work of the French who were refining the work the Greeks set out centuries earlier.

    Sounds like sour grapes.... :o

    THe foreign hordes love to bash the English (lets face it we know where the Scotts and Welsh stand) 'cos they know we are the best and want to try and put us down, and there's nothing an Englishman loves more than proving the foreign hordes just how wrong they are about us, it's just one more thing we are good at....

    Sour grapes? And I didn't even mention that America had 23 times more new patents than Britain last year. Hey, did you see this years Nobel Prize winners?

  12. Thomas Savery an English Military Engineer first patented the steam engine in 1698. I got that off the web !! :o

    Most "inventions" are merely refinements to the work of prior inventors. Like language, it's often difficult to name the primary author as it's always a work in progress. Regarding the steam engine, I think the Brits refined the work of the French who were refining the work the Greeks set out centuries earlier.

  13. I don't care, I've not seen it before and I needed a good laugh, cheers!! And yes, it is that funny....

    I just never cared for John Cleese. He was ok collectively with Monty Python, but I never took a liking to him solo. I did, however, think Benny Hill was hilarious!

    Maybe my sense of humor needs calibration.

    No, your sense of humor is alright. Monty Python is just not that funny, save for a couple of their movies, which were very good. They have good comedic talent but the writing was generally subpar for television. They took the time to get it right for cinema. One keeps hearing about them being Britains great gift to world humor, but it just isn't so.

  14. it is a bit strange to have tax problems in the US when one hasn't lived there in 20 years and has no dependants, property or otherwise any connection with the place, hence my confusion...


    edit// the subject line should read US IRS, ie United States Internal Revenue Service...

    One problem with the US, is that they tax global income despite your residency or "offshore" status. That one doesn't reside there or work there, does not make one immune from US taxes. If you earn income anywhere, they expect you to file and show why you don't owe taxes using criteria and laws that are in place. Two of the past four years I've had to set those people straight. If you don't they'll assume their assumptions are correct and really mess with you. Good Luck.

  15. I think one of the mods mentioned he's a retired IRS man.

    PM "PeaceBlondie". I think he mentioned he's a former IRS auditor. Be aware you have a lot more rights than you used to since the "Taxpayers Bill Of Rights" became legislation. The IRS IMO is a perpetual pain. They make a detrmination you've done something wrong, or owe them money, and then it's up to you to prove them wrong in a specified period of time, set by them. if they don't hear from you, they assume they're correct and penalties and interest accrue. DON'T IGNORE IT!

  16. Stupid idea. Petty, vindictive, exploitive. Invite her if you must (I wouldn't) but don't use people to play games.

    Where's your sense of playfulness, adventure, and creatively making a point? Oh, I understand. I just noticed your avatar.... :o

    I don't get it. That's my dog. Probably the best thing England has produced since Isaac Newton. he's playful as vcan be and has travelled to more countries than most people. :D

  17. [*]But as a compromise for your fiancee to make, make sure the aunt gets that obscure seat by the restroom or swinging kitchen door. ..


    [*]Definitely invite the Burmese maids, make sure they come well-dressed...


    ... I'd give my right arm for a well-edited video of the event ...


    Although it does take a bit of focus off the wedding, and puts it onto the Evil Bitch. Sublime revenge. What a perfectly two faced way to snub her. She is invited, nothing bad said to her, and yet made enraged and put on display as the bag of ill will that she is. I learned the art of strategy just by reading your post.

    Stupid idea. Petty, vindictive, exploitive. Invite her if you must (I wouldn't) but don't use people to play games.

  18. Be careful. During the few months I spent living out in the provinces I noticed that many people took pride in serving rice "from this year" (meaning the most recent harvest, I assume). So you could have some difficulty finding buyers for your "old" rice.

    You may wish to research the Agricultural Futures Exchange of Thailand (AFET). Or, if you are familiar with some farmers, you could see if they'll sell you some of next season's harvest for cash now -- if you can think of a way to guarantee the quality of what will get delivered to you.

    Quite right. Hedging with Futures would have to be part of any successful grain storage enterprise. Otherwise it's just speculation.

  19. But that's just me.

    No it's not. It's the right thing to do. People can't hide behind culture and face when criminal acts are involved.

    Good post Col :o

    I agree. It's a very tough call, but I think I'd have to exclude the aunt. If one can't assert a tiny biy of their own cultural mores on the occasion of their own wedding, while being respectful of Thai traditions at the same time, they never will be allowed to later either.

    I've some experience with young Burmese maids. Girls this age, sisters, need to stay together. Moving the younger sister to mis MIL would likely cause problems, so really, they both need to be sent to a better situation, together.

  20. I never knew rice was so interesting. Could someone explain a bit more about the difference between brown and white rice. I thought they were different 'types' ie came from different plants. A poster above said something about brown not being polished?

    Also what are the nutritional differences?

    Hi suegha,

    What is in this link is my inderstnading of how Brown Rice is created:


    macb, a poster here, grows it on his farm, and I've been trying to ask him what he's growing for several days, now on three different subforums, but I guess he has me on ignore, and no one else seems to want to answer either. I guess I'll research it myself.


  21. It's not going to lead anyone towards enlightenment.

    Tarot cards (not for divination) apparently, can be used as a road-map to enlightenment. It is clearly not the middle way. It is more like the 'scenic tour'. The cards are said to be doorways into the jungian archetypal collective unconsious and further. The cards are said to be symbols of the building blocks of creation, destruction and the universe. The final stage on this 'spiritual path' is apparently a state of non-returning to the world and union with the 'unspeakable'.

    The Buddha taught that any religion or philosophy must contain the elements of the Noble Eightfold Path if it is to lead to nibhanna. A deck of cards probably doesn't have these elements.


    And that "clinging to concepts" can only create dukkha.

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