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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. You think it is a normal business practice? This is what needs to be investigated more thoroughly. But the DOJ has been slow-walking this for years, and not trying to slip away with the misdemeanour tax charges as cover.
  2. "My son has made no money from China". Liar. What part of Burisma is conspiracy? Did Hunter not work there, for an inflated salary, despite knowing nothing about energy, nor speaking Ukranian? By the way, he never actually even visited Ukraine during his time there. But that's common, isn't it? I guess he started the "work from home" trend a few years early...
  3. Might want to consider property purchase to count towards the financial requirements for visas like O-A. Some countries do this already. Makes no sense to have a 5 million baht property and still have to prove that you hve 800,000 in the bank.
  4. THe NARRATIVE is also changing. It used to be that Joe Biden had no knowledge of, and never discussed, any business wit Hunter. That is now becoming Joe Biden did not get involved in any business with Hunter. Interesting...
  5. Smart, but not any kind of a politician. And also very obviously insecure. She has managed to reach Dick Cheney levels of unpopularity, but Dick had to shoot someone in the face to achieve it. Kamala just has to open her mouth and let her hyena laugh out.
  6. Wow, there's a shocker. Covering up for the wayward son. Wonder why they would do that? Nothing nefarious, I'm sure....
  7. I see. And disagree. It is a big step from simply 'I will tell dad' to 'my father is sitting here with me' The latter implies that his father has some connection with the business at hand. So please, tell me what you know about this 'deal'. How did it come about and what did Hunter do for his five million? I am genuinely curious.
  8. So, Hunter threatened a Chinese exec at an energy company. The threat seemed to work because within 10 days Hunter was paid $5 million. Now, think about the threat. It was, "I'll tell my dad...". The only reason it could be used as a threat is if his father had some involvement in the deal. IF Joe was not a party, the threat would be hollow and irrelevant. But raising the issue of "I'm gonna tell my dad, and he will make your life hard" obviously carried some weight.
  9. Not exactly coming up by your bootstraps when both your parents are university professors. And you are right, her hypocrisy as AG was one of the things that torpedoed her presidential run in 2020.
  10. She has a good immigrant story for sure. Nothing to do with being African American, but an interesting story of how America accepts good people from around the world. And her parents were certainly good people- well educated and wealthy. Oh, and she was an embarrassment as AG in Cali. But being both half black and female is a guarantee of success in the Democratic party, especially in a blue state like that.
  11. Johnathan Turley is a serious person. Conservative to be sure, but no crazed partisan by any means. To quote his latest column; President Biden has repeatedly told the public that he had no knowledge or involvement in his son’s dealings. He maintained the denial despite audiotapes of him referring to business dealings, photos and meetings with his son’s business associates, as well as an eyewitness account of an in-person meeting. https://jonathanturley.org/2023/06/26/who-is-lying-merrick-garland-or-the-whistleblowers/
  12. VPs traditionally were picked to either shore up a perceived weakness in the main presidential candidate, or to get electoral college votes from a state that could be difficult. Biden, for example, was picked to shore up Obama's relative youth and inexperience in foreign policy. Pence helped Trump with evangelicals and people with a moral conscience. Harris was a promise Biden made in order to win the South Carolina primary.
  13. Might also depend on who Trump would pick for VP, if he is the nominee. Biden is stuck with Harris, a politcal albatross. Trump could, possibly, pick someone who would elevate the GOP ticket- Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, hell even DeSantis. Gotta face the reality that the odds of Biden (or Trump for that matter) surviving until 2028 are not that great. Consider that the average life expectancy for white folks is abou 76 years old, both are already on borrowed time. And not in the best of health. Far better if both parties nominate younger, more energetic, and more survivable candidates.
  14. Again with the blanket assertions. Dates, times, numbers, or else it is all just puffery. You might also consider the steps the Royal Navy took to END the slave trade, and the thousands of British sailors who died in the attempt.
  15. Could you make that a bit more specific? Who exactly owes what to whom? If you want to talk reparations then you need to be very exact about the amount, the recipient, and the payer. Assume the illegals come from a former French or Belgian colony- what exactly does the British taxpayer owe them? If these people had so much of nothing, then how did they manage to pay a human smuggler to get them on a boat...
  16. You wanna feed and house them, be my guest. Open your doors and let them use your spare room. I assume you have done so already though.... Best solution is to return them to their point of origin. Any boatload that gets through only encourages another boatload to follow. Also, give those rescued some insentive to turn evidence against the human traffickers that are carrying them. Grant asylum to any who can positively identify the smugglers. Then, send some specialized folks to 'take care of' the smugglers. Problem solved.
  17. For sure they do. Also hopefully they confine their prejudices to discussions on the topic of "Biden".
  18. Yes, people who break their marriage vows DO disgust me. They should disgust everyone. No excuse for such behavior, especially when a person has children. If a person's marriage is troubled, then end it. Get divorced, then look elsewhere. But having sex with your children's aunt while you are still married to their mother? Loathesome. Drug addiction? Yes, also disgusting. Particularly in the scion of a rich family who should know better. And in a person who had myriad chances to better himself and p!ssed them all away. The fact that it is 2023 doesn't excuse immoral behavior.
  19. What I failed to mention was that Hunter was STILL MARRIED when he "had a relationship" with his dead brother's widow. Does that bring it up to the level of disgusting or immoral for you?
  20. You are the only one doing the comparing. The thread is about Hunter Biden. If you could possibly confine your remarks to the topic without trying to deflect, that would be great. I understand you have a kind of obsession with the former president. But God knows there are enough discussions here about him already, don't you think?
  21. Never said it was. It is, though, completely disgusting and immoral. Not to mention the fact that the entire Biden family refuses to recognize Hunter's youngest daughter. That also can tell you something about them.
  22. You know, if I had to choose who is smarter between Chinese businessmen and Hunter Biden, well let's just say that it is not a hard choice....
  23. Highly doubtful. Trump and DeSantis do NOT get along, to put it mildly. I cant see Trump doing anything other than going scorched earth and trying to drag DeSantis down with him. I COULD see a plea deal in the future though... no jail time in exchange for probation and dropping out of the race.
  24. One obvious thing to investigate is how exactly Hunter Biden, reprobate crack addict, managed to acquire millions of dollars in income- enough to necessitate paying millions in tax (or NOT paying it). It is tough going when various branches of the government are at odds like seems to be the case here. It is very easy to gum up the investigation if they are not all working together.
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