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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Back to Africa with them. They can tell all their friends that illegal immigration is not allowed. They can also have the joy of telling the human traffickers they employed that they will not be getting any more business.
  2. The best timeframe wouild be "never". Yes, and do use it as a bargaining chip to get Russia to the bargaining table.
  3. Yep, right out of the leftie playbook. "Waddabout Trump?!?". You mean the time Trump saluted a NK general who had first saluted Trump? Probably not a good look. But far from the grovelling that Yellen did. She approached like a supplicant. As a senior White House staff member she must have had at least a modicum of training in protocol.
  4. Nope, it might be possible. But how can you believe a man of 30,000 lies?
  5. ...and you....believed him? The man of 30,000 lies took those two occasions to tell the truth? Seems like a convenient truth to me...
  6. I seem to remember some idiot journalist saying that Serena Williams would beat any male tennis player. Guess they didn't do their research before spouting their nonsense. She and her sister BOTH lost to the #203 ranked male player on the same day (6-1, 6-2). AFTER he played a round of golf in the morning and injested a few adult beverages for lunch.
  7. Veep for sure. A total disaster and probably the main reason the Supreme Court banned Affirmative Action.
  8. Well, the aid offered to Ukraine so far is more than the entire Russian defence budget for a year. One wonders if we are getting value for our money, especially when it could be better spent at home.
  9. Given Ukraine's less than stellar history using them, I think it is a bad call. But the bigger problem is that it shows the West collectively is running short of conventional munitions and the like. Hopefully this won't embolden actual enemies like China to take advantage.
  10. That would be a first. No such principles applied in 2014-15 when they were being used in Donetsk.
  11. According to Human Rights Watch, Ukraine used them in civilian areas in 2014; Ukrainian government forces used cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city in early October 2014, Human Rights Watch said today. The use of cluster munitions in populated areas violates the laws of war due to the indiscriminate nature of the weapon and may amount to war crimes. https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/10/20/ukraine-widespread-use-cluster-munitions
  12. Not according to Human Rights Watch; Ukrainian government forces used cluster munitions in populated areas in Donetsk city in early October 2014, Human Rights Watch said today. The use of cluster munitions in populated areas violates the laws of war due to the indiscriminate nature of the weapon and may amount to war crimes. https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/10/20/ukraine-widespread-use-cluster-munitions
  13. According to Jen Psaki, a "potential war crime" back in 2022. I guess it isn't a potential war crime now. After all, Ukraine does have a history of using these horrible weapons. Used them in 2015 against rebels in their own country, and condemned by Human Rights Watch as a result.
  14. ..but...but....but TRUMP!!!! More inane whataboutism. Trump shouldn't bow. Obama shouldn't bow. Biden did well not to bow to King Chuck. Certainly Yellin shouldn't bow, especially to the VICE Premier. She was bobbing up and down like one of those water toys that looks like a bird drinking water. You can bet that this moment is being played ad nauseum on Chinese media, showing the mighty Americans humbling themselves before China's power.
  15. Sorry, but the size of those hands..........and the rough knuckles........no thank you. No comparison to the second place finisher.
  16. I am curious as to how things will go at the Miss Universe contest...in the dressing room where all the girls are getting ready for the various events. The swimsuit competition will be most entertaining!
  17. True enough. So let me repeat what I said earlier... ...in the story it says that 70% of the legacy applicants are white. Therefore, 30% are not. Given that the US population as a whole is from 60 to 76% white, why is this a problem? Seems that there is enough diversity in the legacy class to make it at least superficially resemble the nation as a whole. Plus this group comprises something like 28% of freshman admissions as a whole. Not great but no impediment either.
  18. Majority of immigrants perhaps, but not majority of African immigrants. Countries like Somalia and Tanzania half or more were refugee or asylum seekers. Man more were Diversity Lottery or family. It all shows that there is great diversity in the African immigrants community, just as there is with the native African American community. Which is precisely why Affirmative Action is unfair.
  19. Pretty much true. Employees who face the public are still largely masked, even though it is no longer mandated. At my schools, the students (uni age)are about 50/50, with boys about 80% mask free and the girls 80% still masked. I think the girls like it because they don't have to spend time putting on make up in the morning, they can just wear a mask and go. I did an oral English test interview job last weekend (Eiken test) and we HAD to wear masks when interviewing test takers. Ironically, masks were optional for those taking the test. As for tourism, the yen has taken a kicking for sure. I would be stressed if I had to spend yen to travel this summer. It is now over 140 yen to the US dollar. Not long ago it was 110.
  20. Yeah, nothing like hard hitting questions that start with; “Mr. President, you’ve often said when people ask you about your age, ‘Just watch me,' And I think a lot of people do watch you and are impressed, and they think you’ve been a great president. You’ve brought the economy back. You’ve restored relations with the world." Yep, lots of hard hitting journalism there... At least Fareed and Joe have one thing in common- they are both plagiarists. They could have discussed how using other peoples' work had impacted their respective careers, but no.
  21. Wow, you think African immigrants from Africa haven't been disadvantaged?!? Growing up in Somalia or Uganda or Nigeria is a cakewalk compared to growing up in the US? Sorry, but these are people who are escaping from actual injustice, death, and threat of torture. Precisely what advantages do you think they have? Ditto Asian immigrants, both recent and past. Guess you never heard of the Chinese Exclusion Acts, or the forcible internment of Japanese Americans, or the plight of the Vietnamese boat people, or the horrors experienced by those who survived the genocide in Cambodia and could escape to freedom. Yeah, they had it GOOD...
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