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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. No cult member here. I liked what Trump did for the economy in his first term, as well as in foreign policy. After he lost in 2020 I wish he would have taken a step back and let some younger and less tainted people step forward. Wishful thinking though. He has a total lack of introspection that is fascinating and horrifying. I am amused at the impact he still has on so many people and how much real estate he occupies in their heads.
  2. I think you meant "gangsta"... Trump inspires jealousy and rage in equal parts in his enemies. So many on the left took it as a personal affront that he beat their chosen 'most qualified candidate ever' that they have never recovered.
  3. Kinda the way more than 80% of Democrats believed the debunked conspiracy theory that Russia hacked Democrat's email to help Trump.... (same article) Further, half of CLInton voters actually believed the Russians tampered with the votes themselves!
  4. What might actually be funny is Trump being imprisoned for his document oopsies, then winning the election and pardoning himself from his jail cell! Seems a fitting conclusion somehow.
  5. Considering the topic is "Hunter Biden and his Millions", don't you think this is a tad off topic?
  6. For a dude with many failed businesses he still rides around in a pretty sweet PRIVATE JET....
  7. So is the more than a million dollars that somehow 'found its way' into the bank accounts of various Bidens from China.
  8. The question was about intelligence, not education. The two are often not the same thing. Especially these days!
  9. I dont think the 'P' word was used. But Joe DOES have a habit of touching and nuzzling children, especially girls, in a way that looks inappropriate to say the least. Even does it to certain women on occasion. He seems to really like getting a noseful of hair/shampoo scent.
  10. Winner for the first "but Trump..." deflection! Congrats.
  11. When Watters gets elected, this will be relevant. Until that time though....
  12. I think rather it is evidence of Trump's magnetic personality. I mean, you just can't stop talking about the man. Now, if you want to talk tax returns (and return the thread to the topic), we can talk about Hunter's. They are very juicy reading!
  13. Remember, Joe has a stutter. Has for decades. That's why he confuses countries and continents. /s
  14. Her son? You mean her husband's son from his first marriage. Kamala doesn't have any children.
  15. You didn't answer the question. Was he acting alone or not? I think it matters because it would defy credulity to imagine that Hunter and Joe's brother, for example, were simply freelancing and using the 'family name' to do deals. And Joe didn't even hear about it, as he claims.
  16. So your position is that, at all times, Hunter acted alone and tried to use his family name as leverage to strongarm various firms? Nobody else in his family was involved? He was "the lone wolf"....
  17. Another Watsapp message has come up with Hunter talking about the Bidens. He told his associate Genwen Dong at CEFC: "The Bidens are the best I know at doing exactly what the Chairman wants from this partnership". Who was he referring to as "the Bidens".....
  18. I think we have been going through this for a while. Do people who play violent video games actually commit violence BECAUSE of the games? Ditto people who watch gruesome horror movies (Hostel, Human Centipede). How about those who just write about taboo topics with no illustrations? "Thought police" crimes can be a dangerous precedent.
  19. Wouldnt get your hopes up yet! There are some Democrats that I could stomach for President against some Republicans, but Biden is not one of them. It is a strange election cycle when both parties do not like the candidates that seem to have the inside track on getting nominated.
  20. I think you have a point. We are allowed to watch movies where people pretend to kill each other in gruesome ways, torture each other, commit various crimes and it is fine. But not artificial images of kids? Viscerally it seems wrong, but should it be illegal?
  21. The elephant being.... the possible corruption of the President himself? And the members of his family who all enriched themselves in a possible influence peddling scheme? Perhaps you are right, I should focus more on them.
  22. OH, I agree. He was taking just a few baby steps and trying very hard to cover his ass, just in case Trump wins the nomination. But from small seeds do mighty trees grow.
  23. It was neither. It was sarcasm and fake vituperation.
  24. Except that they WERE logged under Obama, when Joe was VP (at least some of the time). So Joe's "most transparent administration" is patently a lie.
  25. Refreshing breath of honesty from the Speaker. He knows that many other candidates in the GOP field have better odds for the election, and therefore HE has better odds of keeping the Speakership if not-Trump wins the nomination.
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