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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Card carrying member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy here. And personally, I would breathe a sigh of relief if the culprit was some idiot low level factotum who works in the White House. Can his ass, tighten up security, and move on.
  2. According to noted journalist Andrea Mitchell, it is not that kind of area. Not for the general public at all. Certain visitors yes, but not group tours of sweaty Germans grunting in guttural savage tones.
  3. If you want to get away from the city, the island of Palawan is astonishingly beautiful. We stayed in the main city a few days (Puerto Princessa) then took off for a small paradise town called Port Barton. Rustic, quiet, great boat tours of the surrounding islands, nirvana. Farther north on the island is El Nido, a bit touristy town but again the nature/islands/water are all stunning.
  4. Now MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell is being even more precise about the location of the coke, and her characterization of the area; "It was found, by my observation, at a much more secure place, limited access place in than the West Wing reception area," Mitchell said. "It's still a publicly traffic - a frequently trafficked place, but it's down near the Situation Room right off West Executive down below. And normal people, average people just can't get in there, even with the entry for the Northwest Gate." https://www.foxnews.com/media/msnbc-host-scrutinizes-wh-cocaine-found-near-situation-room
  5. Yes, and he could celebrate at home, as so many Americans do. He is already on track to be the most vacation-y president in the past several decades. The least available to the press. The one with the shortest work days and least rigorous schedule.
  6. Thanks, appreciate it. Now in the story it says that 70% of the legacy applicants are white. Therefore, 30% are not. Given that the US population as a whole is from 60 to 76% white, why is this a problem? Seems that there is enough diversity in the legacy class to make it at least superficially resemble the nation as a whole. Plus this group comprises something like 28% of freshman admissions as a whole. Not great but no impediment either.
  7. Not just Trump's claim. It isn't so easy to deflect. Care to take a stab at answering? 1. How did the coke magically tour the WHite House before ending up where it did? 2. Why can't the spokesholes for the First Family simply declare, "It wasn't the Bidens'"?
  8. Thank you for the peripheral answer. I agree that the legacy/sports admissions should be eliminated, at least at schools that take federal money. Now back to the question of race....How does discriminating against Asian students make for fair admissions?
  9. Thanks, appreciate the vote of confidence. Like I said, it only shows pretty clearly that race in and of itself is not a deciding factor for black people. The question that never gets adequately answered is why Asians somehow manage to overcome myriad hurdles and become successful at a rate higher than any other racial/ethnic group (including white folks). Genetic superiority? I doubt it. Rather a cultural emphasis on education and family IMHO.
  10. That is part of the narrative. The other part is "follow the bouncing dime bag". The location of the discovery has shifted at least 3 times since the story broke. Each time to a more publicly accessable (and deniable) location. Let's see, what is more likely- the guy with the coke habit dropped it, or a random grade 5 teacher leading her school group had it fall from her pocket. I mean, the White House won't even confirm that it ISN'T Hunter's or Joe's. What a fiasco. I mean, how hard would it be to answer, "No, of course it doesn't belong to anyone in the First Family. We will investigate tirelessly to find out who desecrated America's House".
  11. Thanks for the good articles, I particularly liked the one from Psych Today. It showed that the differences in performance between recent immigrants and native born Americans have nothing to do with race. Rather, with the choices they make- regarding where to live, how to live, and what values to follow. There is no reason that African Americans and Hispanics cannot emulate what recent immigrants do. It shows that their problems (such as lack of representation in certain schools) could be solved by improving their behavior, and that they are NOT caused by external issues like racism.
  12. So the options are either Joe lied,or Joe is unable to grasp basic economics. Can I vote 'C', all of the above?
  13. Sure. Can you explain why recent immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean outperform African Americans? And why discriminating against Asian immigrants and their children is a rational and fair solution to the problem.
  14. Thanks for that. From what I read, the area is not exactly fully public but used by journalists and certain guests, but not the general public. And the bag was "dime sized", so we aren't talking about a half key in a sandwich bag.
  15. Now, back to the Peruvian Marching Powder.... ANy specifics? How much was in the bag, what would it cost, where specifically was it found, etc. This could be a tempest, or a tempest in a teapot. Need more information.
  16. IMHO, you need to distinguish between "driving on a sunny day" and "driving at night". Different vibe for both. At night, I like the Doors 'LA Woman' or similar Also Sade is good for evening "The Sweetest Taboo" Surprised not more Tom Petty for daytime driving- "Refugee" or "Running Down a Dream" For the survivors of Soviet Canuckistan, go for; The Tragically Hip "Locked in the Trunk of a Car" or "Three Pistols" and anything by the Cowboy Junkies at night.
  17. Here are more Words of Wisdom from the current Occupant of the WHite House, speaking to a teacher's union; "Inprolly but... children are the kite strings... I’m sorry, they’re not somebody elsha shin, they alla chidrin... They’re kyestrings that lift our nation ambitions aloft. You wholetho strings!” Anyone translate that into English?
  18. Which would be great. IF it were a fully private institution that did not accept any government money. OR government guaranteed student loans. Otherwise, they are bound by anti discrimination rules.
  19. What kind of interest can you get on a fixed deposit in the Land of Smiles? Royal Bank in Canada just sent me an offer of 5% on a GIC. Nothing near that I imagine...
  20. The left has to decide what they want to ban first. You can ban assault weapons (whetever they are). But they account for a very small number of gun deaths in the US. Fewer than knives or fists actually. OR you can try to ban "mass shootings". But again they account for only a small portion of overall gun crime. OR... you can jail those who carry guns illegally, use guns in crimes, etc.
  21. "Where's Jackie?" Hint, Joe. She's dead. Passed away a month ago.
  22. No. like shaking hands with ghosts and looking totally like he doesnt know where he is. Like needing cue cards to call journalists, along with the questions that journalist will ask. Like forgetting who is alive and dead. Like being directed by the Easter Bunny.
  23. ...and where is Biden today? Camp David, on his 450th weekend away from work. Where he puts in solid 6 hour days, 1000am to 400pm. Running from the press ain't easy, you know!
  24. Perhaps this is just an example of what might happen in the future as Biden slips more and more...
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