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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Sounding more and more like Kruschev, "you will bury me"..... might shock you, but I don't think Biden's work on China has been bad at all. A few oopses (like the balloon thing) but overall good. IMHO the CHIPS Act was a good idea, but only as a first step. Taiwan is a key as well since so much of the world's supply comes from there. Loweing dependence on anything from China, and encouraging production at home (or at least in friendly countries) is good policy. The rest, listen to a Ramaswamy interview if you want to hear his take. Now, back to Biden's brain....
  2. Not exactly the forum discussion on Biden's brain, is it? Anyway, the Mexicans haven't been given the proper incentive to stop the drug cartels. They depend on the US economically, so use that lever and get compliance. As for Ukraine, you are dreaming if you think Russia will pay the rebuilding costs. That would be a quarter of their GDP, if not more. Not to mention, making that demand will only strengthen Putin's resolve to win by conquering the whole country. Nah, that is a simplistic solution if I ever heard one. Getting Russia away from China is more important than Ukraine 'winning'.
  3. Hey, on Mexico I could see a good compromise. The US agrees to stop the guns, Mexico agrees to stop the drugs. And I wasnt talking about invasion, just a quick assassination of the top guys. No need to get so messy. The OD problem is another, complicated situation. As for Russia, once the war stops give them a chance to become trusted again. Putin wants stability and survivability above all else. Give him his little chunk of Ukraine so he can declare victory at home and call it quits. This will pry him away from China- if he can sell energy to Europe all will be well again. The money being wasted on providing weapons to Ukraine could be spent on rebuilding instead. Far better than the present situation anyway.
  4. Or.... save the US economy from getting pressured by the Chicoms, pull Russia away from China and back into an independent state, and take steps to keep 100,000 Americans from dying due to drug overdoses. All depends on how you look at it.
  5. No problem. I am also curious if they will be so eager to go after the legacy and donor class. Which would be akin to killing their financing. Still, Harvard already has some $53 billion in its endowment, it could survive for a few years before resorting to food stamps and stale Kraft mac and cheese.
  6. Absolutely. I am not disagreeing with you. Fox screwed the pooch in royal fashion and got burned for it. Believe it or not, I am not a Fox News viewer. Don't have time for it, and it isn't available where I live. I tend to be more of a YouTube junkie, watch documentaries from CNA, CNBC, Al Jazeera, DW, and so on.
  7. Yes, because the only way to eliminate racism is to be racist... Anyway, interestingly a large percentage of black students at Harvard aren't even ADOS (American Descendants of Slavery). They are immigrants from the Caribbean or Africa, who have only been in the US for a generation or two. Hardly the victims of generations of American racism. https://thegrio.com/2011/04/21/harvard-has-more-black-students-than-ever-but-are-they-african-american/
  8. Because the chance of them getting their collective asses handed to them and paying even MORE if they went before a jury was substantial. Now, back to the Supremes?
  9. In the college loans opinion, I love how Chief Justice Roberts quoted Nancy Pelosi, of all people, to support the idea that Biden was wrong: ‘People think that the President of the United States has the power for debt forgiveness. He does not. He can postpone. He can delay. But he does not have that power. That has to be an act of Congress.’" https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4076303-gop-ribs-pelosi-after-roberts-cites-her-in-student-loans-decision/
  10. Absolutely correct. It was part of the agreement. Now, on to Biden and the Supremes...
  11. Actually, the implication was that Biden is better on the issues than the rest of the GOP field. But we could screw this particular ant (a quaint Dutch expression) until the sun goes down. Suffice to say that I hope you are right that people use the issues to make their choices.
  12. Interesting how Asian students are being ignored in this settlement. Fact is that elite schools discriminated against Asians, using bigotry like assuming they were all boring and so would not make the school diverse enough. In reality, at Harvard for example it amounted to a huge gap. Asian students needed a 1360 score on the SAT to get in to Harvard, black students only 1100. Merit is the only way admissions should be decided. Legacys, sports admissions, should be capped or eliminated. The rest, merit or nothing. Admitting academically challenged students who are destined to flunk out does them no favours.
  13. Never happened. Fox didn't pay a fine. They paid a settlement in a defamation case to make the case go away. Let's try to be a little accurate here.
  14. For example, Vivek wants to economically decouple from China as fast as possible and find other places to buy their stuff. At the same time, encourage Russia to do the same. End the Ukraine war by providing security guarantees to Russia (Ukraine not joining NATO for example). Use the US military to eliminate the Mexican drug cartels that are flooding the US with fentanyl and other poisons. For a start. All things that Biden will not or cannot do.
  15. If you want to take up the mantle and explain why Biden is better on the issues you presented than any/all of them, feel free.
  16. Thank you for taking the time to answer. Could you possibly be a bit more general?
  17. Better than Tim Scott? Nikki Haley? Vivek Ramaswamy? Chris Christie? In what way? There is a difference between being a gaffe machine and actually having cognitive issues. Not knowing where his son died is not a simple gaffe. Nor is mistaking Iraq and Ukraine. Nor is being unable to have any kind of press conference.
  18. In case you didn't actually read past the headline, the entire Fox report is based on a story from the New York Times, link provided; https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/01/us/politics/hunter-biden-daughter-arkansas.html So yeah, is the New York Times a bastion of fake news now?
  19. Wow, the New York Times generates fake outrage manufactured garbage? Who'd have thought... Is it really so hard to admit Biden's moral failings? Sacrificing a child on the altar of politics? Seems pretty low.
  20. It isn't fake. The girl really exists, and the President really is her grandfather. And he really ignores her. And if it is true that he gave such orders to his aides, that speaks volumes about him.
  21. No, it is about the moral turpitude of ignoring a child merely for the sake of political expedience.
  22. No. How could having a relationship with his child harm any recovery he is doing? Not to mention, hell at least a Christmas card from the grandparents would be nice. It seems like a political strategy to deliberately freeze her out and keep any more scandal away from the family.
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