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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. No, I mean people like Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Francis Suarez...
  2. I agree. Nothing more frustrating than a beautiful picture of some natural scene, with some idiot's big fat head taking up the bottom half with a stupid grin on his face. Exceptions made for elegant bikini shots with ladies (in full figure) stretched out somewhere in the shot....
  3. Lovely place near Chiang Rai is Doi Tung Royal Villa. It is a Royal Project with beautiful gardens and great coffee. Like all Royal Projects, very well kept and picturesque.
  4. Civil litigation. Not guilty. Liable but not guilty. The precise term I can't remember but it wasn't Sexual Assault IIRC.
  5. What "right wing media" would that be? Hell, not even Fox News is right wing these days. Are you saying the only viable Democratic possible candidates are gay/female/minority? Lots of GOP candidates fit the latter two of those categories and they are being treated just like anyone else. Except by the left wing media, of course.
  6. Shoot it down over Alaska (if not sooner), not let it transverse all of North America. Upon learning the origin, immediate economic sanctions. Immediate recognition of Taiwan as an independent country, followed by a treaty of mutual defence (along with Japan and other Asian nations).
  7. Sounds like BS to me. If you drive a car, have a job, have a bank account, have a credit card, get government benefits, then you have an ID. ...and your article is more than 10 years old.
  8. Especially that lousy republican governor who increased his margin of victory by 3% MORE than 2018............oh wait, nevermind.....
  9. Also three weeks of early voting. And absentee voting on demand. And voting from 7am to 7pm on election day. IF a person cant be bothered to do any of those, they dont deserve the vote.
  10. How so? He loves single payer health care, opposes corporate domination of America, believes the MIC is killing the middle class, supports a wealth tax, wants to punish climate change deniers, etc. Sounds like a Democrat to me.
  11. Hmmm, so 1.1 million arrived in 5 months. Those 5 months also include the highest season of the year. So of COURSE there will be nearly 4 million more tourists in the remaining slow 7 months. These guys are getting a bit high on their own supply.
  12. Can't be the latter. The Skywalk does not allow people to take their own pictures! All cameras and phones have to be left behind before entering the SKywalk. Of course, you can buy 'souvenir' photos from the 'official photographer' if you like... Sounds like a scam to me. Minimum 64 bucks per person. https://grandcanyonwest.com/tickets/
  13. I have been reading too much political news. I read that to say "that vessel must have a transgender on board..." Time to get a hobby...
  14. I would happily vote "none of the above " for the three dudes mentioned in the OP. Don't think any of them are fascists, except perhaps in the modern definitin of "fascist", which has become "a politician I don't like". I am surprised that RFK Jr is keeping his polling numbers. He is making a case that Biden needs to be primaried alive. IMHO IF Trump isn't the GOP nominee, the Democrats will move heaven and earth to get Joe AND Kamala off the ticket- they would be destroyed otherwise. Gavin Newsom is waiting in the wings, preparing his hair gel and tooth whitener.
  15. Thought it was obvious, the mess of the whole spy balloon saga. Letting China violate American sovereignty with no reprecussions. Then prevaricating on the severity of it, and absolving the leadership of the CPC of blame.
  16. I guess he is going to try and clean up the mess left by his boss this week. Blinken for his faults is no fool. By contrast, here is what Joe said regarding the spy balloon that was seen earlier this year; “I don’t think the leadership knew where it was and knew what was in it and knew what was going on,” the president told reporters before heading to Philadelphia. “It was, I think it was more embarrassing than it was intentional.” https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4055470-biden-on-chinese-spy-balloon-embarrassing/ What a maroon. Of course it was intentional. It was an overt act of espionage and would not have happened without clearance from the highest levels. Biden gains nothing by being soft like this.
  17. Ah yes, the "but Trump..." defence is once again deployed. As if being better than Trump is any kind of vindication or endorsement. Besides, if you have multiple videos of Trump tripping, falling, not being able to rise to his feet without aid, shaking hands with ghosts, sniffing girls' hair, and forgetting basic facts about his own children, please feel free to share them. Biden used to be good as a retail politician, being spontaneous and giving 'off the cuff' remarks. It is clear that those days are long past. Whenever he tries it now, it just goes wrong. Badly wrong. Hence the reluctance for his staff to allow him any kind of serious contact with the media.
  18. Is this the same event where the President so eloquently laid out his position? Talking about his executive order banning so-called ghost guns, he said: "Made it harder for people buy stabilized brief— braces. Put a pistol on a brace, it turns into a gun, makes it more, you can have a higher-caliber weapon, higher-caliber bullet coming out of that gun." What is he talking about?!? https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2023/06/16/remarks-by-president-biden-at-the-national-safer-communities-summit/
  19. Hopefully if the OP does this he can 'back up' the gift with the real thing. Otherwise, the neighbor will be in a world of disappointment...
  20. I can see how he might be confused, after all he DID miss the coronation of King Charles. Someone, please, take the old codger aside and tell him it is time to retire. Are the Democrats really that thin on possible presidential candidates?
  21. Think you might be right there. It is ironic that neither one has anything close to a decent favorability rating. If Trump were to leave the race, Biden would be in deep trouble. Lots of eager and interesting potential candidates in the GOP. IF Biden has to quit, the Democrats are in a mess.
  22. No, it is normal. As you said, hetero NORMATIVE. No sense in spending time worried about the 2% who are not. Tolerance is fine, I don't think anyone is against tolerating people in all their iterations. But messaging to children is gruesome.
  23. None of the above IMHO. Trump picked a very effective VP in 2016- Mike Pence. So far superior to the current holder of that office that it is almost funny. I think, should Trump get the nomination, he would go for either Nikki Haley or Vivek Ramaswamy. Again, both obviously better than Harris.
  24. He was, of course, wrong, as he is on so many things. Black Americans enjoyed the lowest unemployment in history under President Trump. As did Hispanic Americans. Median incomes increased, poverty decreased, high earning African Americans grew also. He also restored and guaranteed funding for Black universities and colleges. Why should they vote for Joe Biden?
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