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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Their identity was American, and soldier, and hero. How they chose to spend their free time was, and is, irrelevant.
  2. Convenient to say that. Of course if the Democratic party machinery doesn't give them a chance to get their message to the party members, their chances are slim. But that only shows how little confidence there is in Joe Biden as a candidate. If Jr and Williamson can scare Biden's handlers, how can he face a potential GOP candidate like Senator Scott or Vivek? He would be eviscerated.
  3. Businesses whose business model relies on breaking the law by hiring illegal workers and underpaying them deserve to go bankrupt. But if the playing field were leveled and all could compete in the labour market it would be better, and fairer as well. There is no such thing as a job "an American won't do". Americans do every job in the country already. There just need to be incentives to encourage more people to get off the sofa and get productive. There are millions of healthy adults in the country that are not in the work force for no discernable reason. That is a resource that needs to be tapped.
  4. There are at least 2 serious challengers. RFKJr is polling in the 20% range. Marianne Williamson close to 10%. Those aren't serious numbers? According to this poll, a majority of DEMOCRATS don't want him to run again- 52%. The problem is that if Joe doesn't run, they are more or less stuck with Kamala, which would be a disaster on so many levels. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/04/21/most-democrats-dont-want-biden-to-run-again-poll-finds-but-theyll-probably-vote-for-him-anyway/?sh=2bc7f1fc7e0d
  5. The veterans interred there all fought under the American flag. It is the ultimate 'inclusive' one to fly. They did not fight and die under the pride flag.
  6. ... and how about for pro democracy, pro MAGA Americans? Another indication of Biden's decline is that he is refusing to participate in any debates with other potential Democratic candidates. I guess the debates are usually held too late at night for him to stay awake.
  7. Actually Andrew Sullivan wrote an interesting piece about this topic a while ago. He fears that gay identity will be erased due to the emphasis on trans and multiple genders. His point is that LGB identity is based on sexual attraction, whereas the rest of the TQQ... are based on personal identification. So they have little in common. Gay men like men, not women who say they are men, and so on.
  8. If you studied history, that would be great. But it seems like you spend a lot of time studying Trump. Biden is obviously unfit for the job. FWIW, I think Trump is too. So get past it and try to think of viable alternatives other than doomsplaining and obsessing about fascism.
  9. Also, it is perfectly safe to hate on Catholics. What are they going to do, send a slightly nastily-worded letter to the local newspaper? Gather in prayer and ask for guidance? Try doing the same to other groups. That would actually be brave.
  10. I cannot think of another situation in which it would be deemed medically appropriate to mutilate otherwise physically healthy children. Not sure why it is accepted for this one particular situation. I mean, children cannot consent to donate blood, how can they consent to amputation?
  11. Yep, not doing themselves any favours. It is really a mixed message, "we want to be accepted" and "F you normies!"
  12. Big shock here. Pride events used for sexual purposes and explicit acts. This is the narcissistic element of the "T" in the LGBT that causes the most trouble. Most LGB folks have gotten over it, and want to live good lives and be good neighbors. And most Americans would agree with that. Gay couple with kids move in next door, fine with me as long as they pay their taxes and keep their lawn neatly mowed.
  13. If you read the stats, these are jobs that Americans ALREADY do. There is no job category that is only done by immigrants (legal or illegal). So obviously Americans are willing, if the incentives are there. Illegal immigrants undercut everyone by accepting low pay for the jobs, which artificially skews the job market and makes it hard for others to enter. That is why I mentioned a guest worker visa program as a possible solution. Also penalize employers who exploit illegal migrants. If prices go up, so be it. If all the illegal workers 'come out of the shadows', prices will go up anyway because they will need to be fairly compensated, enrolled in social benefits, etc.
  14. Well, let's see how it plays out in the courts. Fair enough, that is the strength of the system. People get their chance to challenge the government if they choose. Seems the ruling only applies to the three plaintiffs in the case, from how I read the story.
  15. News flash- the topic isn't Trump. Compare Biden with a number of recent presidents and he is by far the one who is the least active and the least available. Frankly, I don't think either of them should be running in 2024.
  16. ...based on an article by the New York Times, that well known GOP mouthpiece. The President's schedule is a matter of public record. He is perhaps the most isolated from the press of any president in recent memory.
  17. If you go to Chiang Mai, Thai Buddy can help. They got me a Cert. of Residence for I think 1800 baht once I had the TM30 from my AirBnb. Then I went to Bangkok Bank at Siam TV Building. Told them I wanted an account for retirement funds, they were very good about it. I was on a 30 day visa free at that point as well.
  18. It is because what they want is impossible to get. Any way, we will see how long they last.
  19. According to cbs news, there are more than 7 million working age men slacking off and not working. They could easily fill these jobs given the right incentive. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/men-workforce-work-companies-struggle-fill-jobs-manufacturing/ Add, as I said before, a workable guest worker program and things could go a long way to getting better. But letting people rush the border and scatter is not good for the economy, nor is it good for the people doing it.
  20. I foolishly believed the Center for American Progress... https://www.americanprogress.org/press/release-millions-undocumented-immigrants-essential-americas-recovery-new-report-shows/
  21. I have? Oh dear. On topic- I predict that they will not succeed in their goal of a total ban on guns and a mandatory buy back. They are wasting their time. Any bets on how long they will actually last? I think 3 days at most before some start slinking away.
  22. Still not as much as Biden. And Camp David is at least an official residence, not just a beach house. Not to mention the 10 to 4 daily schedule and minimal interactions with the press. You can see his schedule here; https://factba.se/biden/calendar Nothing before 1000am, and that is just a daily briefing.
  23. Yes they will. This is just a shibboleth that insults Americans' integrity and work ethic. Unfortunately employers have gotten lazy and taken the easy road, which is using illegal labour. Low pay and bad conditions. Americans do plenty of "dirty jobs" from trash collection to sewer repair. No reason they won't do these jobs as well, as long as the pay is fair. The majority of illegal immigrants work in the service and construction industries anyway, not in agriculture. These are jobs that millions of Americans already do.
  24. ...all of which are good reasons why illegal aliens should be deported. Pay Americans and legal residents fair wages to do the work. Do some actual real work on reforming the immigration system, perhaps by implementing a guest worker program out of the various consulates and embassies abroad.
  25. Why is any of this bad? Illegal aliens shouldn't have driver's licenses, nor should they be a burden on the public health system. They should be going home.
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