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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Nope, both can be true at the same time. Yes, the climate is changing. Yes, humans do contribute to it. And also yes, there are a great number of rentseekers and charlatans who are taking advantage of the situation to line their pockets.
  2. As for the "police detention" video, I do understand that there can be a certain communication between the police and the criminals. BUT...going from joking around and literally posing for pictures for the media, to physically carrying Greta away? Sorry, a little too much. She was walking fine for a time, what happened- did she get a cramp? Didn't want to get her expensive shoes dirty? Managing media and stagecraft are crucial components of any good protest- just ask the Palestinians.
  3. The great danger when being a scold (and Greta is by no means the only one guilty of this) is that it leaves you wide open to justified accusations of hypocrisy. "Do as I say, not as I do" is a huge problem, especially in the climate crisis industry. There is lots of money to be made and spent by whipping up fear.
  4. I was wondering that as well- what next? In the States, she would be off for a gig at MSNBC or CNN as a very well paid commentator. Not sure if the media in NZ could offer her much like that. Perhaps a good paying gig at a think tank or working under Al Gore... God forbid she would have to get a real job for the first time in her life.
  5. I don't understand what that means. Encourage people to drive less BUT spend more money to maintain roads? Seems at cross purposes to me. If you want to discourage driving, let the roads break up and become bumpy.
  6. "we suspect..." Kind of says it all, doesn't it? About this article plus about climate alarmism in general. The article DID also add a couple of other, less than environmentally friendly, tidbits about our Greta's voyage. It generated a LOT of plastic waste from the estimated 200 prepackaged meals the crew of the yacht ate. Plus the carbon footprint of Ahnold's Tesla, which he generously lent her. All in all, quite a climate catastrophe. And it could simply have been avoided by staying home and doing the whole thing on Zoom.
  7. Is that the same boat that had to have 5 crewmembers FLOWN in to take it back to Europe? So, 5 people flew on carbon burning airplanes instead of 1 Greta. Guess math isnt her strong point.
  8. Also, with no big stetsons you couldn't use the fabulous phrase "all hat and no cattle" to describe someone with no testicular fortitude.
  9. This may be as close to the truth as we get. It is hard for them to go anywhere or do anything without running a constant commentary and/or chewing over the most mundane and trivial things with their friends. In Japan it is called being "KY"- the first letters of the words "kuuki yomenai", which means they can't read the air. Meaning they can't take notice of the situation they are in or read the social cues of people around them and behave accordingly. I had a similar experience in a small massage shop in Udon Thani. You know, the cheap ones beside the lake where it is basically one big room. But only 180 baht for an hour. About 10 minutes into my session, a couple young ladies (obviously my dear neighbours to the south) came in and wouldn't shut up. Plus the added bonus of doing Face Time with their friends during their massage. Similar to Rudi, I asked them politely to keep it down, that the Thai people around them were probably too polite to complain, but that they were disturbing everyone in the shop. To their credit, they apologized and piped down.
  10. You sure about that? I visit the National Parks regularly and pay the same as everyone else (not American). Got a yearly pass to ALL NPS locations for just $80- a real bargain. If you are a senior then residency matters- the price drops to $20 a year or $80 for a lifetime pass.
  11. Not mentioned until late in the story is the fact that the village in question is EMPTY, and has been for more than a year. Nobody there except the climate hystericals. Oh, and Saint Greta made an appearance as well. Plus the usual "chain my hand to a barrel of concrete, look at me I am in a treehouse" crowd. Best thing to do is the same when a group of these idiots infested a museum in Munich. Clear the area around them, don't allow any food/water to be brought in, and wait. They will be begging to be arrested within 24 hours.
  12. Absolutelly. I am also curious if the same happened with other, previous presidents- Obama, Bush, etc.
  13. Good luck with that! Tell less developed countries that they can't use whatever resources they have to enrich themselves... not gonna happen.
  14. A couple of decent ETFs for the larger markets are from Horizons- HXS (for the S and P) and HXT (for TSX in Toronto). Both diversified well. Their bank index ETF (HEWB) is also a pretty safe investment. Canadian banks are rock solid and weather financial storms better than most.
  15. I will take the "climate crisis" more seriously when the doomsayers take it more seriously themselves. When hypocrites like Al Gore stop living in 4 houses. When ex-presidents who prophesize that the oceans are rising stop buying multimillion dollar beachfront property. When "Extinction Rebellion" stop buying iPads and eating at the Golden Armpits.
  16. How about, to save time and typing, we just use a new acronym- NABAT.. Not As Bad As Trump. Might save some stress for the more vituperous of people here, and possibly prevent tendonitis of the fingers. As for the documents, just a few simple questions need to be answered before devolving into mindless speculation. 1. Who put the documents where they were discovered and when? 2. Who had access to them since? 3. Did anyone know of their location since they were placed there?
  17. What to expect? Private jets by the score (my personal estimate is 127) Hob-nobbing, kowtowing, and generall azzkissery Caviar for the 'in crowd' A plea for the rest of us to eat bugs Enough hot air to fill a zeppelin
  18. We will NEVER apologize for Alanis. Celine Dion, on the other hand........
  19. I am with you in principle (fellow Canuckistanian here) but there have been cases where very inappropriate, to put it mildly, suggestions have been made to potential victims. Doctors telling people "you DO know that your care is costing more than $1,500 a day...." and the like. It is all too easy for people already made vulnerable by their situation to be pushed into hasty decisions. The article I posted has some truly troubling cases. Ten thousand people in a year is a LOT.
  20. You have to remember also that Joe Biden has a long and storied history of lying and plagiarism, dating back nearly 40 years of his public life. From cribbing speeches from British politicians to claiming to have finished in the top half of his law school class, ol' Joe has a gift for the malarkey. So no surprise that people aren't simply taking him at his word in this case. Particularly when coupled with his obvious declining mental abilities and cognitive skills.
  21. Glad to hear you have been able to confirm this with EVERY SINGLE PERSON to ever travel in South East Asia /s Americans obviously equip themselves with the patches BEFORE leaving the US. It is a necessary strategy.
  22. Not the first time for this. Remember about 10 years ago, there was a baby formula scandal in China, with some kids being poisoned by tainted formula? They all "flooded the zone" into Hong Kong and bought the country dry. Serious riots and anti-Chinese mobs were taking to the streets.
  23. Putting a Canadian flag on your backpack is VERY American! We from the Great White North have more subtle signals- we choose packs/gear from MEC for example, or have a water bottle from Tim's or Second Cup.
  24. That is the key point. Nail on the head. Can informed consent be given by people who are not fully functioning mentally? There have been disturbing reports of military veterans suffering from PTSD who call government operated help-lines, only to be offered suicide as the solution to their ills. In 2021, more than 10,000 assisted suicides were done- a big number for a small country. It makes cynical/paranoid people worry that this is being done at least in part to relieve the burden on the public health care system, and bureaucrats deciding who are or are not 'worthless eaters'. https://apnews.com/article/covid-science-health-toronto-7c631558a457188d2bd2b5cfd360a867
  25. No worries about the numbers, I get them kerfuffled too... It is no secret that China has been trying to buy influence at American (and other countries') universities for some time. The profusion of "Confucian Centers" was one of the more obvious ways. If you want to cast a wider net, it has also been going on in popular culture and professional sports- witness how Hollywood and the NBA both suck up to China for money and market share. The difference is the timing and the multiplying, as I said. Perhaps "Project Biden" was just one of many that the CCP was undertaking at that time. The presence of secret government documents, and lack of transparency about how they got there, who had access, etc. is the issue.
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