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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. My objections are mainly to Biden's hamhanded approach to the situation. Using the presence or absence of a uterus and extra melanin as being meaningful qualifications to such an important position is remarkably bigoted, even for an old school racist like Joe Biden.
  2. om/resources/top-law-schools I note you’ve flipped on candidates being selected on ability. Depends on the website you read. I have seen Harvard ranked as low as 5th, behind Stanford, Columbia, and U of Chicago. I do worry that religion and academic pedigree are factors that limit the Court to a far greater extent than race or sex. Not sure what you mean about flipping on ability. Care to explain?
  3. Not sure your meaning here. The only one who is an exception to the rule is Justice Barrett. The rest, both liberal and conservative, are ALL part of the Yalevard cabal.
  4. Really? 8 of the current judges are Harvard/Yale alumni. Where is the diversity? How many are left handed? That bears about as much relevance as skin colour or sex. You know, the problem is that she is in a no-win situation. She may very well turn out to do a great job and be an outstanding Justice. But, thanks to Biden, she will always be seen as having been picked for her innate and irrelevant qualities rather than her expertise. It is tokenism at its most craven.
  5. Actually, you may find we agree more than disagree. I would like to see some actual diversity on the Court. Too many folks from Harvard/Yale, too many from one particular religion... Chromosones or pigmentation don't matter whatsoever except in a shallow and irrelevant way. There are already black people on the court, and women on the court, what is magical about the combination of the two?
  6. Campaigning or patronizing? I checked the Justice's record. She is the daughter of a lawyer, from a well off family, yet another member of the Harvard clique that holds inordinate sway on the Court. I didn't see too much time representing "ordinary people" in her career, she has been working for the government almost exclusively. I could see about 4 years in private practice, mainly working for huge legal firms with 1,000 plus lawyers in them. One point in her favour, at least she isn't Catholic.
  7. Of course not. There have been many "not white men" chosen for the court. Doesn't bother me one way or another. My point was that it shouldn't be a factor either way for the President too. And IF it is a factor for him, that demonstrates a character flaw that needs to be addressed.
  8. From what I have read, the "science" on aircraft and the virus is that there is really little risk of catching Covid during a flight. Yes, the cabin is sealed. However, the air is constantly drawn upward to the ceiling of the cabin, where it goes through a serious filtration process before being recirculated in the cabin. The IATA does not think it is a danger at all. So masks on planes seem to be more performative theatre than actual precaution.
  9. Great minds think alike. Here is our view at Saguaro National Park while grilling up a couple tomahawk t-bones and enjoying a nice bottle of California Cabernet...
  10. The mistake Biden made was in proclaiming that possession of black skin and a uterus were deciding factors in choosing a Justice. That automatically eliminated 93% of the US population from the competition. He should have kept it to himself and then just 'happen to' pick a black woman. But he wanted to make virtue signalling points with his leftist base, plus placate blacks who were wavering in supporting him, so politics overrode common sense.
  11. Khun, looks like we have something in common after all! These days the RVs are NOT like the old pop up campers of my youth. Solar power is a real game changer for those who want to live off the grid, full wireless service is easy to get, and some smaller trailers (under 25 feet) can be easily towed by a light pickup truck like a Ford F-150. There are dozens of Youtube channels by men living the dream. Desert southwest in the winter, gradually move north in the summer, it is something to consider. Can you imagine waking up to the sunrise over the desert or mountains every day, fresh brewed coffee in hand, no neighbours... eminently possible and not expensive.
  12. Fair enough. Affordable homes can be found in the US. The "specific location" may be the sticky point. Real estate as I am sure you know is ruled by geography. If a returning retiree is tied to a specific location, that can be bad. If they are flexible, so much the better. Here is a cut little place in New Mexico for 75k... https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/808-S-Avenue-B_Portales_NM_88130_M10082-99609?ex=2944753572
  13. I am not sure the headline is accurate. Justice Brown cannot actually say what a "woman" is, so by simple logic you cannot say that she is one. Indeed, calling her one may be a micro-aggression. You need to be careful these days not to make such assumptions.
  14. JT, no need to get your panties in a wad. The nomadic lifestyle is a valid option for people of limited means. There is a lot more to it than buying a quarter million dollar motorhome and swanning about. There are myriad low cost options that work for many people, and they don't feel deprived or disadvantaged.
  15. Hey Jing, thousands of people enjoy the freedom of the open roads. You might feel a bit better if you join them! Nature can be intoxicating.
  16. Three since the Reagan years, I would call "almost all". But you be you.
  17. Yes, the President selects them. In almost all cases, his selection is approved. Seems like a distinction without a difference to me.
  18. Jing; The radicals, as you call them, are small in number and exist at both extremes. Very few Americans favor a 100% ban on abortion, an equally small number favor zero restrictions. Most fall in the middle, and most importantly EVERYONE will have a chance to be heard in November at the ballot box. There is a certain hypocrisy in so many world leaders sticking their nose in. Macron of France, for example, needs to shut up. HIS country restricts abortion far more strictly than many US states, and even more strictly than Mississipi in the Dodd case.
  19. Nope. Presidents choose Supreme Court justices. Democrats pick lefty judges, Republicans pick conservative judges. Been that way forever. The court leaned left for a long time before Trump, and will lean left again in the future. It is a long term situation.
  20. If someone knows a bank where I can open an account on a 30 day visa exemption, that would be fab. Otherwise, I dont mind spending some money for other people to do the scut work and possibly use their 'connections' to smooth things through.
  21. Yes there are trigger laws, some restrict abortions to rape/incest/health of the birthing person, some restrict based on timing. None AFAIK punish women for what they decide to do. A ban on travel is highly unlikely and almost certainly unconstitutional. Justice Kavanaugh said as much in his opinion on Dobbs. Not to mention the actual mechanics of such a law are completely impossible. Sorry my friend, you are seeing demons in the shadows when this is a very simple issue. States will decide what happens within their own borders. The debates will happen, they will be messy, and compromises will be worked out. Politicians will be forced to actually state their positions, not just fall back on hyperbole and eupemisms like "right to choose". And that is good for everyone.
  22. You always have the option of going nomad! Buy a nice RV, perhaps a pickup truck and a nice trailer, and hit the happy highways. See America from up close, enjoy the national parks and natural beauty, enjoy sunset beer and barbequed t-bones every night! You could get a nice rig for far less than $100,000. Even with the price of gas, boondocking and BLM land are great! Many states have senior passes for state parks and camping areas too. I have looked into it and it does have a certain pioneering feel!
  23. Jim, you are not paying attention. Abortion has NOT been abolished. States that allowed it last week still allow it this week. Each state can decide. Hell, California will probably have pop-up abortion clinics on the border beside the highways, the same way Nevada has casinos at all border crossings!
  24. I generally go by the rule that the side using the most hysteria and hyperbole is the one that is losing. In this case, the left. Dark pronouncements about coat hangers and back alleys that simply wont happen. The individual states will each choose their path. That is democracy at the local level. So places like California and New York can have radical abortion policies, use tax dollars for safe havens, etc. Places like Mississippi and Nebraska can do what their citizens want. Nothing terrible about that. The reality is that most Americans do favor abortion within limits. The limit usually hits around the 12-14 week mark. Ironicallly, the same place most European countries limit abortion except for in the case of the mother health being in danger. After that point, support drops. Americans who actually favour abortion on demand until the time of birth is a tiny sliver of the country. Thankfully! Yet few Democrat politicians are willing to state their position- wonder why?
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