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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Damn, you maybe just got me there.... she is the best Presidential insurance policy since Dan Quayle.
  2. "It appears" and "most likely" are purely subjective. Strangely, they also fit a particular political narrative at a particularly important time. Coincidence? I think not. I am willing to wait and see, others have a peculiar desire to rush to judgement without evidence.
  3. I think it shows a certain lack of consistency or clarity in his ideas. He floats from conspiracy to conspiracy to wild imaginings to even, as the article said, thinking he was Jesus for a year. His current infatuation is only the latest manifestation of a greater sickness.
  4. He sounds like an anarchist more than anything. But without referencing his other 'idiosyncracies' it is impossible to make an accurate judgement. His ex Taub says; "I don’t think he became a Trump supporter, he was against the government, but if anything he was opposed to the shadow government, against the people who really run the government and use politicians as puppets. Like Trump was a puppet." and the writer of the article asserts; Here's where the conspiracy theories of the far left collide with the far right and conspiracists in general. Talk of a "shadow government" is hardly the purview of just one end of the spectrum — and Taub says that she and DePape shared the view that 9/11 was an inside job. https://sfist.com/2022/10/31/gypsy-taub-speaks-out-about-ex-boyfriend-david-depape-confirms-he-wasnt-a-trumper-but-had-mental-illness/ Seems like a guy who needed to be hospitalized, but like so many mentally disturbed people in the US he is allowed to walk around untreated.
  5. Oh I agree. But the solutions will be hard to find until we can see what actually happened, and get a deeper glimple into the troubled mind of DePape. Seeking motivation within 24 hours of the attack was idiocy. On a happier note, it appears that Mr. Pelosi is out of hospital and home.
  6. As for solutions; 1. Cancel the Inflation Reduction Act and the American Recovery Plan and the student loan forgiveness. 2. See above. 3. Mandatory prison terms for using firearms in a crime. Increased and better trained police. 4. Leave abortion up to the states. Not a federal issue. 5. Immediate deportation of those here illegally. No "catch and release" for asylum seekers- keep them confined until their hearings are finished. Stern punishment for companies that hire illegal workers. Guest worker system for targeted industries. 6. Unleash America's energy industry. Don't threaten them with shut downs and then expect them to invest in increasing production. Increase fracking. Build more nuclear power stations. Stop buying batteries and solar panels from Red China.
  7. Mind putting forth the case as to why sticking with the doddering gent currently occupying the White House is a better option? To be clear, I wish Trump would go away. He is and will be a net drain on the GOP, plus if he were elected in 2024 he would be even OLDER than Biden was in 2020. He is not the solution, at least in my mind. There are younger and better people available to spread the message of freedom, small government, and country first.
  8. Perhaps that is because the press is the friend of the Democratic Party.
  9. Really? There were riots across America throughout November of 2016. Here is a list from just one day, November 10- New York, Chicago, Washington, LA, Portland. Tens of thousands of people involved. Police injured, police cars burned, businesses looted. And it continued for weeks. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/thousands-us-protest-president-elect-donald-trump/story?id=43427653 https://abc7ny.com/donald-trump-protest-oakland-protests/1599932/
  10. I remember Democrats laughing and singing back in 2016 when Trump won the GOP nomination. They all thought that the Bad Orange Man would be easy to beat, far easier than the seasoned polticians he left in his dust. So, imagine their outrage when he actually won the election against their chosen "most qualified candidate in history"! This I think is the seed of outrage that still drives them to this day. You can see it in how they talk about their fellow Americans, with contempt and sneering scorn. And it will cost them again this election cycle.
  11. Facts matter. No deflection. I freely admit the facts of January 6 and am happy the perps are doing time. Just don't think it was a serious attempt at a change of political system or the advent of fascism. And the deflection and diversion can most clearly be seen in Biden's speech. He said nothing to American voters about the issues they care about. Instead he resorted to the usual fearmongering that has been so poorly received in this campaign.
  12. Cool , here are some facts from Reuters: The most important problem facing America according to voters: Inflation, jobs/economy, gun violence, abortion, immigration, climate.... in that order. Gee, what seems to be missing? https://graphics.reuters.com/USA-ELECTION/ECONOMY-POLL/akvezdbzrpr/ How many of these did the President address in his speech?
  13. You know we can play semantic games about what to call the events of January 6, from an energetic fan club meeting to the revenge of Himmler. It really doesn't matter. If you want everyone to call it an insurrection or coup, fine. The Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) are twisting themselves into knots trying to make it relevant to the voters now, and it simply isn't working.
  14. Well, if Bennie Thompson says it, then it must be true /s In any case, it really doesn't matter. The voters have decided that other issues are far more important in their lives. Biden and the Democrats failed in their attempt to push January 6 as an election issue. They are just realizing it now but far too late in the campaign.
  15. a good reason why the Democrats are going to take a major thrashing in the mid terms on Tuesday. If a voter is driving home from the grocery store with their $5 eggs and $7 loaf of bread, past gas stations that charge $5.99 a gallon, then turn on the tv and hear hyperventilating pundits screech "January &!!", I know which will have more impact on their voting decision.
  16. Yet somehow only 3 of them remembered to bring their guns. Some coup....
  17. Exactly right. It is possible to acknowledge the very real damage and injuries caused by the rioters, without ascribing to them motives and skills they did not have. Sure there were a few yahoos and paranoids who were dreaming fevered dreams of restoring Trump to power. But the vast majority were simply frustrated idiots. Guys throwing a coup don't leave their guns in the Hampton Inn across the river.
  18. ...so....they go to the Capitol unarmed, somehow overcome the guards, find the VP, either hang him or pressure him, then the election will magically change. If not, they wait for a call from the Bad Orange Man, then head back across the river to get their guns as a QRF to...what, exactly? Will they NOW defy Washington's gun laws and react to.... man, I am confused. or Occam's Razor suggests that they are blowhard wannabes. No chance of doing any lasting harm to the system whatsoever.
  19. From Goodfellas; DeNiro decides to kill a mouthy partner in crime. Masterful.
  20. Are these more of those terrible terrorists who decided not to bring their guns to their own insurrection? God forbid they should contravene DC's gun laws on their way to overthrowing democracy...
  21. That is a reasonable position, I can understand how people can see it that way. I just tire of the constant heavy breathing and "we are one small step from fascism" crowd and their faux vituperation.
  22. ... so you DON'T think they were an actual threat to "our democracy" then.... got it. I agree that most of the guys I saw on Jan 6 were not the sharpest knives in the drawer by any stretch of the imagination. They deserve to be punished and mocked. I am genuinely curious as to what exactly you think I am minimizing? I have been accused before of minimizing the whole "threat to our democracy" as a result of the riots. But not the actual riot itself.
  23. Do you honestly, seriously believe that this group of dudes was a serious threat to the American political system? That they wanted to storm the Capitol and hang the VP, but at the same time were reluctant to bring their guns? It is illogical in the extreme. I am in no way minimizing what happened on January 6. This isn't like the 9/11 hoax people. The event happened. Property was damaged, Cops were injured. A protester was shot. A group of idiots got worked up and were out of control. It was bad. It was an embarrassment to the country. But it wasn't an actual threat to America's political institutions in any meaningful, long term way. These were deluded idiots who literally didn't know what to do once they actually breached the Capitol building itself. There was no organization, no attempt to reach out to Americans across the country and declare the New Revolution. Pure political paranoia, fuelled by a healthy dose of Bad Orange Man Derangement Syndrome.
  24. There is also the lovely example of Mohamar Khadaffi (sp) who voluntarily gave up his weapons and wound up sodomized in a ditch.
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