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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Not ageist at all. Consider that John McCain was widely called "too old" at 72 when he ran for president. Think honestly for a minute- do you think that YOU, as a fellow 79 year old, would be up to the job of President? Not saying that Biden is a 24 hour basket case. He does have moments of clarity and brief spurts of energy. But they are interspersed with more and more periods of confusion and cognitive shut down. I don't think Reagan or Eisenhower ever tried to shake hands with a ghost, or repeatedly could not find their way off a podium, or dodged the press to the extent that Biden does.
  2. "A lapse of memory" would be one thing, the man is 79 years old after all. Yet they are recurring, getting worse, and show no signs of ending. This is a far cry from the good old days of "friendly Joe from Scranton, the happy-go-lucky hair sniffer". Biden was never a very bright man or deep thinker at the best of times. Now that he is aging so rapidly before our eyes, the problems are too much to ignore. If he had an even somewhat competent VP I think there would be a very substantial hue and cry from within the Democratic party for him to step down. Perhaps 'for health reasons' and leave the VP in charge. Yet even that option is off the table.
  3. He is not in charge any more. You don't have to expend so much angst and mental energy obsessing about him. You want to hurt Trump? Ignore him. Your use of "should be eliminated" really speaks volumes to the depths of your derangement. When we get to the point that we consider 'the other side' is actually evil and not merely wrong, then any possibility of compromise or reason go out the window.
  4. Yes, but Harris will tear the Democratic Party apart in her lust for the top job. She is the epitome of entitlement and I guarantee she would put up a massive fight. The internal dynamics would tear the Democratic Party apart. She is obviously incompetent and shallow and not terribly bright, yet.... she is a woman and BIPOC. God forbid that a white man dares to run against her.
  5. More off topic distractions from the Trump Deranged. Is he really that much of a threat?
  6. It is so obvious that Biden is acting, well, old. He IS old and it shows. Decreasing mobility, awkward gait, frequent outbursts, and yes forgetting important events. BOTH parties need to clear out the dinosaurs and bring in younger people. Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, Clinton, Trump, Feinstein, all need to be given a not-so-gentle shove out the door.
  7. Please, the excuses are getting thinner and thinner. There was a memorial service for the deceased member at the SAME event just moments before the President made his remarks. And still he couldnt remember. This is a deeply disturbing sign that is beyond a mere "gaffe". Forgetting that people are dead is one of the sure signs of Alzheimer's. This has nothing to do with faulty notes or bad research. A member of congress dying tragically a month before is something that should not require notes. The President asking, "isnt she supposed to be here" is a sign that this is no mere "oops".
  8. Interesting that you should include this particular video. It demonstrates clearly that Joe Biden based his candidacy on a complete and utter fabrication. Trump NEVER called the supremacists and neo-nazis "very fine people", that has been debunked by myriad media outlets for years. Kind of says something about the man that he would willingly make his case to the American people based on a lie, doesn't it?
  9. Mike, did the Bad Orange Man really injure you so deeply that you can't give him up? Really seems like some kind of love/hate relationship happening. You dislike him but you can't stop talking about him even when it is completely irrelevant.
  10. I gotta admit, I am no Al Franken fan (at least as a politician, loved his work on SNL) but he shouldn't have been hounded from office for this. It was tasteless and crude, but in no way criminal.
  11. ...and we stray yet further from the topc to rehash yet more irrelevant tidbits from the pevious president. Trump really got to you, didn't he. Just can't resist injecting him into every discussion. If you could explain the connection between the two, I would be more than grateful.
  12. Those are pretty funny, but more funny than sad. The current President can't even muster up sentences long enough to do so. No doubt Trump is a bombastic blowhard, but at least he can still talk. And think on his feet. Poor Joe is lost without a teleprompter. Actually, he is still lost WITH a teleprompter. No comparison whatsoever.
  13. Considering more than HALF of Democrats don't want him to run in 2024, and very few mid-term candidates want him to visit their districts, I don't think this can be characterized as a "right wing attack". Again, nothing to do with Trump, however much you try and drag him into the discussion. Think I'll have a covfefe myself, good idea.
  14. I'll take madness and 2% inflation over mumbling Joe and the stock market tanking any day. But this discussion isn't about the former President, is it? I am sure you can make substantive points without referring to the Bad Orange Man who continues to dominate your days and nights.
  15. Really? I can't see that at all where I am. Biden is almost invisible on the news except brief 2 or 3 second shots as he is boarding a helicopter or standing at a podium. Nobody cares about American domestic political issues outside the US. Hell, they don't even care INSIDE the US. Those issues barely register at all with voters. In spite of the fevered dreams of the mainstream media, who make money whenever the Bad Orange Man appears in their articles/programs.
  16. Not in play because it wasn't part of the survey. Also most Europeans and Asians don't have much access to or interest in American mainstream media so they aren't exposed to Biden's deterioration on a daily basis. One important point was that confidence in Biden was uniformly LOWER in 2022 than in 2021. That is worrying to say the least.
  17. "People like me"? What does that mean? Something tells me that you have very little contact with "people like me". I am somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun politically, yet I don't know anyone who has a problem with gay marriage, contraception, etc. Perhaps you need to expand your social circle... Pretty weak sauce my friend.
  18. Did you also see confused Joe being led off the stage by his wife a day ago? Quite bizarre and sad really. He carries himself very awkwardly as well, with his arms in a very stiff and unnatural posture. Jill says "you go down here" in a failed attempt to get him out of the public eye ASAP.
  19. Also the question of, if not Biden, then who? The Democrats are right to start worrying now. The alternatives to Biden are....VP Harris? Polled at something like 1% in the 2020 primaries. Gov Newsom in Calli? Maybe Hillary will make a comeback.
  20. One justice out of nine. That is what is worrying you?
  21. No relevance whatsoever. As stated clearly by Justice Alito in the ruling. You and others are just being paranoid and once again trying to tack an American political issue where it does not belong.
  22. ...and this has exactly WHAT to do with the obvious mental decline of the current President?
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