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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Did you also see confused Joe being led off the stage by his wife a day ago? Quite bizarre and sad really. He carries himself very awkwardly as well, with his arms in a very stiff and unnatural posture. Jill says "you go down here" in a failed attempt to get him out of the public eye ASAP.
  2. Also the question of, if not Biden, then who? The Democrats are right to start worrying now. The alternatives to Biden are....VP Harris? Polled at something like 1% in the 2020 primaries. Gov Newsom in Calli? Maybe Hillary will make a comeback.
  3. One justice out of nine. That is what is worrying you?
  4. No relevance whatsoever. As stated clearly by Justice Alito in the ruling. You and others are just being paranoid and once again trying to tack an American political issue where it does not belong.
  5. ...and your evidence of this would be.....
  6. ...and this has exactly WHAT to do with the obvious mental decline of the current President?
  7. How about a little ultra bass, Geoff Castellucci?
  8. Not sure who you are arguing against here TBH. I do not disagree with you, nor do any of the other posters I have read, unless I missed something.
  9. Dont know a lot about the Texas law, it sounds ridiculous from what you are saying. I already said that what I think is reasonable would include a doctor judging whether the mother's life is in danger. Of course that means with no repercussions. Seems to me, from an outsider's view, that both sides are reacting without thinking and aren't honestly trying to reach a workable solution.
  10. Not sure what your point is. I agreed that late term abortions are rare. So I see a reasonable compromise that would probably make both sides equally unhappy. No abortions after 15 weeks, but exceptions at any stage for rape/incest victims, or if the mother's life is in danger. This excludes the vast majority of abortions, as your stats indicate. So what are we really fighting about?
  11. If you ask a direct question, you will get a direct answer. If you ask deliberately vague questions, you will get inaccurate answers.
  12. According to this article, they account in total for 1.5% of abortions. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/05/24/rape-and-incest-account-few-abortions-so-why-all-attention/1211175001/ I would call that "rare".
  13. Sure, sorry for forgetting; https://news.gallup.com/poll/1576/abortion.aspx If, as you say, late term abortions are rare (and I agree that they are), then what is the harm in allowing states to restrict them? I see it as the same as the rape/incest argument- also rare, so there is no harm in allowing abortion in those cases.
  14. Again, a rather radical position according to most polling. And also very rare in other parts of the world. Most of Europe has bans after the first trimester, for example.
  15. ...and Biden's is mostly at his beach house napping in a sun lounge. I don't see a difference.
  16. Article is behind a paywall and I am too cheap to breach it... Given what you wrote, then what IS a realistic compromise position? I see some states going too restrictive, others going too permissive, and the middle ground being ignored. Very few politicians are willing to commit to any specific ideas, especially the left. Many secretly favour abortion on demand, at any time, for any (or no) reason. That is a position that very few Americans actually support. Gallup finds that a majority of Americans support abortion in the first trimester at 67%. That falls to 35% in the second trimester and only 20% in the third. Makes the current law in Arizona seem quite mainstream.
  17. Same could easily said for any former President. And the NBC reporter wasnt just talking about time at their private residences, he was talking total time away. And in both instances, the current President is the clear winner. Joe is away a LOT.
  18. According to this article, Biden is the winner in time spent outside the office- fully 40% of his days are not in Washington. "Data on presidential vacations has been meticulously tabulated for decades by former CBS News reporter Mark Knoller, who documented that Biden outpaced Trump and Obama in spending time away from the White House during his first 18 months in office" https://nypost.com/2022/08/31/biden-hit-for-spending-40-of-his-time-on-vacation/
  19. Hard for Biden to do his job when he is never in Washington- he spends more time on vacation than any president in the last century. It isn't hyperbole to point out his numerous and recurring brain f8rts, which show truly alarming decline. Ever wonder why his handlers almost never let him do interviews, or pressers? Again, he is the least accessible president in decades. And for good reason.
  20. So... Reagan WAS actually falling apart in public, but it just was ignored? I don't get your meaning.
  21. I don't recall Reagan trying to shake phantom hands, or being bullied by the Easter Bunny, or misbronouncing his worms, or being unable to complete a sentence, or worrying that he will "get in trouble" if he talks to reporters, or dodging the media so studiously. Other than that, I can see your point.
  22. Again the need to compare to Trump..... is he really so important to you? But thank you for at least admitting the the current occupant of the White House is "diminished". That is a good first step.
  23. It would help a lot if BOTH sides would be clear on what their positions were. The President's spokeswoman studiously avoided answering the question when put to her by Fox News' Peter Doocy. Same as most Democratic politicians when asked- they refuse to give direct answers. Instead, they either fall back on the tired bromide of supporting "a woman's right to choose" or deflecting the queston by instead talking about what some GOP candidate wants to do. In Arizona, the law signed by the governor would ban most abortions after 15 weeks. This is a reasonable position that would probably satisfy most Americans if polling data is to be believed.
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