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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Even if that were true (and it is debatable), why would that be 'miserable'? The facts are the facts, regardless how they came about. As for the economy being 'in tatters', there WAS a small intervening event in 2020, as you may recall... if not for the 'intervening event' the Bad Orange Man may well have been re-elected as well.
  2. Actually you are wrong. He is that rare person who actually THINKS before he speaks. And then expresses himself very carefully. He is also honest enough to say when he doesnt know something, or if he needs more time to answer. It is a rare quality in a public figure these days. I have been watching him since his days back at University of Toronto when he was threatened with legal action over refusing to use language mandated by the government. Been quite a journey since. I love it when journalists question his credentials to speak about social issues from a psychological perspective- his answers of "well, I AM a licenced clinician with 20 years of practice, and have published books on the subject, so I think I actually do know what I am talking about."
  3. As yes, that miserable term with 2% inflation, 3% unemployment, and two dollar gas.... hated it.
  4. Not a bad looking young lady considering she has 4 kids. Pretty obvious she enjoys 'male company'. Recently transformed from MILF to GILF on your scorecards.
  5. I think I did say that she lied. "The coverup attempt (which is obviously lying) made it worse" is what I wrote. Deny, cover up, deflect. Standard tactics for politicians who are caught out.
  6. That's YOUR job. What I don't see is anyone making excuses for her. She needs to take the "L" and move on. Nothing to defend or justify about her idiocy.
  7. True. AOC might not be a bad option, but the Democrats are genuinely thin on the ground in the 'hottie' department.
  8. Not at all. Maybe we have different ideas about what "screwed up" means- to me it means a remarkably stupid and egregious mistake. She deserves fully whatever is coming. As with so many things, the coverup attempt just makes things worse. Which is why I suggested that she do the honourable thing and resign. Wouldn't do that if it was just an "oopsie".
  9. Takes after the current VP I guess, who learned a lot while serving under Willie Brown in California. Politics indeed makes strange bedfellows...
  10. Y'all are just jealous that conservative women are far better looking than the harridans on the left...
  11. Hopefully you are right, if she doesnt decide to resign or at least not run for re-election. I wonder if she was like this always, or is it the malignancy of the Sodom on the Potomac experience starting to shine through. There are far too many stories of Congresscritters behaving as if they were above the law and having DYKWIA moments. It needs to be nipped in the bud.
  12. She screwed up. I would say resignation from Congress would be the dignified thing to do. But probably wont happen.
  13. Trump, ever the master of real estate, lives rent-free in the heads of many obsessed individuals.
  14. ...which relates to Hunter Biden and his foibles exactly how? You tried, Trippy, you tried. ...and please stop using the anti-semitic trope "the Big Lie". Especially when you use the specific article 'the' and capitalize "Big Lie".
  15. In other words, "it's not us, it's THEM". You tried, Trippy, you tried.
  16. I am searching for a way to make a connection between Hunter Biden's possible gun crimes and the Bad Orange Man mishandling a bible..... still searching..... still searching.... Nope, can't find it. Can you help me out?
  17. Sounds reasonable to me. I with BOTH parties would abandon their geriatric leaders and put up some younger and more energetic nominees. Ironically, so do most Americans. Yet the parties both seem determined to refight the 2020 election, in spite of the wishes of the general public.
  18. Agreed 100%. Mitt was at least morally upright and unimpeachable. And still got pilloried by the press. It may be one of the reasons that Trump was chosen next by the GOP. If moral character did not matter, why not go for the amoral a-hole who at least might get the job done?
  19. Ah yes, the "b-b-but Trump..." deflection in full gear. If Hunter did this crime, he should be penalized as would anyone else with similar circumstances. If not, he should be acquitted. The rest is just smoke and orange-tinted mirrors.
  20. My son was in a similar situation. He was born in Canada but we moved to Japan when he was 3 (my wife is Japanese). We followed the 'MLaH' approach to language- speaking the Minority Language at Home (in our case, English). It worked out well because he got enough Japanese language support at school, with friends, etc. And English at home from his parents. Oh, and he calls himself a "hybrid ", not half or double. A hybrid has 2 systems (like a hybrid car), and deploys the best one depending on the situation.
  21. Yes, we know . This is your second "b-b-but Trump.." comment already in a rather short discussion. If you could show us any peace accords or treaties that Biden has brokered, that would very great.
  22. Good lord almighty. Did anyone see the so-called "press conference" that Joe had after the meeting? Truly awful and sadly reinforced the fear that Joe is long past his prime. He literally said that his staff provided him a list of 5 reporters to call on , nobody else allowed to ask questions. Then his staff actually cut him off in mid answer and hustled him off the stage before, God forbid, anyone other than the chosen few had the chance to ask him anything.
  23. You have to be joking. Governor is an executive level position, basically a mini-president. Governors in states like South Carolina literally have the power of life and death (since the state has a death penalty in their criminal code). Governors also control their own military forces (the state National Guard). It is a far more intense and demanding job than a bureaucrat serving UNDER a governor (such as Attorney General).
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