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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. She wants to advocate "San Francisco values "... good lord. Poop in the streets, violence, homeless bums everywhere, skyrocketing retail theft? Go home. Fix your community.
  2. Ah yes. Joe the asthmatic lifeguard and star athlete. Asthma only detected years later at a very convenient moment. After running out of student deferments. Like I said originally, lots of young men did the same, to their everlasting shame. Trump, Clinton, Cheney among them . It in no way excuses or justifies Biden from doing the same thing. I was never a fan of John Kerry, but at least he served when called.
  3. Not me, I recognized the actual hero. Perhaps Biden did too, and that is why he scurried away so fast. Embarrassed to share the stage with a man who DIDN'T shirk his duty.
  4. WHo is the president? Wait, maybe the "border czar" will step up and come up with some answers.... or not. Latest policy from the administration is a "remain in Texas" idea. Good luck with that.
  5. Same in Canada. Billions spent on native issues but too much sticks to the wrong people, like wet leaves. In many cases it is native people screwing over other natives. Plus consultants and lawyers too numerous to count.
  6. You lose the hundreds of millions of dollars that the scheme will cost. Yet another trough for grifters to stick their collective snouts into. The harm is elevating one racial group above the others.
  7. I think Kamala IS the problem. Nobody wants her as nominee but the Dems are too afraid of the repercussions of giving her the elbow.
  8. The generator is used to power the EV recharging points, especially when theu are busy. Most charging points do not run on renewable energy exclusively.
  9. No more mindreading than the post I quoted. Yet you chose mine to comment on. Why is that?
  10. Interesting article on how a large Tesla charging station in California ALSO runs on a diesel generator. Green energy anyone? https://www.sfgate.com/centralcoast/article/tesla-interstate-5-supercharger-power-plant-18343119.php
  11. He left in the middle of the ceremony. Probably thought that the applause was for him and not the real hero. Remember, this is a war Biden (like so many men in his generation) fought very hard NOT to be a part of.
  12. I think they were actually native American rangers from the local tribe, but still fun to watch!
  13. Not jail perhaps, but maybe another long vacation. Joe just called his Transportation Secretary "Secretary Booty-juice"! ????
  14. What a crap idea. Just what a country needs- another useless talking shop with no actual powers. But, with a nice fat budget for those who want to stick their collective snouts into the trough of government largesse. Aboriginal people already have power- they can vote, just like everyone else.
  15. I believe it has already been done- no crucifixes allowed in public schools in France... People are NOT being forced to be secular- they can be as religious as they like. But when getting educated at government funded schools, they must all equally conform to non religious standards.
  16. The kids dont have the capacity to believe it or not. They still believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. And if, IF their religion requires a certain dress code then they are more than welcome to don them in their private life. And again, if that keeps them from attending public institutions, then perhaps they arent living in the correct place. Time to move back to where their ideas are in charge.
  17. Not to mention that the families of the fallen soldiers said he did it repeatedly... https://nypost.com/2021/08/31/biden-blasted-by-gold-star-dads-darin-hoover-mark-schmitz-for-checking-watch-during-ceremony/
  18. It got George Bush in trouble at a presidential debate, it should also get Joe Biden in trouble at a ceremony welcoming fallen soldiers home.
  19. This is why I am in favor of school uniforms, or at least very strict dress codes and personal appearance rules. Kids have enough to judge each other over and worry about already without being marked by their clothes. Not to mention, parents who use their clildren to signal their politics/religion are reprehensible.
  20. Matter of opinion. The watch thing was horrible to me. Joe cant even control himself for a short ceremony without appearing cold and indifferent. He is most definitely NOT the man he was in the past, even as recently as when he served as VP. Bring on age/term limits!
  21. If Trump is convicted and faces jail time, I am fine with that. No doubt I am right wing- some of Trump's covid policies rubbed me the wrong way for example. As did Biden's over the top spending spree and his warmongering stance on Ukraine. Biden is under fire more because he IS the President. Trump WAS the President. Hopefully neither will BE the President.
  22. This is the left version of "The Big Lie". If you are against Biden, you must necessarily be for Trump. End of story. God news for you sunshine. Lots of people (myself included) would prefer NEITHER of those elderly gents to even be nominated for President, let alone win. So trying to explain away Biden's suspicious actions by saying,"well, at least not as bad as Trump" is a shallow dodge. Let the Biden situation stand or fall on its own merits instead of making useless comparisons.
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