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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. You don't think that using the office of the VP to procure shady 'consulting' deals is a problem? Or that the current president has now been caught in at least three lies? 1. He lied about having knowledge of Hunter's business dealings. 2. He lied when he said that nobody in his family took any money from China. 3. He lied when he said that nobody in his family took any money from Russia.
  2. Untrue on both counts. But nice try. If you could come up with some evidence of either claim, please feel free. Now, do you have any relevant comments on the topic of the discussion, which is the White House supposedly starting to "play tough"?
  3. Joe Biden? In touch with what, or who exactly? The man can barely walk, needs a CPAP at night to breathe, requires cue cards to select journalists (and their presubmitted questions), and avoids taking spontaneous questions the press like the plague. How exactly is he 'in touch'?
  4. So, in other words, Biden takes more holidays than Trump. Thanks for the clarification. Plus, "as short as 5 hours" is a far cry from Biden's constant 6 hour days. And let's not even get into the topic of press availability and interviews- another category where Hidin' Biden leads the pack by a long way. And THAT is your standard for a good president? The mind reels...
  5. No, I didn't vote for The Donald in 2016. Nice try though. As for "my opinions", they are common sense and easily searched for. All simple facts that are not in dispute.
  6. Here we go again, "b-b-but TRUMP!". Seriously, it is getting boring. Joe has taken 340 days off so far in less than 3 years. Plus his general daily schedule is 6 hours or less when he does bother to show up. Nearly 60% of Americans report that they are living "paycheck to paycheck" this year, compared to less than 20% in 2019. Overall costs up 21% over the same term. Thanks Bidenomics. https://www.star-telegram.com/opinion/nicole-russell/article277316748.html
  7. See above. On the 538 website (hardly a bastion of the right wing), 3 of the 4 most recent polls put Trump AHEAD of Biden.
  8. Funny how this cesspit of corruption just a few years ago is now suddenly a beacon for democracy. And how the democrats, who were so mindful of aid getting into the wrong hands at that time, are so...uncurious... about where the money is going today.
  9. Biden bragging at the Council for Foreign Relations in 2018; I said, I’m telling you, you’re not getting the billion dollars. I said, you’re not getting the billion. I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. (Laughter.) He got fired. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/09/27/flashback_2018_joe_biden_brags_at_cfr_meeting_about_withholding_aid_to_ukraine_to_force_firing_of_prosecutor.html
  10. And these days, the democrat controlled Senate doesn't even want to hire an Inspector General to see where the billions of dollars the US is funnelling into Ukraine is even going! What are they afraid that an accounting of the aid dollars will find...
  11. Thanks for posting that. In the latest 4 head-to-head polls on the site, Trump beats Biden by from 2 to 8 points. The other is a tie.
  12. If you wanna have fun, go Mazda. A cx 30 is a blast to drive. Or if you want to be a bit higher up, a CX-5 with the 2.5 litre turbo.
  13. Most polls these days show Trump up on Biden. Plus he has the advantage of being able to point to a few things like his economy, gas prices, peace in the Middle East, not starting any new wars, great economy for minorities, destroying ISIS, reforming the judiciary... a decent list of accomplishments.
  14. "Blackmailing Ukraine"?!?! Do you so easily forget Biden BRAGGING about strongarming Ukraine, threatening to withold a billion dollars of aid if they didn't fire a prosecutor? Last I read, nothing in the Vice President's job description includes interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.
  15. Kinda hard for ol' Joe to take the gloves off when he is on yet another vacation, this one 10 days on the beach in Delaware (again). Something like 40% of his time in office on vacation. Nice gig.
  16. In other words, Joe of several years ago was sharper than the shambling ruin we see today. He understood the situation and didn't need to go into detail over an unsecured phone line. You think Hunter was just having his dad say "hi" to a couple of his fishing buddies? Nah, Joe was smart enough to pick up on things and read the room. More to follow for sure.
  17. Are you sure? According to the article in the OP; Archer is expected to testify that Hunter called his father, who was in Washington, D.C., at the time, and introduced the Ukrainians by their first names. Then the younger Biden emphasized that the Burisma executives "need our support." Then-Vice President Biden acknowledged the Ukrainians, as he did in other calls with Hunter’s business partners, but kept the conversation brief, Archer is expected to testify.
  18. Hunter (on phone to Joe): "Hey dad! These Ukranians are giving me a million bucks a year to do nothing!" Joe: "That's nice son. Do you know where I left my glasses?" Come on, man.
  19. ”Hi, dad? Hunter here. Just chilling at the Four Seasons in Dubai. Hanging with a couple Ukranian guys from Burisma. Wanna say 'hi' for me?"
  20. Do you actually believe that a father and son who are as close as Hunter and Joe are, NEVER spoke about what Hunter was doing? Really? Joe never paused to think to himself, "hmmm, wonder where Hunter is getting all the cash for the hookers and crank and sports cars? Meh, never mind" They flew to China together on Air Force 2 and only chatted about baseball and the price of farm equipment in Iowa? It beggars belief.
  21. Doesn't matter. HERE is what Biden was saying back in 2019; “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” and from the same article; Hunter Biden, however, told the New Yorker in an interview for an article published in July that he discussed Burisma, the Ukrainian natural gas producer, with his father in December 2015. At the time, Hunter Biden sat on Burisma‘s board of directors. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2019/09/21/joe-biden-never-talked-ukraine-son-trump-needs-investigated/2401830001/
  22. Even if that is the extent of it, it shows clearly that Biden was lying when he repeatedly said, "my son and I never discussed anything about his business". And also why lately the story from the White House press office has changed the narrative to "never was in business with Hunter".
  23. I think he is too old and he should retire. 81 is time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labour, not keep duking it out in Congress. I would love to see both term AND age limits for all elected positions. How about no re-elections after 70? That way 75 would be the max age for the Senate and 71 for the House. Oh, and 73 for President. Truly dont understand politicians who cannot let their bony old fingers release their grip on power. They need to be pried away from the government trough and led out to pasture.
  24. Thanks, I thought I handled it rather well myself. These are delicate topics and need to be dealt with in a nuanced manner.
  25. The impeachment will be over the depth of Joe Biden's involvement in the influence peddling and bribery schemes. Hunter will have neough trouble with his tax evasion, gun crimes, prostitution/human trafficking, and FARA violations to be busy for a while.
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