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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Depends on what you mean by "win". Give him a couple chunks of eastern Ukraine? Sure, no problem, as long as guarantees are put in place to recognize the terrirorial integrity of the remainder. The more the west faffs about, the more he will try to go for the big win, and conquer the entire country. How do you see a "win" for Ukraine?
  2. Ah, the money isnt real because we are sending scrap to Ukraine. Is that how to support an ally? Not to mention the billions of dollars that go to keep the Ukranian government afloat, pay for their staff. Pull the other leg, it has bells on.
  3. I guess nobody remembers what the "P" in "RIP" stands for these days...
  4. How about....now? Today? There is a false dichotomy at work here that shows up constantly in discussions about Ukraine, and I am not sure why. Apparently, there are only two positions; support Ukraine without limit, or Putin's puppet. Believe it or not, there are more ways to see the situation. I don't think anyone is seriously advocating 1930s style isolation. The US is not going to drop out of NATO, the Five Eyes, various treaties with other nations, etc. But there does need to be some open discussion of exactly how much and for how long the US will support Ukraine. Also what the Ukraine needs to do in order to keep the money flowing. At the moment, the US has spent $1,000 per American family on Ukraine. How much is enough?
  5. This is the comment you thought was homophobic; Would point out transgenders aren't homosexuals, therefor people that don't like them aren't homophobes. How does this qualify in any way as hate speech or homophobia? Seriously.
  6. Perhaps we can leave the political bickering for one day? Her time in the Senate was influential and consequential. Condolences to her family.
  7. You might want to ask women about that. If they mind sharing their bathrooms with men. Or if parents mind their daughters using the same bathrooms as men, even though they are wearing woman-face. Sports is another area with genuine consequences. Scholarships, sponsorships, and championships are at stake. Letting men compete with women is another blow to women's rights and another shrinking of spaces that have been carved out for women. Funny how there is never any problem the other way, wonder why.
  8. ...or perhaps he is doing his job as a Senator and trying to account where the money is going? Seriously, no need to resort to ad hom attacks just because you disagree. Believe it or not, it IS possible to oppose Ukraine war funding and be neither of the things you mentioned.
  9. Amazing how quickly the thread devolved into a "b-b-but Trump!" festival. As for Menendez, the envelopes of cash thoughtfully labelled "to Bob Menendez" and the one kilo gold bars might be a bit of a giveaway that something odd was going on.
  10. I was agreeing with the final bit about 'why not just let others be happy'.
  11. Most people would agree with you on this, regardless of their political leaning. However, the politics is the point. There is a difference between letting people be happy and letting men use the ladies' bathroom, or compete in women's sports, or trying to indocrinate children about it.
  12. Sounds reasonable. Spending more money on Ukraine should be part of a separate bill, not the general government spending one. Let Congress debate openly about whether or not to add $6 billion to the national debt for that conflict. No reason for the US to pay the salaries of first responders and the like in another country.
  13. How is it homophobia? Gay and trans are very different things. From what I have read, there is definitely a mental health component to being trans. Gender dysphoria, auto gynephelia, certainly depression and anxiety disorders... I guess the takeaway is that care that "affirms" the person claiming to be trans is not necessarily the best option. I can't think of too many other mental health conditions where the accepted treatment is to accept the delusion of the patient as being real.
  14. I suspect you may be right about Biden. Who do you think is the "democratic STAR with landslide potential"? I can only think possibly of Gov. Newsom, hence his upcoming debate with DeSantis. A possible rehearsal for the big show... That would also put pressure on the GOP to come up with some new blood too. I can't see Trump beating a new, young Democrat.
  15. At risk of going off topic, Hillary probably ran the worst campaign in the past half century. Realistically, she should have beaten Trump like a drum. New blood would be great. The Democrats are stuck with Kamala if Joe decides to quit, and that is a guaranteed loss. Yet if they try to ditch her, it will cause chaos in their base constituencies. So I fear we will be left with a rerun of 2020.
  16. Genuinely curious. How is it defending him to call him "scummy towards women" and a "legendary BS artist"? Or hoping that he does not get the nomination?
  17. Already baked into the 'pie' for a lot of people. In 2016, the revelations about Trump being scummy towards women and being a legendary BS artist were new and surprising. These days, people aren't surprised anymore. Plus Biden is also a known commodity, and polling suggests that people don't like what they see. If it comes down to the two old codgers again, it is going to be closer than many think IMHO. But hopefully both parties will come to their senses and choose other candidates.
  18. Perhaps there is a big enough anti-Trump vote. THe problem for Democrats is that Biden is beginning to alienate the Hispanic and Black communities. Trump is picking up support in both. Or, they will simply stay home. Either is a big problem for Democrats. I mean, you can't have the president calling an African American man "boy" and expect to do well.
  19. Might not be that easy to persuade people that Trump is a danger. All they have to do is look at their lives today and compare their situation to 2018 or2019, and ask themselves, "am I better off today or 5 years ago?". The answer is not good for Biden.
  20. Read the transcript. He never said to "inject bleach", as another poster wrongly asserted. But anyway, it is a bit off topic and a bit irrelevant.
  21. You could say the same for both of them, ironically. Biden would lose to a younger and more vigorous Republican, Trump would lose to a less senile and more sentient Democrat. They need each other.
  22. Except that, IF you read the transcript, he never said "inject bleach". He was just spitballing in the usual Trumpy way, talking out of his ass about things he didn't know much about.
  23. Lots of Americans want Trump as President. They dont want to marry him. The indictments are baked into their thinking and weighed against everything else. Now if the Democrats were smart and put up someone demonstably younger and more charismatic, like Gavin Newsome, then Trump might be in more trouble. But against Biden he stands a good chance. Scumbag vs. senile isnt a great choice but people may just go for the scumbag if those are the only options.
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