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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. Here we go again.... "b-b-but Trump...." Let's stipulate that what you said about Trump is true, and is shameful. I would agree with you 100%. But...How does that in any way excuse Biden of his OWN shameful behavior? It doesn't get much more callous than checking your watch at a ceremony to honor fallen soldiers. You can say the same about Biden's tasteless jokes on his whirlwind tour of Maui. He just HAS to make everything about himself. The consummate egomaniac politician. ETA; and still on vacation at his billionaire donor's Lake Tahoe vacation home. I guess that flight and those 5 whole hours on the ground in Maui really tired the old guy out...
  2. Snopes is certainly fast to carry water for Biden these days. But if you look at the clip it shows Joe just sitting, mouth open, not really focussing on anything. He wasn't asleep IMHO but he was definitely spaced out in a way that is NOT a good look for a President. Combined with his puzzling and inappropriate remarks, is does not make for a good look. But who cares, Joe is back on vacation anyway, enjoying his friend's luxury home on the shores of Lake Tahoe, taking a well earned rest from his 6 hour stay in Hawaii.
  3. Perhaps. But they might also have appreciated if Joe hadn't made the entire trip about Joe- how he lost his son, nearly lost his precious car, etc. They might also have appreciated being sent a few of the millions of dollars that Joe is sending to Ukraine this month.
  4. According to his official calendar, the President arrived in Delaware on Friday July 28. Stayed until August 7. Back to Delaware on August 11. Stays until August 14. Then goes to his billionaire friend's home on August 18. And is still there today. Oh yeah, I forgot. With a brief day trip to Maui shoehorned in on the 21st- he spent roughly 6 hours on the ground in Hawaii. Nice of him to find the time for that...
  5. Sad to see America's Mayor like this. Like so many other politicians, he has just been lingering too long in the spotlight and needs to retire already. The US needs age/term limits and needs them soon. I know that Rudy isn't an elected official now, but the principle still holds IMHO.
  6. Actually worse. He just sat totally zoned out, with his mouth hanging open, for a good 15-20 seconds. Totally weird and creepy. The people of Hawaii were NOT impressed with his performance. Then Jill led him by the hand, back onto Air Force One so he could continue his vacation on Lake Tahoe at his billionaire friend/donor's estate. I mean, it has been DAYS since he took a vacation (nearly 2 weeks on the beach in Delaware).
  7. "The Final Countdown" by Europe anything by Whitney Houston, especially "IEIEIEIEIEIEI will always love YOUUUUUUUUUIIIUUUU". I hate songs that turn into "note holding" contests. Titanic theme by Celine Dion. Canada's embarrassment before Justin Bieber.
  8. The FBI also had a choice. Serve him his warrants in a safer manner that did not necessitate driving a mini tank through his front door at 600am.
  9. Ah yes, I stand corrected. A one hundred dollar fine for disturbing the peace. 16 years ago. Obviously a violent dangerous man. The details about his church are in Rolling Stone. They say it was 200 yerds from his home to his church, and he drove. Obviously a leopard. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/craig-robertson-fbi-utah-joe-biden-maga-1234804746/
  10. A number of the dangerous looking photos of Robertson are from years ago- 15 years or more from what I have read. They are nothing like he is today. Happens a lot when people are trying to make a point- they dredge up photos to "prove" their side. In reality, he couldn't walk two blocks to church, so he drove instead. It is entirely possible that things went down just like the FBI says. We will need to see the bodycam footage to be sure. It is also possible that rousting a man out of bed and screaming at him at zero dark thirty caused him to react out of fear or anger. In a way that would not happen if they just waited a couple hours and got him when he went to collect his newspaper or mail. This is a man who is a veteran, with no criminal record, and no reports from any neighbours of strange behavior. Then, they drag his body out onto the street like it is some kind of trophy. There is no political angle here. There IS doubt that law enforcement in the US is done so as to minimize harm and possible violent death. Expedience triumphs. "Officer safety" is the order of the day.
  11. Visa on arrival is fast and easy. 35 Yankee dollars.
  12. Absolutely not. He was making threats and needed to be investigated. Should happen to anyone doing the same thing- not a partisan issue at all. The sticking point to me is how the investigation was done and why these particular methods/timing were used.
  13. Not at all. Just wondering what motivated them to conduct a search warrant in a manner that virtually guaranteed a violent outcome. On an elderly suspect with no criminal record or history of violence. When there was no immediate danger or threat to anyone that necessitated such haste. The whatever procedures may be part of the problem and not the solution. But I would be happy to be proven wrong once the details are released.
  14. No more fictionalizing than those who say that he was waving a gun at the agents who kicked down his door. I would be happy to be wrong about this- assuming the FBI were wearing body cameras it could be cleared up in a jiffy. Any recent photos of Robertson show him sitting or leaning against something. A 75 year old 300 pound man is largely immobile.
  15. Nobody is disputing that the man needed to be investigated for his actions. What IS in question is the method the FBI used to execute the warrant, and their behavior when they did. We have a suspect who is known to be elderly and largely immobile. What are the odds he can wake up and answer his door at 615 in the morning before the FBI kicks it in? Seems the purpose of the timing is to deliberately put him in a position of stress and fear, rather than to serve him a warrant. This shows a disturbing trend towards impatience and violence in policing in America these days. As I said before, he was not an immediate threat to anyone. Why not wait until he goes outside to get his newspaper or check his mailbox? Next, why drag his body outside and leave it on the sidewalk for two hours?
  16. ...so the theory is that Hunter, the mastermind, was able to dupe various oligarchs and others into just THINKING that he had influence over his father. Similarly, Hunter, the mastermind, was able to pull the wool over his father's eyes about the whole situation. For his part, Joe Biden was a helpless and incurious party, who was fooled by his son the mastermind. Hunter said, "hey dad, can I catch a ride to China with ya?" and Joe said yes without bothering to ask why. Hunter said, "hey dad, can ya say hi to some of my buddies?" and Joe said yes without bothering to ask why. It IS possible, I grant you. But it doesn't say much about Joe Biden. You really want a guy in the White House who is so clueless? Who is so easily manipulated by his crackhead son? Even Glenn Kessler of the Washington Post, no fan of the GOP, gives the President a rating of "four pinnochios" for his lies and evasions. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/01/biden-said-his-son-earned-no-money-china-his-son-says-otherwise/
  17. Twenty million dollars. https://nypost.com/2023/08/09/hunter-biden-linked-foreign-haul-at-20m-with-russia-ukraine-kazak-transfers-comer/
  18. Guys his age, weight, and physical condition do not snipers make. The man couldnt walk two blocks to church, he isnt going to play Lee Harvey Oswald. As to the conduct of the FBI.... any comment?
  19. https://nypost.com/2023/05/10/nine-biden-family-members-who-allegedly-got-foreign-money-identified-by-house-gop/ They got the money. Why?
  20. The fact that this guy should be investigated is not the issue. The conduct of the FBI IS the issue. You have a 300 pound, 75 year old man who cannot walk without a cane. Is he really a threat to be a sniper? The FBI chooses to raid his house at 615am. A time when he is probably asleep and will be startled by the sudden noise and commotion. Why? Obviously to provoke a response that will let them play Robocop. Hell, just wait until he totters outside to collect his mail and then arrest him without the violence. Waiting for any bodycamera footage that shows him threatening law enforcement with a weapon. Otherwise, the FBI was deliberately messing up their own crime scene by dragging his body outside, then leaving it on the sidewalk for two hours. Seems like a way overzealous police response, sadly something that is all too common in the US these days.
  21. Amidst the finger pointing, one basic question remains unanswered; WHY would assorted scumbags of Eastern Europe pay in excess of $20 million to the Biden family? Oh, and several millions from China. Money that was shuffled through various shell corporations and accounts to cover up its origins on the way to several Biden family member bank accounts. Why was this money paid in the first place?
  22. Untrue. The Japanese had been husbanding their strength for months in order to defend the home islands. Their operational plan was called "Ketsu-go", which delineated how and where to hit the Allies to maximum effect. Thousands of kamikaze aircraft were readied. Civilians by the millions were training and would be sent out in waves to kill Allied soldiers. Suicide submarines by the hundred were readied. Even some mobile armored units were being hidden for counterattacks. Japan was not about to surrender.
  23. Obviously. If you look up the estimated Allied casualties for an invasion of the Japanese home islands, they were staggering. Not to mention giving the Soviets time to get involved.
  24. No? He looks pretty good for being 60 years old. Big son-of-a-gun too. Must be six foot three or four.
  25. Exactly right. And also to save my wife's grandmother. Who at age 15 was training on how to use a bamboo spear to attack any Allied soldiers that would dare to come ashore. And her grandfather, who was training to be a kamikaze flight crew on his twin engined bomber.
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