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Everything posted by Hanaguma

  1. I don't understand the connection. Care to explain? This topic is about Biden and his tarnished image.
  2. Much like a certain other president (initials JRB) who deferred his draft 5 times for being a student, then got a medical deferment for asthma he suffered as a teenager. While he was a lifeguard. And a football player. Much like others of that generation (Clinton, Bush, Cheney etc). All men who did whatever they could to avoid service. I never had much time for John Kerry, but at least he had the stones to serve his country. And for that he gets credit.
  3. Oh, "they" will, have no fear. Only need to bring up a supercut of Joe Biden sniffing women's/girl's hair, making weird comments, touching people without consent. Did you see the latest episode in Finland where Joe was literally pretending to EAT a baby? Terrified the poor little thing. Sorry but you just can't do that to a complete stranger. What an odd man.
  4. Not at all. It just threw the issue back to the 50 states where it belongs. Women do have autonomy over reproduction. They can choose abstinence, birth control, adoption, or motherhood. The only option they cannot choose, at least in some states, is to kill the child growing inside them. The child that they chose to create. Now, before you go off on the "what about rape and incest" tangerine, I would fully make exceptions in those cases. In others? Women know that when they have sex there is a chance of becoming pregnant. They can lower that chance through various means, but it is only zero if they or their partner are sterile. In most cases, they know the risk beforehand and go ahead. So it is only reasonable that they should accept the results.
  5. Nothing was stolen. It was a keen and masterful stroke of power politics by Cocaine Mitch. And if the positions were reversed, you would be silent. Move on.
  6. You know the article is biased when the first sentence uses the phrase "one of Hunter Biden's daughters". It is a way to distance Joe Biden from the truth that he is trying to erase one of his grandchildren from existence. It isn't just the "lack of a relationship". It is absolute refusal to acknowledge that they are even alive. And further, he instructs his staff to do the same. Completely unforgivable, nasty, and vile.
  7. It was Constitutional. And seemed to work out in favour of the Democrats in the previous mid terms. And in the past, right wing folks complained that the Court was leaning too far left. Complained about terrible decisions like Kelo vs. New London. Just like most things political, it swings back and forth. From too liberal to too conservative, occasionally passing 'moderate' in the middle for a brief second or two.
  8. This is a very good answer. In the Phils, I have heard of the "Three Island Rule" as the key to a happy marriage. You and your wife live on one island, there is another island in the middle, and your wife's family live on a third island. Far enough away that they cannot show up spontaneously and cause trouble. Perhaps in Thailand the "Three Province Rule"?
  9. Hopefully you are right. And the Floyd case shows that if a non-hard working American is killed by police justice will also be served. Gotta be honest, he was not the classic 'sympathetic figure' in injustice. But even so, his killer faced justice. This shows the strength of the American system IMHO.
  10. Franken, of course, is wrong. The justices were appointed legally. Of course, McConnell is a cunning bar steward and all, but it was legal. Guarantee if the shoe was on the other foot, the other party would have done the same.
  11. No, it's not. They lost it to the invading British and other assorted Europeans.
  12. Yes, it is. Because it treats one group as more important and deserving of government largesse than others. I mean, at least limit affirmative action to ADOS people if you truly want to use affirmative action as a form of reparations. Otherwise, every other minority group is equally deserving. The Chinese suffered greatly in the 1800s, brought over as virtual slaves, forbidden from bringing their families, even suffering from the Chinese Exclusion Acts. Japanese Americans were put in concentration camps and had their property seized and sold by the government, eventually getting very nominal compensation. Of course exclude black people from Africa and the Caribbean from AA though, they weren't suffering under slavery or Jim Crow. So the three above groups should pay the penalty for crimes they did not commit and did not benefit from? See how ridiculous it gets?
  13. Oh, but I do agree with that. And have advocated for it here as well. Another good tool to use to stem the surge in illegal immigrants.
  14. Sounds impressive. On the surface. If you don't compare to previous years. For example; Total "encounters" along the border; FY 2017 just over 500,000 FY2018 just under 700,000 FY 2022 about 2,700,000 FY 2023 about 2,300,000 year to date. Hardly numbers to brag about. https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics
  15. Good. He deserves it. Now if we could get justice for the thousands of business owners who were burnt out during the protests.
  16. The Democrats face a few problems; a/ Joe and The Donald both run. Joe will have to actively campaign- no basement this time. b/ Joe and Not Donald run. The above PLUS he will have to have a campaign based on more than "I'm not him". c/ Not Joe and The Donald run. Might be their best hope... as long as it isn't Kamala. Gov. Newsome warming up in the bullpen. d/ Not Joe and Not Donald. I wish.... would be vastly superior to any of the above options. They have to prepare for all of the above, which is a Herculean task.
  17. How so? Poorly educated progressives and wannabe social justice warriors have been promulgating the myth of the Noble Savage since the age of Rousseau. It is historically inaccurate and also infantilizing if native people.
  18. Thanks, I am rather fond of it myself! But it does put paid to the myth of the poor oppressed native folks, who would have lived in Paradise if not for the mean whities. As for having a voice in Parliament, the indigenous ALREADY have a voice. It's called "the vote" and they can use it just like everyone else.
  19. That's history. Happened to everyone, and happened by everyone. Conquest is simple human reality. North America was the same. There is this strange fantasy among people that the native population was all living in harmony, singing and dancing together in peace and joy. Then, the evil white men came along and slaughtered them. It's nonsense. There was inter-tribal warfare for centuries before Columbus arrived. Slaughter, slavery, conquest, eviction, the whole nine yards. Oz was the same but on a smaller scale due to geography and population density.
  20. I think this may be sage wisdom. The ladies aren't looking for "Mr. Right", they are looking for "Mr. Right Now". The bio clock is ticking, or maybe they already have a kid or three back in Isaan with the grands. For whatever reason, time is of the essence for them.
  21. No, they want America to win. Something Democrats would do well to emulate.
  22. Strange considering that his political positions are all classic Democrat. Maybe the GOP is trying to do to the Democrats what the Democrats did in the 2022 midterm elections- support the radical candidate because he would be easier to beat in the general election.
  23. Care to tell me which of my list are imaginary? All are well documented and well known. Without referring to the Bad Orange Man if possible...
  24. You are right about one thing. Ukraine is not my priority. If that country has to make some concessions in order to secure lasting peace, then they should do so. If they need to be 'persuaded', then so be it. They aren't a NATO member, or EU member, or even a floushing democracy. They are not worth the spectre of an all out war on the European continent. I think it is all rather pointless and a distraction compared to the actual enemy of global security, which of course is China. China looms over everything, and paying too much attention to Russia and Ukraine only benefits them. Who do you suggest that the Russian people replace Putin with?
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