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Everything posted by shackleton

  1. Thailand is getting a bad reputation for criminals to escape to and hide Maybe it's the brown envelopes which influences them to escape the law Here πŸ€‘
  2. A πŸ˜ƒ smile does not cost much or even a hello or Hi 😁
  3. It all comes down to money πŸ’° High spending European tourists are staying away while Thailand promotes Russians Chinese and Indians as the preferred tourists Numbers mean a lot to the Thai Tourist board as long as most if them stay in Phuket and Pattaya carry on
  4. No problem having a drink in the bars clubs ect untill 0400hrs πŸ₯³ Tourists can't have a alcohol drink 1400hrs -1700hrs Just does not make sense 🀯
  5. With the publicity going on saying half Thai Scottish ect Would have thought the expats community could get involved in helping out Or even involve the British Embassy in the case of the Children
  6. Only consolation was the Brit was going back to the UK one less quality Brit tourist here in Thailand there are enough causing trouble as it is 😱
  7. As mentioned people don't worry about the PM2.5 in Thailand and the Government don't seem in a rush to sort it out Only when the Tourists start complaining 😱something will get done
  8. Can't see the guys involved getting away out of the Country They are heading for a long stay in the land of smiles πŸ˜ƒ
  9. I suppose its a last resort against losing everything πŸ˜• Can't blame him for trying at least he is making a attempt to survive Good luck to him Better to try and lose
  10. Most drivers of cars bikes ect don't bother with speed restrictions It's the same with Zebra crossings most don't stop unless you walk first Taking your life in your hands βœ‹
  11. I don't know who they are asking about not wanting the Digital payout Most Thais I know are looking forward to receiving it πŸ€‘
  12. Overstaying 10 years what is going on with immigration 😱 The Russian must have friends in the right places πŸ’°
  13. Looks like Pattaya is getting a reputation for people falling jumping off balconies Seems it's a regular thing now πŸ€”
  14. This is a never ending subject motor bikes scooters accident medical insurance then a last resort Gofundme Sorry to say people never learn you would have thought the number if incidents here in Thailand that are well advertised people would get the message Hope he gets well and gets back to Australia soon πŸ™
  15. Does appear to have a lot of cash with him for a tourist πŸ€” On holiday πŸ’Έ πŸ’° A other quality Tourist getting Thailand a bad name Phuket seems to be getting a lot of bad press these days
  16. I used to pay 100 baht at my local barber in Bangkok Then when Covid struck bought my own clippers Wife or son cuts my hair once a month no problem 😊
  17. Well no surprises on the Thai police getting involved in bribe payments Plus the Israeli guy not being jailed obviously knows people in high places Money counts for a lot here In sorting out trouble πŸ€‘
  18. I suppose it would be dependent on what part of Thailand you were thinking of Bangkok with PM2.5 plus traffic would not be wise Beach areas would be better πŸ€” My suggestion would be at 90 years old I would be looking closer to home Europe ect
  19. That was a hair raising experience for the Thai barber 🀯
  20. As all ready mentioned why would a Tourist not staying long in Thailand want to open a bank account Most would have money cash wise credit cards available ect
  21. When it affects tourist arrivals action will be given priority to getting rid of the PM2.5 dust problem πŸ€‘
  22. Surprised if alcohol was not part of the problem especially at 0300hrs To have a argument πŸ€”
  23. Looks like the Russians are using their influence in Pattaya same as Phuket Taking over businesses and getting involved in criminal activities πŸ€‘
  24. I used to buy My medication in Bangkok while up North I popped into a pharmacy where they gave me discount on the amount I bought saved a few baht here Now shop there when visiting family
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