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Everything posted by shackleton

  1. If people are not happy retiring in Thailand for what ever reason Have a look at other countries go there and see if it's what you want Meets your needs so to speak No point in complaining if you don't try Don't talk the talk Try walk the walk
  2. Me and the wife tried for a long time I basically gave up thinking it's not going to happen Then the wife was called in my our medical people and told you are pregnant Best news I have ever received we had a son that was 34 years ago We watch football ⚽️ matches together have a very close bond Waiting for him and his Fiancée to have children themselves later on if they chose to decide
  3. As already mentioned depends on who and how it's said I heard children saying to their parents pointing at me a farang Can't get to worked up about that ????
  4. Yes sort out the Covi restrictions required for Tourists to come to Thailand Making it easier ie the 30 day on arrival visa Plus encourage the Thai people with more holidays and discounts in the hotels and restaurants and else where it seems to work
  5. Why is this person not on the board of the Thai Tourist industry Obviously knows what he is talking about As mentioned has Thai citizenship can provide advice leadership in promoting Thailand to the outside World
  6. The tradional way of celebrating Songkran I am all for Agree with writer. It's been taken over by Tourists expats including young Thais with Alcohol being involved spoils it for some people
  7. We discuss this subject every year nothing changes just the numbers ????
  8. Well I am pleased that they are enforcing the rules Don't mind young kids throwing water but not drunken tourists or Thais It's the time of year I tend to stay away from places usually involved In the water spraying ect There is always next year when the Corivirus virus is ended or most of the population have been vaccinated People can carry on the Songkran tradition of water spraying
  9. It's a step in the right direction getting rid of all the steps would be better Then the Chinese and Indian tourists will return in greater numbers Happy days are here again. in Pattaya and Phuket Bars hotels. Restaurants will be over the moon ????
  10. Why bother with the police cracking down tourists and Thais will still spray water and have alcohol available its Songkran ????
  11. It's the same conversation every Songkran holiday Number of accidents injured and deaths No change just gets worse We know the solutions but the Police will not enforce them Heavier fines losing their licences impounding their cars jailing them could go on ????
  12. Can't get to worked up about it as long as they are not throwing or spraying me with water or powder I usually stay away from places where they are doing it So carry on enjoy ????
  13. Same excuses every year most who die will be drinking alcohol riding motor bikes no change there????
  14. Better the Devil you know than don't know Seems to be popular with ordinarily Thai people especially outside Bangkok
  15. Yes agree with the article plenty of expats retiring to Thailand As The Thai visa forum can confirm We all have our reasons plenty of places to stay in Thailand health weather food people could go on You don't have to stay in Bangkok Pattaya. Ect
  16. If people want to come to Thailand as Tourists they will even if they have to put up with hassle of Covi 19 procedures People who are here expats ect seem to be more concerned then the Thai Government over who is coming ????
  17. Well here we go I am sure all the bars and Go Go bars are looking forward to the Indian guys splashing the cash on a Coke a Cola eyeing the girls And providing them with the money they need Not ????
  18. I sometimes feel people coming out with the numbers of people expected to arrive is more of a guess or wishful thinking ???? Or just trying to wind up people on this forum ????
  19. Surprised that places like this usually have security guards in place mind you with how fast it happened would probably would not be able to prevent her getting stabbed to death
  20. Same as most Countries quick to increase the price ???? But slow to cut it when the cost is reduced ???? No change there
  21. Most People are aware of what steps to take on Corivirus Ie wear a mask ???? don't travel unless it's urgent ect ect People make their choices don't need the Government stating the obvious ????
  22. They should be given jail time for being involved In the sale of animals tigers ect Send out a message to others involved
  23. Would have thought the person described plus a photo provided Won't take long for someone to identify the person involved The cheapskate should pay back for what he stole can't be that hard up for 150 baht ????
  24. Reading the article it mentioned the girls are not keen on the Indian guys Says 7 reasons I know one they don't like spending money Any idea what the other 6 are ????
  25. Looks like a money making idea coming up but as every year can't see it making a big difference on the amount of casualties caused by bad driving alcohol every Songkran holiday
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